Public Transport - No. 13 Bus

Additional Note: 19.11.2019 - Please click here for an update from Cty Cllr D Williams regarding the feedback which he has received to date.

Additional Note: 15.11.2019 - Members of FCC Transportation attended the Council Meeting on Wednesday 13th November and provided information on additional services they will be providing to compensate the loss of the No.13. Please see the notes from the meeting for more information: Notes from the November 2019 Council Meeting.

Dear Residents,

 Following weeks of speculation, Arriva have finally confirmed that they are withdrawing the number 13 Mold-Chester service from the village from 11 January 2020. This will be a massive blow to the village and the intention is to take this up with Arriva to see if a re-think is possible.

 In the mean time though, Flintshire streetscene department have acted swiftly to help the village by supporting a new Wrexham - Mold service with M & H  the providers who have a good reputation in the area. They are also making arrangements for a revised daily community bus service from Hope to Broughton through Pen-y-ffordd for connections to Chester. Obviously this is not good enough for people who want to get to Chester, but we are grateful to County for the support they are giving us.

 Arriva are a commercial service and are withdrawing the number 13 because of the claimed lack of use. There are many reasons why this particular bus is under used, and we are asking residents to let us know why they are reluctant to use the number 13.

 In order to try to highlight the things that are wrong with the service, could we please ask residents to send a list of reasons for not using this bus? Some given so far are.

 *    Duplicate buses going to the same places that arrive just before the number 13.

*    Time table with buses leaving or arriving at inappropriate times for people to get too and from work.

*    Reliability.

*    Route to Chester in particular where it takes something like 45 minutes to get to Chester.

*    Not going to the train station in Chester.

 It will be very much appreciated if residents can please elaborate and expand on these points that will be collated and put to Arriva, where with the help of residents, hopefully if we can not get Arriva to provide a Chester service, or maybe another provider will be interested!?

I hope this helps, and please send any comments to  David Williams at  Cindy Hinds at and David Walker at

Nobody is happy with this news which is a massive blow for the village, but we hope this information is helpful and we will keep residents informed as much as possible through whatever means available. Please though, do your best to get any relevant information to us, and canvas all you can including Mark Tami MP and Jack Sergeant AM plus Arriva customer services.



David Williams

Sarah Hughes