Council Minutes October 2019
Minutes of the Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on
Wednesday 9th October 2019
Present: Councillors Mr A Wight (Chairman), Mr R Bestwick (Vice Chairman) Mr J Priddin, Ms C Hinds, Mr D Walker, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs P Ransome, Mrs M Jones, Mr D Williams, Mr M Rothero, Dr J Smith-Bellis and Mr A Bakewell (Youth Representative)
Absent: Mr P Blackman
In attendance: Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council
PCSO Andrew Ellis
Jessica Satchwell
140. Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillor Mrs E Davies.
141. Visitors
i. PCSO Andrea Ellis provided an update for members as her role has changed although she will still remain to the be the single point of contact for the council and community. There will now be other PCSO’s undertaking the patrols of the village. The issues during the last month have mainly been traffic related. A knife report was received which was actually retrieved and disposed of. A report was received for theft of a pumpkin from the allotments
AE advised that the police will no longer be able to provide officers to assist with road patrols for the Remembrance Parade and that she is attending a meeting with FCC Streetscene tomorrow to ascertain if they can provide Marshalls. Cllr Williams asked whether the council could approach the Inspector to ask for this to be reviewed. AE advised this information had come from the Inspector and was clear that they do not have the officers to assist.
Cllr Williams thanked AE for all her support, efforts and involvement within the community, it all has been veryt much appreciated.
Cllr Priddin asked whether the CCTV cameras have been checked recently. AE advised they had not, but she will arrange for this to be done.
RESOLVED: AE will liaise with Cllr Williams following the meeting with Streetscene regarding marshalls for the remembrance parade.
**PCSO Ellis left the meeting at 6.45pm
ii. Jamie Bennett (FCC Street Lighting) – did not attend the meeting.
iii. Shaun Darlington (FLVC). His visit has been postponed and will now be attending in November.
iv. Jessica Satchwell – Dobshill Defibrillator. JS reported that she is now in possession of the defibrillator and cabinet supplied by Wates. Cllr Blackman was liaising with Dobshill Garage to establish whether it could be installed there, however, due to his absence the council were unaware of any progress. The Chair advised that there are alternative options to consider should the garage not approve. JS and Cllr Williams advised they are aware of local electricians who can be approached for the installation.
RESOLVED: confirmation will be sought from Cllr Blackman regarding the installation of the defibrillator at Dobshill Garage and included on the November agenda.
** JS left the meeting at 6.50pm
142. To Receive any Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct
There were no Declarations of Interest received.
143. Minutes of the Council Meetings held on 11th September 2019
Min 122 – Cllr Ransome highlighted that when she commented on the council providing a response to the LDP, not only should it be meaningful, it should also be evidential and contextual. The responses to the LDP are extremely important at this time as it allows time for FCC to make amendments before becoming final
Min 130 - Cllr Ransome questioned the wording of the letter sent to the Chair of School Governors and requested clarification of the purpose of the letter as it was felt that there already is collaborative working. The Chair acknowledged the positive working relationship and that there are a number of council members who also sit on the Governing Board, however, on occasions some members of the council can be less aware of matters.
The Clerk suggested as with the Cty Cllrs Report that the council could also request a report or copy of minutes from the school governors.
Members expressed the very positive working with the school and the issues that have been raised and which are being fought are not criticism of the school, but issues and concerns with FCC. The Council does not have any negativity towards the school or school governors. Cllr Rothero commented that he was aware that the Head Teacher would welcome any meeting with the council. Also advised that if any member had any question regarding school matters, the Head Teacher would be happy to assist.
Cllr Wakelam commented that the purpose of the letter was for the council to work with the school, school governors and Cty Cllrs in having ‘One Voice’ when raising issues and concerns with FCC.
The Chair proposed that the council write to the Clerk of Governors for Ysgol Penyffordd & St Johns and request reports/minutes of their meetings to assist in keeping the council updated on matters. The reports/minutes will be presented to the council alternating each school monthly.
The Chair suggested holding the November meeting in the School Community Room. Cllr Rothero advised that the council would need to ensure they had their own public liability and that there is a bookings pack that would need to be completed. Also there is a cost of £15p/hr.
RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. The Clerk will write to the Clerk of Governors for Ysgol Penyffordd & St Johns asking if they would be able to share either minutes of their meeting and/or a monthly update report. This will be circulated to members on a monthly basis.
