Anti-social Behaviour

A message from the Council on Anti-social Behaviour

It has been brought to our attention that there have been increased incidents of inappropriate behaviours by youngsters in the village that give rise to extreme concern.

The majority of youngsters do behave sensibly but there are others endangering not just themselves but others by their actions.

Youngsters playing with canisters, youngsters behaving in an intimidating manner and using bad language, smoking, vaping or taking substances are clearly to be discouraged but are being witnessed and reported more often within the village.

We are linking with our Community Police Officers, local schools and the local Co-op store to look at ways to tackle this and will be looking at the further installation of CCTV to help identify those involved. The worrying nature of some of the reports are such that we believe it important to link with yourselves and would hope that, together with support from schools and parents/guardians, the youngsters are made fully aware of the impact and dangers of their actions. We want to encourage youngsters to be making the right choices and for these to be informed choices and to take on board a shared responsibility for their actions.

The play facilities in Penyffordd, and in particular The Millstone area, have been extended in consultation with the youngsters of the village and we are keen to keep this dialogue positive as we continually review provision for youngsters in the village. We recognise that the past few months have been particularly challenging for youngsters but this cannot be seen as a reason for the rise in anti-social behaviours and we are keen to be proactive in encouraging change.  The council has now taken the decision the Millstone play area will now official close at dusk in line with Flintshire County Council play facilities.

The Community Council currently has a vacancy for a youth representative and we would ask if anyone is interested in this role to give it serious consideration. We had an excellent advocate last year who served on community Council and was exemplary in that role providing a “voice” for the youngsters of our community and we hope we will be able to find another youth representative of equal standing.


Penyffordd Community Council.

Sarah Hughes