Planning Committee and the New School

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The proposed new School on Abbots Lane goes before the planning committee next week.

The planning department have prepared a report which details the considerations, objections and conditions. The recommendation is for the committee to approve the application.

View the full report here >>> 

In total there were 92 letters in support of the application and 30 opposed to it.

The Community Council are supportive of the school application but have expressed concerns about the inclusion of the Phase 2 expansion plans without them having been consulted upon.

The Community Council have also expressed concerns about the lack of consultation and planning for the forecast traffic. 

Cllr Williams and some residents have also expressed concern about the loss of the changing rooms previously enjoyed as part of the football field - this is a community facility which has been enjoyed since the 1970s when the existing school was built. The report suggests that this facility will be lost and of not significant enough to outweigh the other considerations.

These are the conditions proposed by the planning department, which include a new crossing on Corwen Road:

1. 5 years for commencement of development.
2. In accordance with the approved plans.
3. Implementation of landscaping scheme.
4. No development until scheme for provision of pedestrian crossing, refurbishment of speed management markings and provision of new ‘School Keep Clear’ markings has been submitted and agreed. Scheme implemented before first use of the development hereby approved.
5. No development until siting, layout and design of access submitted and agreed.
6. Visibility splays of 2.4m x 22m in both directions to be provided and retained. No obstructions in excess of 0.6m in height.
7. Scheme for closure of temporary construction access to be submitted, agreed and implemented before first use of the development.
8. Facilities for pick up and set down of pupils, parking, turning, loading and unloading of vehicles to be provided in full prior to the first use of the development approved and thereafter retained for this purpose.
9. No development until scheme to prevent any surface water un off from the site entering the Highway is submitted, agreed and thereafter, implemented.
10.The use hereby approved shall not commence until an Interim Travel Plan has been submitted and agreed.
11.A Final Travel Plan shall be submitted within 6 months of the commencement of the use hereby approved. Thereafter the use shall be undertaken in accordance with the agreed details.
12.No development shall take place until a Construction Traffic Management Plan has been submitted and agreed. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.
13.No development until a scheme indicating the proposed methods of disposal of foul, surface and land drainage waters from the site has been submitted and approved. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.
14. No development until tree and hedgerow protection measures are implemented as per approved details.

These are the comments in relation to transport:

The Transport Assessment identifies that the following measures will be required to mitigate the impact of the proposals;

The provision of a pelican crossing upon Corwen road to assist with pedestrian movements from the north;

Re-marking of existing traffic management markings in the highway to raise their prominence; 

 The development of a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) in respect of construction traffic;

Use of existing parking facilities at the nearby Red Lion Public 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 house on a ‘park and walk’ basis by parents;

The development and implementation of an informal ‘one way’ route for school traffic at peak times; and

The development of a School Travel Plan to influence and support behaviour change around travel to school by parents and children. The matters in respect of the pedestrian crossing, highway markings and TMP can be addressed through appropriately worded conditions. The development of park and walk arrangements and an informal one way system are matters which expect to be reflected within the suggested Travel Plan. In view of all of the above and the objections in respect of highway safety, the Highways DC Manager does not raise objection to the proposals, subject to the conditions outlined above.

The Committee meeting is held at County Hall from 1:00pm on the 7th February. The public are welcome to attend. The meeting is also webcast and we will post a link on the day.

Alan Wight