Enquiries will be made as to whether the council will book the Community Room for the November meeting.
144. Matters arising
Min 108a i - A letter was sent to FCC education to request a meeting in which a reply was received and circulated to all members. Claire Homard stated that are not willing to accede to this request at the current time. They have already provided detailed assurances in meetings and emails with local members that there is sufficient space for the current number of learners in the school for the foreseeable future and that there is the capacity for the future extension of the building should a significant increase in pupil numbers occur and be sustained. Cty Cllrs Hind and Williams are continuing to pursue the issue of school transport charges with FCC.
Cllr Wakelam has highlighted to the School Governors of St Johns the need to review the secondary school’s progression and that it can no longer be assumed all pupils will feed into Castell Alun.
Cllr Wight commented that this change has caused immediate harm to families. This issue needs to be looked at for both the short and long term affects and should have a more common sense approach to admissions.
RESOLVED – Cllr Wight will liaise with the clerk to prepare a response letter.
Min 108a i - A meeting with Jack Sargeant AM has been scheduled for Monday 28th October at 1pm.
A letter was sent to Ken Skates AM - Minister for Economy and Transport, Julie James AM - Minister for Housing and Local Government and Lesley Griffiths AM - Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs. One response was received from Alan Groves, Decisions Branch - Planning Directorate. He advised that planning falls within the Ministerial portfolio of Julie James AM and he had been asked to reply. This response was thought unsatisfactory by the council.
Cllr Bestwick raised the matter of not receiving a reply from either Ken Skates or Lesley Griffiths. It was felt that the response was less than adequate and a draft response was circulated for members to review.
RESOLVED: the council do not accept the response given and a further letter will be sent.
Min 112/52 - A date has been agreed to meet with the Network Manager of Welsh Water on Friday 11th October. Cllrs Wight, Hinds, Ransome and Priddin will be attending the meeting. The draft agenda was reviewed and members were asked whether there were any additional issues they wished to have raised.
Min 112/103 - The letter was sent to Claire Homard and she replied via email thanking the council for the letter and that the comments were noted, particularly in relation to the press coverage in relation to the travel plans for the start of term. The council’s appreciation for the wonderful new facility will be shared with all officers engaged in the project.
Min 115 – The Clerk reported that Hope Council have agreed to commission the SLCC to undertake a Job Evaluation for the Clerk and share the costs 50/50 with Penyffordd Council. The Clerk has instructed the SLCC to commence with the evaluation. Further details will be reported once received.
Min 118 - A response was received from Colin Everett in relation to the councils request to demolish the old school building advising that that they are having repeat enquiries from the community and local members and asked all to be patient for an update.
Min 120 - A letter has been sent to FCC and we are awaiting a response.
Min 129. Polling Stations – Following the review of Polling Stations, the Returning Officers comments are that PAA2, St. John The Baptist School, Chester Road - Building work is taking place at the school until March 2020. Representations were received from the Governing body and the school highlighting that the school closes on polling day. This has a negative impact on the disruption to pupils and complaints from working parents who are require to find costly childcare. It is proposed to designate the Youth Centre, Penyffordd as the polling place in the short term.
145. Minutes of the Committees
The War Memorial Institute Refurbishment Committee has held no meeting.
146. Reports from County Councillors
The Cty Cllrs provided a report which was circulated to members. Cllr Walker advised he was uncertain from the information received whether FCC were proposing not only an increase in cost for the brown bin but to also change to a 3 week collection. Cllrs Wight and Hinds explained that the proposal of a 3 week collection for black bins is not a cost issue, but rather an issue to improve recycling statistics.
147. Public Questions
There were no public questions received.
148. Planning Applications
a) To review and consider Planning Applications received.
i. Notification received that Ref: 060319. Outline application for residential development. Land East of Vounog Hill, Penyffordd will be heard at the FCC Planning Committee meeting on 2nd October. The Chairman thanked Cllr Williams for speaking at the meeting and representing the council.
b) The following Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council were received.
i. Ref: 060076. Outline planning permission for 'over-55 retirement housing' with detailed site access and all other matters reserved. Land south of Rhos Road, Penyffordd. Refused
c) To review Ongoing and Proposed Planning Applications.
i. Ysgol Penyffordd, Single Site School – nothing further to report.
ii. Land East of Vounog Hill – nothing further to report.
iii. Land (south of) Rhos Road (36 unit of over 55 retirement housing) – nothing further to report
RESOLVED: the above was received and noted.
