Hawarden Road Public Inquiry

Tuesday 16th January 10:00am at Theatre Clwyd

The developer of the proposed 32 houses on the sheep grazing field on Hawarden Road has appealed to the planning inspectorate and the appeal will be heard by an inspector at Theatre Clwyd. 

We don’t want to say too much about the appeal and what has happened behind the scenes at this time, but what everyone needs to know is that the community has to fight against this development as a matter of principle. The consequences for us all are grave because if it is allowed:

- School places WILL be split in future between Castell Alun and Elfed

- there will be no defence against the Vounog or other Rhos Road developments

- other landowners and developers are likely to bring forward their own sites, potentially around the Groves, off Vounog and behind Abbots Lane


We need as many people as possible to turn up on Tuesday 10:00 to show the strength of feeling in the Community.  

We will publish full details of what has gone on behind the scenes next week after the inquiry is over.

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