Penyffordd Police Report - We're a safe place to live

At last week's February Community Council meeting, we had a crime report from our local PCSO.

She reported that there were the following reported incidents:


1x arson attack which is being investigated
2x thefts from vehicles
3x front door attempts

The Police are aware of what is going on in the area and have increased patrols around the village in both marked and unmarked cars.

The Community Council have recently installed CCTV in the Millstone Park which can also be accessed by the Police.

Our general advice is:

Beware of cold callers at your door - check their ID
Don't leave your car keys near to your front door
Don't leave valuables in your car
Lock your doors whether you are in or out

Thankfully, Penyffordd/Penymynydd remains a very safe place to live.

Alan Wight