149. Penyffordd War Memorial Refurbishment Project (Section 106 Agreement)
Cllr Wight advised he had spoken with members of the WMI committee and they had requested clarification on the procurement process. Cllr Williams has contacted Wynne’s, Wates and Cottle Engineering to ascertain if they would be interested in submitting a tender. Cllr Wight also advised he has contacted Elmwood Construction.
As one quote has already been received, the council require a further two for consideration. On receipt of the 3 quotes a WMI Refurbishment Committee meeting will be called to review the quotes which will then be passed to the WMI to undertake further discussion with the Contractors. Once a preference has been made, this will then be presented to the full council for approval.
The Clerk raised the issue that despite numerous requests, the WMI has still not provided the council with a budget for the project. Cllr Wight will request this again.
RESOLVED: on receipt of receiving a further (minimum) 2 tenders for consideration, a WMI Refurbishment Committee Meeting will be called to scrutinise the tenders. These will then be passed to the WMI. Cllr Wight will again request a copy of the project budget from the WMI.
150. External Audit of Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2019
The Annual Return has been received back together with the Issues Arising Report. The External Auditor has only reported one minor issue and no action is required:
What is the issue? The following issue has been raised as the comparatives have been changed:
The comparative figures disclosed in the Accounting Statements of the Annual Return do not agree to the audited Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2018. The comparative figures for the year ended 31 March 2018 were restated. We have reviewed the adjustments made and we are satisfied they are correct.
Why has this been raised? This is raised to bring the matter to the attention of readers of the annual return.
What do we recommend? No further action in required.
The Clerk advised that the reason the Asset Figure was restated for 2018/19 was due to the purchase of a noticeboard not being included in the figure and was only identified when completing this year’s Annual Return.
The audit had to be displayed before the 30 September for a period of 14 days, so has already been advertised on the noticeboards and website.
RESOLVED: The Annual Return Yr Ended 31 March 2019 was received and approved by the Council. The Notice of Conclusion of Audit has been displayed (for 14 days) on the noticeboards and website. The requisite information has also been uploaded to the Councils website.
151. Flintshire Local Development Plan
The consultation will run for a six week period from 30th September to 5pm on the 11th November 2019. Any representations received following the end of the consultation will not be considered. The LDP document can be viewed: FCC advised during the consultation there will be information displayed in the local libraries (Broughton, Mancot, Buckley, Mold, Holywell and Deeside Leisure Centre) and a number of Drop In Events, all events are open to anyone.
The Chair proposed for an Extraordinary Meeting to review the LDP and Boundary Review. The Infrastructure Working Group (and any other members who wish to attend) will meet in advance of the meeting and will present a recommendation to the council.
RESOLVED: An Extraordinary Meeting will be held on Thursday 17th October at 8pm.
152. The Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales
The Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales report can be seen on The commission has proposed that Penyffordd is one of the retained electoral wards.
The 12-week consultation period commences on 5 Sept 2019 and closes on 27 Nov 2019.
RESOLVED: As above, an Extraordinary Meeting will be held on Thursday 17th October at 8pm.
153. Priority Issues within the Ward
Cllr Wight has not yet confirmed a meeting date with Colin Everett and will communicate with members once this has been confirmed.
RESOLVED: Cllr Wight will co-ordinate a meeting date with Colin Everett and communicate this date with members.
154. Flintshire County Council – Environmental and Parking Enforcement Funding Scheme
The Clerk reported that she has requested additional information however this has not yet been received.
Cllr Walker advised that he attended the FCC County Forum where this item was discussed. To date FCC have only received one expression of interest in the scheme and if no further requests are received would seem unlikely to proceed. If the scheme were to go ahead, FCC have advised that they would employ more officers and the Community Council would get a dedicated officer for their community.
Cllr Smith-Bellis questioned whether FCC could organise their current staff to target certain issues e.g 1 x month focus solely on parking and another month solely on dog fouling?
Again there were mixed views on whether the council should express an interest in this scheme and the Chairman asked member to vote on whether at this stage they would be interested in submitting an expression of interest whilst gaining further information?
