FCC - Absorbent Hygiene Product (AHP) Collections

Information from Flintshire County Council:

We are pleased to announce that from 1st November 2021, we will be introducing a separate household collection service for Absorbent Hygiene Product (AHP) waste.

Absorbent Hygiene Products are non-clinical or non-medical waste materials, such as disposable nappies or incontinence pads.  We recognise that some households may need help to dispose of these items and we have therefore introduced an additional collection service to deal with this type of waste.

Households who require this service are invited to complete an online e-form which can be found on the Council Website or, alternatively, telephone the Streetscene Contact Centre on 01352 701234.

Once applications have been approved, new containers will be delivered to eligible households and collections will take place on a weekly basis for a two-year period or until they are no longer required (if this is sooner).  Depending on the uptake for this service, the day of collection may not take place on the same day as regular waste and recycling collections.

Flintshire’s Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Transportation, Councillor Glyn Banks, said:

“For households that use AHPs, such as those who have young children in nappies, having enough room in the black bin and disposing this type of waste can be challenging. The good news is that, from 1st November 2021, we will be introducing a weekly collection service for absorbent hygiene products.”

“We are introducing this service to align with the recommended approach for all waste and recycling collections across Wales set by Welsh Government and we have the long term aim of finding a recycling solution to this difficult waste stream.

“The application process will be open from 4th October 2021, which will allow time for containers to be delivered to residents ahead of the collection service starting on Monday, 1st November.”

More information on the new AHP collection service can be found on the Council’s website.



Sarah Hughes