Hanson Dust Release - NRW Update

Hanson 21 august 2018.JPG

This is the update we have received from Stuart Ross, the Regulatory Officer at Natural Resources Wales (who issue the operators license to Hanson Cement) regarding this dust release on the 21st August 2018.

"In terms of the investigations so far, the operator identified a release of dust from the raw mill building at 17:25 21/08/18 and the mill was shut down within 2 minutes of visual detection.

The root cause of the release has been traced to a fault on an electrical panel which controls the main dust control system (main bag filter). In summary the electrical fault prevented the filters cleaning themselves as per normal operations which lead to an over pressurisation of the ductwork from the raw mill system and a release of dust from the duct within the raw mill building.

The operator has implemented a number of actions to prevent a recurrence of this incident and I will be assessing this and permit compliance during my next site inspection."

Alan Wight