RESOLVED: the majority agreed to submit an expression of interest to FCC whilst gathering additional information. At this time there has been no agreement to participate in the scheme.
155. Anti-Social Behaviour
Cllr Wakelam advised that he has passed the relevant information to PCSO Ellis to review and in the hope that she will be able to provide more information on the ASB and High Court Orders.
RESOLVED: once this information has been received Cllr Wakelam will report back to the council.
156. Christmas Lighting/Decorations
Cllr Williams agreed to co-ordinate a meeting with Mega Electrical, Cllrs Priddin, Wakelam and Ransome, to review the current lighting and options for additions and improvements. Cllr Priddin said that investment should be made to the centre of the village e.g millennium clock making it a focal point. Cllr Williams will obtain a quote for costs of purchasing, installation and lighting a 10ft-12ft tree.
Cllr Wight suggested having a ‘Light Switch On’ involving the community groups.
Cllr Wakelam asked the Clerk to make enquiries with Kinnerton Community Council as to where they sourced their lights from.
RESOLVED: Cllrs Williams, Priddin, Wakelam and Ransome will meet with Mega Electrical to undertake a review of the lighting and possible improvements which will be reported at the November meeting.
Cllr Wight will gather information on options for a ‘Light Switch On’ and will report back at the November meeting.
The Clerk will contact Kinnerton Community Council.
157. Working Groups
Environment –
a) A report of the meeting held on 26th September 2019 was circulated to all members. Cllr Bestwick advised that the Circular Walks 1 & 2 leaflets have been distributed, Cllr Blackman has distributed a number of the planter barrels.
Cllr Williams reported that he and Mr Bakewell met with the tree expert and Ian Williams FCC and all the suggested locations have been approved. IW advised that this initiative would be very welcomed due to the need to cull a number of trees over the winter months. 2 x of the trees being purchased will be young Christmas trees to be planted in Dobshill and Penymynydd. Cllr Williams advised that the final quote totalled £804+vat, £500 of which will be paid with the Grow Wild Grant secured by Mr Bakewell.
RESOLVED: the council approved for Cllr Williams to proceed with the tree/plant order totalling £804+vat.
b) Cllr Bestwick presented 5 options of a youth shelter for the Millstone Play Area and proposed either option 3A or 3B following consulting with the local youth. Cllr Wakelam advised that Hanson have agreed to supply materials for the groundworks eg. Hardcore/cement.
Cllr Priddin objected to the costs for this proposal. There were mixed views from members regarding, cost, potential vandalism and/or ASB. Cllr Wight explained that the cost of these units reflects the anti-vandalism material. Cllr Bestwick advised he had been to view and inspect the same equipment in Pontblyddyn which has been there a number of years which show no sign of damage or vandalism.
The Chairman asked members to vote whether a shelter should be installed and which option. The outcome was the majority agreed to provide a shelter and chose Option 3B – Split Pod Shelter from Sutcliffes for a total of £9589.36.
Cllrs Wakelam and Bestwick will make enquiries as to the exact materials Hanson will supply and with Sutcliffes as to a revised quote dependant on what groundwork materials Hanson will be supplying.
RESOLVED: a Split Pod Shelter will be purchased and installed on the Millstone Play Area at a maximum cost of £9589.36. Cllrs Wakelam and Bestwick will liaise with Hanson and Sutcliffes regarding the exact materials Hanson will supply and to request a revised quote from Sutcliffes.
c) Cllr Williams made a suggestion of offering residents the option to ‘adopt a tree’ for the village for a cost of £30-£50. Cllr Rothero asked how would the community know who has adopted which tree? Cllr Hinds questioned whether there were volunteers to assist with the planting of the trees? AB advised the Scouts will be helping. The Chairman asked Cllr Williams to put together a draft proposal for the council to fully consider.
RESOLVED: Cllr Williams will prepare a draft proposal to present to the council.
d) Cllr Bestwick informed members that he had obtained costs for additional circular discs and stickers for walks and planters.
RESOLVED: the council approved to purchase 100 discs @ £1.72 each and 100 stickers @ £0.78p each. Cllr Bestwick will submit the order.
Community Centre - On Saturday 2nd November there will be a ‘Think Tank’ meeting at the Youth Club.
