Celebrate National Lottery 25 - new 1 off grant fund for community events

Late on Tuesday evening, the National Lottery Community Fund announced a new £2 million fund – Celebrate Lottery 25 – which is giving grants of up to £1,000 for initiatives which bring community together. The fund is very relaxed in terms of criteria and who can apply, and the application is very easy; but there is a VERY tight window of opportunity, with only just over a week to apply.  No doubt this is to avoid getting swamped with applications!

Here is a link to the website where you will find the details: https://www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/about/the-national-lotterys-25th-birthday

The FLVC (Flintshire Local Voluntary council) have kindly pulled all the detail together into a precis for ease. Celebrate Lottery 25


Please note the deadline is 2pm on Friday 6th December.

Sarah Hughes