Green Barrier Petition and LDP

A message from County Councillor David Williams:

In relation to the petition that was launched the other day to try to stop further building on the outskirts of the village, including protecting the Vounog Hill sledging field, the information and map below will hopefully provide you with additional information that you may find useful.

The County are due to have their Local Development Plan (LDP 2015 to 2030) scrutinised by Welsh Governments Planning Inspectors by means of a public inquiry that starts on 16th March. Because the County have not had their plan in place that should have been completed five years ago, we have been vulnerable to speculative development applications where five have been approved for the village by the Planning Inspectors that are outside the currently agreed UDP boundary. The approval of this plan asap therefore is essential to protect us from further speculative applications.

Attached are two maps, the first one shows the Boundary of the village created following the Unitary Development Plan (UDP 2019 to 2015) with applications boundaries in blue for sites outside this settlement boundary that the Inspectors has approved in the past five years. These new sites will hopefully now form the village boundary until 2030!?

The second map shows the amended New Boundary that the Local Planning Authority has put forward, but they will not accept the proposal for the green barrier I am seeking which is why I am appealing to the Inspector. The amount of Green barrier I am looking for is quite ambitions, but if we can get at least the West of Vounog hill, that will be an achievement! I have also noted the play areas on this map that I am looking to have protected.

The intention of the petition is to give weight to our argument for this green barrier when we put our case to the Inspector when we are called on or after the 16th March, so please promote it as much as you can.

I hope this is clear for you and that you will do your best to promote this petition, and paper copies for those who do not do this kind of IT will be circulated, (allowing for Covid protection) next week.

Thank you for your support, and please feel free to contact me if you have any further queries – but not through social media! or 01978762486 or 07928493862.

Please follow the link to access a printable version of the survey. Please feel free to print and share as many copies as you wish and once completed they can be left in the boxes in the Spar, Coop and Chemist, or dropped off at any of the Councillors homes that you know.

Please show your support by completing the below petition.

Sarah Hughes