Cllr Ransome questioned whether there may be problems with the fabric of the building which would potentially be costly? Cllr Williams advised there had previously been a condition survey, but a request could be made for an update condition survey to be undertaken. Cllr Hinds advised that previous reports highlighted that the roof was in need of repair which totalled a sum of approx. £200k.
Cllr Wight explained that during the Asset Transfer process, FCC have an available fund for repairs etc. During the process no agreement would be signed until all parties were happy with the condition of the building and facilities.
RESOLVED: the report was received and noted.
Infrastructure – The Group has not met, however, a meeting is scheduled for Thursday 17th Oct to review the LDP and Boundary Review.
Engagement – The Chairman proposed that this Working Group be deferred and reviewed again in January 2020.
158. Community Amenities
Cllr Williams provided an update of matters arising regarding the sewage connection with Welsh Water. It has been agreed that Welsh Water will offer a temporary 5 years agreement for the connection costing £250+vat, rather than the original requirement at this time of completing a 104 Agreement etc which together with legal cost would be approx. £1800. It is hoped that the facility and pitch are due to be opened by the end of November.
RESOLVED: the council approved the temporary 5 year agreement and cost and approved the clerk to process the invoice should it require payment before the next meeting.
159. Millstone Playing Field
i. Cllr Williams reported that he has not been able to obtain quotes for foam filling for the soundproofing of the skate ramps. He asked members if they could please assist if they were aware of any local companies who could undertake this work.
ii. Richard Roberts has informed the council of damage to the muga fencing which needs to be repaired (broken frame, rust and sharp edges). The Clerk reported she has contacted Flintshire Fabrications and Brian Davies Ltd for quotes. Only one quote has been received for the sum of £140.00+vat.
iii. Richard Roberts has also brought to the councils attention that the two goals at Millstone have concrete foundations too near the surface and provided a recommendation for consideration. Cllr Wight unsure whether football goals are required on this site, whilst other members advised they are well utilised. Cllr Wight proposed that this be discussed under the Play Area Investment Strategy.
iv. Cllr Wight suggested for the council to consider a village wide plan for a Play Areas Investment Strategy, looking at all the play areas within the village to ascertain what is needed, where and what age group.
Cllr Bestwick asked the Clerk to find out when the council will be informed if their request for the 2019/20 match funding has been successful.
i. Attempts will continue to obtain quotes for foam filling the skate ramps.
ii. The council approved for Flintshire Fabrications to undertake the repairs to the muga fencing.
iii. Football goals at the Millstone will be considered under the Play Area Investment Strategy.
iv. Cllr Wight will prepare a draft proposal for the Play Area Investment Strategy.
The Clerk will ask Aura/FCC for a date when a decision will be made on the 2019/20 match funding.
160. Dobshill Defibrillator
Ms Satchwell attending the meeting as a visitor and therefore this item was discussed under Visitors.
161. FCC Standards Committee – Feedback
A copy of the personal feedback was circulated together with the 8th feedback report from the Standards Committee. In this letter they are requesting feedback on whether the council has found their overall comments useful and whether members would be interested in a Code of Conduct Training Session.
RESOLVED: no members expressed an interest in attending the Code of Conduct Training. Cllr Wight did state that the some of the comments in their ‘Feedbacks’ have been useful.
162. Annual Newsletter
Cllr Wight has started to draft information to be included in the newsletter which was circulated to members with the agenda asking for it to be reviewed and for any contributions members would like to have included.
RESOLVED: members are to provide Cllr Wight information they wish to have included in the newsletter by the end of next week.
163. Flintshire County Council – Winter Maintenance
In an attempt to improve the County wide resilience and readiness for the coming winter FCC have written offering a number of services to Town and Community Councils which was presented to the council.
RESOLVED: the correspondence was received and noted, the Council will not be requesting the additional services.
164. Correspondence
The following correspondence was received, acknowledged and noted.
· FCC are currently undertaking a Waste Management Consultation until 31st October. This is a personal response rather than a council response.
· Hanson Liaison Committee minutes from the 23rd Sept meeting. The date of the next meeting will be 2nd December 2019.
· Wrexham – Bidston Rail Users Association Newsletter. The AGM which will take place on Saturday 26th October.
· Flintshire 50+ Advisory Group have written to the council requesting financial support for the printing of their Codgers Quarterly newsletter. I have replied informing them of the timings of the councils grant applications.
