Notes from the Video Conference Meeting - 23 March 2020
The Extraordinary Meeting of the Council was cancelled due to the Government guidance of COVID 19 social gathering. Any further Community Council business will be undertaken by electronic communication.
The Council did hold an informal meeting via video conferencing on Monday 23rd March, 7.15pm. Attendees were Cllrs Mr A Wight, Mr R Bestwick, Mr J Priddin, Mrs P Ransome, Mr M Rothero, Mr D Walker and Mr P Blackman. Clerk & RFO Mrs S Hughes
1. Cllr Wight reiterated to members the reason why the Extraordinary meeting was cancelled which was due to the government guidance of social gathering. All members were fully supportive of the decision.
2. Cllr Wight asked members if they had reviewed both the Business Continuity Plan and Delegated Authority documents? The Clerk advised that there had been an addition to the Delegated Authority Document which now includes: Monthly Interim Invoices in relation to expenditure on the War Memorial Refurbishment, which will be in excess of £5,000 will be authorised by 5councillors and where practicable consist of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of Council AND Authorisation will be in writing-via-email (from a council email address) in circumstances where meetings are not possible.
Members approved that the Business Continuity Plan and Delegated Authority to be implemented with immediate effect.
3. Cllr Wight commented that there has been good support from volunteers and businesses within the village with regular updates.
4. The Council needs to ensure that the council’s contact details are clearly displayed on the website and social media for residents who are isolated.
5. There is a community group called COVID19 Group (working alongside PACA) who have been working to set up volunteers allocating volunteers per street within the village. Cllr Wight feels that the council should be supporting this group the Clerk will contact the organiser Sarah Kenworthy to request an update, and regular updates of the activity of the COVID19 Group and ascertain what support if needed from the Council.
The COVID 19 Group are working extremely hard to support our most vulnerable, the council does not want to duplicate help but recognised that it is important at this time that the council can help our community anyway we can. The council will work with COVID 19 Group and signpost the community to where they can get this help.
6. Cllr Wight reported that the wellbeing of residents takes precedent over GDPR to assist the most vulnerable residents. It was proposed that the council ask whether FCC are able to provide information on the most vulnerable residents within our community so we can ensure they are contacted and cared for. The was fully supported and the Clerk will contact FCC.
7. Cllr Blackman asked whether the council could produce some leaflets with information and contact details for the council which he could deliver to vulnerable residents? This was agreed and a leaflet will be drawn up and Cllr Blackman will distribute.
8. Cllr Ransom suggested that she would be happy to chat to residents who may be isolated and just need someone to talk to. This was fully supported and Cllrs Walker, Wakelam, Rothero, Blackman and Priddin also offered to do this.
9. The Clerk reported that following communication via email earlier today, Glyn Davies our Streetscene Operative has now been asked to refrain from work and has been designated as a furloughed worker. He will be receiving full pay and when further details are released form government/HMRC we will ascertain if the council are able to claim back 80% of his wages.
Also as from today the Millstone Play Area will be closed. The gates are not able to be locked as this is also the only access to the allotments. FCC will be placing a Closed sign and the Clerk will place an Access Only to Allotment Holders sign.
10. With regard to payments the clerk reported that all payments except for Brynbuild can be paid on internet banking. Brynbuild’s payments will be in excess of the approved limit on internet banking so she will need to arrange cheques to be signed. This will be delivered through the signatories’ letterbox, they will sign and return back through the letterbox. Cllr Wight proposed that to prevent any unnecessary travel, and as the budget for Brynbuild has already been approved, the Clerk should be given authorisation to process these payments using internet banking. This was fully supported and approved by the members. The Clerk will contact HSBC to ascertain if the limit can be temporarily increased.
The clear message to all members, staff and residents is to STAY SAFE and by STAYING AT HOME it is SAVING LIVES!!!