Place Place Update (March 2024)

Our Penyffordd Place Plan was compiled in May 2017 for the period until 2030. Since then there have been many changes to our area and this update is to highlight these with the community.

You can download a full copy of the update plan by clicking on this button:

Pen-y-ffordd Place Plan

Cover of the Penyffordd Place Plan

Cover of the Penyffordd Place Plan

The Penyffordd Place Plan sets out a vision for what we want our village to be like in 2030. It describes aspirations for improvements to amenities, services and growth needs. The content was derived from consultations with the whole community via a questionnaire based on topic defined by meetings with the Community Council. The content was written and designed by volunteers in the community and the second draft of the plan was adopted by the Community Council in May 2017.

You can download a full copy of the plan by clicking on this button:

vPenyffordd  Ward Vision Statement.png

The Detail

The Place Plan contains 'Aims' and 'Actions', split across 5 sections. 

The aims define specific objectives which should inform external organisations when considering the future of the village. The aims can be viewed here:

Social, Community and History Aims
Housing Aims
Transport Aims
Environment Aims
Economic Aims

The 'Actions' set out what the Community would like to change itself, these can be viewed here:

Social, Community and History Actions
Housing Actions
Transport Actions
Environment Actions
Economic Actions

You can search the site for a specific subject and the results will include aims and actions from the Penyffordd Place Plan.