A Message from Penyffordd Community Council - 31st May 2020

Dear Pen-y-ffordd, Penymynydd and Dobshill residents,

The 1st June, is the beginning of the unlocking of our isolation. We will be able to meet members of other local households in our garden.

Some social life can return, though our Thursday clapping and VE Day have already brought households, streets and the community together in a really positive way.

Safety First
The first and crucial message is about safety. The virus is very much still around us, the risk is still here and we all have a responsibility to control its spread. Whatever the UK or Welsh Government’s permit us to do, it is the responsibility of every one of us to take precautions and follow the advice to avoid more infections.

The current advice in Wales: 
Stay home as much as you can
Work from home if you can
You are allowed to meet members from another local household outside
Stay 2 metres apart from others
Talking to people outside is considered safer
Only allow people inside your home to access your garden
Cover your face when you cough or sneeze
Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds
Stay local, don’t travel further than 5 miles from home to exercise or visit others

Support local
The pandemic is having a devastating effect on the livelihood of some people, but not everyone. Some people will have lost their jobs or their income and don’t qualify for the various Government schemes. If you need help as an individual, you can get in touch with us directly and confidentially, there is support available. No one in this community should go hungry.

As far we can, we all have to support our local businesses. There are many self-employed and small business owners in the community. Let’s help them by using them, recommending them and spending money with them. If you are one of our local businesses, get in touch so that we can share what you do and how to contact you.

Be considerate
With the general advice still being to stay at home and work from home, there are many more people in the village day and night than normal. There are quite a few people who remain at risk and have been instructed to isolate. There are large numbers of shift workers in the village, including essential workers.

Think about the noise we are making and the potential impact on those around us. Garden machinery, building work or loud music as an exception is understandable, but please don’t overdo it.

There have been lots of complaints and cries of distress about people burning rubbish and garden waste, night after night. The fire service have given clear advice not to burn rubbish at this time. It is potentially very harmful to those with respiratory problems, who are already vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19.

Community Council
The Community Council have been meeting virtually very regularly since the lockdown. Councillors have continued to work on official business and community support throughout the last three months. Our May meeting was the first ‘official’ online meeting and we made a recording available of the meeting.

For the June meeting (10th June 6.30pm), we are planning to stream the meeting live. Although we can’t have public questions live in the meeting, we will again be inviting questions in advance.

We had a fabulous response to our call for books and jigsaws and now have a good selection at the Legion. You can come and help yourself between 11.30 to 12.30 Monday Wednesday Friday, with social distancing in place.

I am sure you all feel, as we do, that we are incredibly lucky to live in a caring community with such beautiful surroundings. Thank you all for helping to make it such a friendly and safe place to live.


There is currently a growing Cobra snake of stones, painted by children, around the village clock. If you haven’t seen it, take a look, and if you want to add a stone, please help it to grow!

The final word then must go to Lauren Tilston and Mark Emberton who were due to be married in Greece this week and have instead run 26 laps of the village for the last 26 days in 26 different fancy dress outfits all in aid of Nightingale House Hospice. They are aiming to raise £4,000 and are nearly there (they have a JustGiving page if you want to support them). 

Many of us have had our plans for the year ruined but Lauren and Mark’s efforts have been a pleasure to see running through the village and are an inspiration to us all!

On behalf of the Community Council, we send our best wishes to everyone suffering as a consequence of this terrible virus. 

Please stay at home and stay safe. 

Alan Wight 


Call 999 now if you have any life threatening symptoms:

  • Severe breathing problems (e.g. can’t talk normally, turning blue and gasping)

  • Chest pain (e.g. like a tight band or heavy weight in or around the chest)

  • Stroke (e.g. unable to raise arm, one sided limb weakness or drooping face)

  • Severe injury/heavy bleeding that cannot be stopped

  • Fitting now/unconscious (e.g. cannot be woken)

Please DO NOT go to your GP Surgery, a pharmacy or hospital.


Anyone experiencing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms can now apply for a home testing kit using the new UK online portal. For further information and a link to the booking website, visit: www.gov.wales/coronavirus or www.llyw.cymru/coronafeirws. This will be supported by a national 119 phone service, through which people can also order a home test.

If you know of someone in need or need support yourself, please get in touch with us: 

Sarah Hughes
(Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer) 
Telephone 01244 537032 
Email clerk@penyfforddcouncil.org 

Alan Wight (Chair)          07976 667807               

Richard Bestwick (Vice-Chair)                             

Cllr David Williams
        07928 493862

Cllr Cindy Hinds  01978 761354                             

Jeff Priddin                     01244 548199                            

Mark Rothero                  07543 86008                             

Pat Ransome                   01244 544807                            

David Walker                  01244 548478                            

Roy Wakelam                 07930 555139                

Paul Blackman                 07952 716856                

Margaret Jones                                                   

Janet Smith-Bellis                                                 

Edwina Davies


Alan Wight