Important Redrow Site Information
If you live next to the Redrow site, then we have some detailed information which may be of interest to you.
We asked Redrow for specific details on those aspects of the site that most affect neighbouring residents:
1. The Boundary - exactly where will Redrow erect their fence
2. The Site Levels
- how will the house next to you affect you?
- how much will you be overlooked?
- how much higher will the Redrow property be than your house?
- what type of house is it?
3. The Drains Plan
4. Flooding during the build and potentially afterwards
5. Good Neighbour
The following information has been provided by Redrow directly.
1. The Boundary
Fencing has been erected on the new properties close to Hazel Drive and there will issues with the exact position of the boundary. In order to resolve any potential disputes Redrow have agreed to mark out the whole boundary according to their surveyors measurements. They have agreed to walk the whole boundary with myself, as Chairman of the Community Council, to review potential points of dispute. This is expected to happen in early December. If there is a point of concern at your property, I will come and visit you to discuss.
2. The Site Levels
Following issues with the Taylor Wimpey site levels, we have been keen to monitor the levels of the Redrow site as they affect neighbouring properties. Redrow have Kindly prepared individual drawings showing each house at the boundary along the Wellhouse estate - it shows how much higher the Redrow property will be and how far apart the existing and new house will be. There is a separate drawing showing the house type with the boundary windows (that could overlook you) highlighted.
The levels are all approved by Flintshire and according to the approved plans. We can’t change them - the drawings are to remove the uncertainty and to give us something to refer to as the new houses are being built. If you are concerned at any time, please get in touch.
3. The Drains Plan
Typical pumping station layout
The final solution to the foul drains has not been agreed with Welsh Water. Redrow can only connect to the village system via Kent Close with the waste from 19 houses. A temporary connection has been made pending the final solution being agreed. There are two possible solutions - to send all the site waste via Kent Close (this is Redrow’s preferred option) or to pump the waste from the lowest part of the site, adjacent to Kent Close, across to a new link into the sewers on Terrace Lane.
A planning application is outstanding for a slightly revised layout which creates space for a new pumping station next to the Kent Close public footpath. This is an idea of the layout of a typical pumping station:
This is a photograph of the existing pumping station on the Heritage Park (White Lion) site:
We would prefer there to be no pumping station and we are working with Flintshire County Council, Welsh Water and Redrow to try and find a solution.
4. Flooding during the Build
We are aware that some gardens have been experiencing unusual flooding since the Redrow work started. Redrow have made this comment:
“With regards to the flooding we have been made aware of this issue by various residents and the flooding seems to be in areas we are working in and areas we are not working in so we have created a bund between our site and the residents to prevent surface water entering the gardens. Since doing this we have still been receiving complaints so what we have decided to do is install a land drain along the site boundary, hopefully this will solve the issue of flooding.”
If you continue to have problems, please can you let me know - my email address is at the end of this update.
5. Good Neighbour
Redrow have promised that they will not start work before 8.00am each day. Where contractors do start earlier they have asked us to photograph or note the contractor’s company name on the vehicles and we will pass that on. The site will soon be registered with the independent Considerate Contractors scheme.
Redrow have recently been moving large amounts of raw materials, resulting in a lot of mud on Chester Road. They have increased the road sweeping and we have asked for more.
We have also asked for contractors not to use the lay-by on Chester road as a car park.
We have been and are continuing to try and work co-operatively with Redrow as far as we can - the sooner the houses are built the better and we can all return to normal again. Our contacts at Redrow are working with us and responding to our questions as far as they can - and we appreciate that.
If you have any concerns or issues please get in touch with me:
Alan Wight
Thank you.