War Memorial Institute - Grant for Music Room Phase 1 - YOUR VOTE IS NEEDED!

The War Memorial needs your support in a grant application that they submitted late last year, and for which they have been shortlisted. The grant proposal is one of ten shortlisted projects that have now been put to a public vote, whereby the three projects that receive the most votes will each be awarded a grant of £2,500. Hence, they need as many votes from the North Wales public as possible!

They please ask you to vote for their project, and to pass this request on to anyone that uses the WMI, or that you think would support the efforts of the War Memorial Institute committee to better serve our community.

What would the grant be for?

The grant request is for the sum of £2,500 towards the cost of a secure storage unit (shipping container) –the first phase of converting the WMI garage into a dedicated music room – has been selected to go forward to a public vote, whereby the top three projects in each county in North Wales will receive a £2,500 award! (These community grants are funded form money recovered by North Wales from criminal activities.)

Please see the attached document which describes their proposal.

Members of the public are now able to vote for their favoured project, with voting closing on 12th February 2021.

This is where to vote: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YCYC21 - you just need to scroll down to section 5 which is for Flintshire.

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Sarah Hughes