Renewed Planning application for Vounog Hill - sledging field.
The application has been submitted again housing on the Vounog Hill. If you are agreeable to this, please let Flintshire planning department know. If you are against it, please also let them know.
Our local Councillors and Community Council can only think of reasons for this application to be refused, and some of the reasons they give are:
The land is currently outside the village settlement boundary. Poor public transport. Negative affect on the countryside and appearance in the location. Loss of good agricultural land. Loss of important recreation space for winter activities depriving the community of health and social activities and the ability for different generations of families to engage. Full junior and high schools. Highway dangers with increased volume of traffic. Dangerous position of access.
These are just some of the reasons that you may feel are valid ones, but you need to put your own opinion on whether you are for or against the application and why. Children are also able to put their opinions forward and include photos and how they think a housing development here would affect their future in either a good or a bad way.
Any comments need to be made by 27th September and need to be sent to:
or write to: Head of Planning, County Hall, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 6NF.
You must include the following information in your letter. Failure to do so may result in your comments not being taken into account.
Site address of application - Land East Of Vounog Hill, Pen-y-ffordd, Nr Chester.
Description of proposal - Outline application for residential development
Application number - 060319
Your name
Your address
Your comments about the proposal
Please note that a new response is needed regardless of whether you submitted one last time.