Blood Donation

A message from Welsh Blood Service:

We may not be able to visit your usual place to give blood at the moment, but we are in the area and patients in need still need your lifesaving donations

Donating Blood can only take minutes to give, but could last a lifetime for someone in need. Save a life in Broughton this November: Book Here

Gall rhoi gwaed cymeryd dim ond munudau i roi, Ond gallai barhau am oes i rywun mewn angen. Achubwch fywyd yn Brychdyn Mis Tachwedd  yma Archebwch yma

The bookings currently stand at:-

Nov 9th - 5 booked from 68 spaces available

Nov 10th- 7 booked from 68 spaces available

So as you can see, we have a long way to go to get to where we need to be to ensure this session is the success I know it can be.

Blood Donation Oct 2020.png

Sarah Hughes