Covid 19 Update Information

Information received from the Welsh Local Government Association which may be useful


  • The Welsh Government has today (22nd July 2020) announced additional funding of more than £50 million for universities and colleges.
    Welsh Government Press Release

Health and Social Services  

  • Health Minister Vaughan Gething yesterday (21st July 2020) announced a 2.8% pay uplift for doctors and dentists in Wales.

    Welsh Government Press Release
    Written Statement: Doctors and Dentists Review Body (DDRB) 48th Report

  • Health Minister Vaughan Gething yesterday (21st July 2020) announced that people will be asked to phone first before going to A&E as emergency services are remodelled to respond to coronavirus.
    Welsh Government Press Release
    Written Statement: Redesigning access to urgent and emergency care services

Statistics and Research

EU Negotiations

  • Written Statement from the Counsel General and Minister for European Transition: Joint Ministerial Committee (EU Negotiations). (22nd July 2020).

Where to find the latest information

  • Coronavirus information for Councils is available here on the WLGA website

    Public Health Wales publishes an interactive daily dashboard of data about coronavirus cases across Wales, broken down by health board and local authority area

  • Public Health Wales also provides a daily update focusing on key public health information and updates

  • Information about coronavirus is available here on the Welsh Government’s website

  • All the legislation passed in Wales in relation to the coronavirus pandemic is available here

  • UK Government coronavirus information for individuals and businesses in Wales is available here


Sarah Hughes