Extra Mile Project (mental health)
There's been an awful lot of noise around mental health just recently: the pandemic has introduced us to unprecedented levels of loneliness and depression; social media is under the spotlight for increasing anxiety amongst young people trying to live up to unrealistic expectations, and more male role models are coming forward with their own experiences of mental health issues.
Flintshire Citizens Advice Bureau are stepping up to meet the challenges
The Extra Mile Project has been set up to offer free, impartial and confidential advice to Flintshire residents who are unable to contact us through the usual channels. For many of us, making a phone call or visiting a drop-in advice session is simply not an option. We have the same concerns as everyone else: debt, employment, housing, energy costs etc.- but we need someone sensitive to our needs. Someone who understands that mental ill-health can often make mountains out of molehills; someone prepared to go the extra mile to help us get the advice we need.
For more information and details on how to contact them please follow this link: Flintshire CAB - Extra Mile Project