· North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority are inviting the public to take part in the North Wales Fire & Rescue consultation in having a say in the development of its long tern environmental strategy.
· One Voice Wales’ Conference and AGM will take place on Saturday 5th October.
165. Members Items (AOB)
· Cllr Wakelam questioned whether the charges for the School Community Room of £15p/h is also the same charge for the football pitch? Cllr Walker also raised the concern that within the charges users will have to ensure their own public liability.
Cllr Williams advised he would look into these charges and Cllr Ransome reiterated that they will be pursuing this matter and requesting more information.
RESOLVED: Cllrs Williams and Ransome will make the necessary enquires and request further information.
· Cllr Wakelam reported that there have been two new Redrow signs installed on the junction of Hawarden Road/Chester Road which impair visibility.
RESOLVED: this will be reported to Ian Williams FCC Streetscene.
· Cllr Walker asked the council to seriously consider purchasing lamp post poppies next year. Cllr Wakelam did stated that although poppies were not purchased, the council had invested in the silhouettes.
RESOLVED: this will be considered in the budget review for 2020/21.
· Cllr Ransome advised that work is underway by the community for additions to the poppy wall on the millennium clock. A coffee morning is being held on 8th November, 10.30am The Royal British Legion.
· Cllr Ransome request for a paper copy of the LDP.
The finance and ordinary meetings were closed at 9.50pm
Chair………………………………………………….. 13th November 2019
Minutes of the Finance Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on
Wednesday 9th October 2019
Present: Councillors Mr R Bestwick (Vice Chair and Chairman of Finance), Mr A Wight, Mr J Priddin, Ms C Hinds, Mr D Walker, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs P Ransome, Mrs M Jones, Mr D Williams, Dr J Smith-Bellis and Mr A Bakewell (Youth Representative)
Absent: Mr P Blackman
In attendance: Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council
166. Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillors Mrs E Davies and Mr M Rothero
167. Declarations of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest received.
168. Minutes of the meeting held 11th September 2019
RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
169. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
170. Council Email Addresses
All the new email accounts have been issued and most using them. To date the Clerk is waiting for Cllrs Williams Blackman, Smith-Bellis to confirm they are all set up and using the account. Cllr Walker will assist Cllrs Hinds and Jones. Cllr Davies is currently off due to ill health so will be put on hold.
RESOLVED: the members yet to activate their new accounts will endeavour to do this by the November meeting.
171. Half Year Budget Review
i. The Clerk provided the Council with copies of the quarterly summary, budget monitoring report and bank reconciliation (appendix A1-A3). Cllr Bestwick questions the figures of the Play Area Account balance as there were discrepancies. On review, the Clerk provided an explanation, the main reason being that the £5,000 that was budgeted for the Millstone Play Area had not been transferred into the Play Area Account. She will action this and update the figures.
ii. In order to meet the requirements of the financial regulations and internet banking, it is necessary for a programme of regular checks of standing data with suppliers to be followed. This required a member to look through and certify a number of invoices and payment receipts.
i. The Council approved the above which was authorised by a member of the Council other than the Chairman. The Clerk will transfer the agreed £5000 budget for the Millstone Play Area from the deposit account to play area account and amend the figures accordingly.
ii. Cllr C Hinds reviewed a selection of invoices and payment receipts which were certified as correct.
172. Annual Grant Application
The Annual Grant Application Forms and Posters have been prepared for approval with a closing date of the 8th November 2019.
RESOLVED: Posters will be advertised on the noticeboards and application forms available on the website. The closing date for all applications will be Friday 8th November 2019.
173. Bank Balances
Bank Balances as at 9th October 2019 Current £5,084.33
Deposit £336,513.81
Play Area £15,851.93
S106 - War Memorial Refurbishment Project Spend to Date Balance
£9,491.66 £180,508.34
Possible VAT to be claimed (tbc) £1,486.94
RESOLVED: the above be received and noted.
174. Accounts for Payment
To authorise the following accounts for payment:
RESOLVED: The above accounts be processed for payment and was signed by the Chairman of Council and/or the Chairman of Finance. Payments were also countersigned by two bank signatories.
166. Members Items (AOB)
There were no items raised.
The finance and ordinary meetings were closed at 9.50pm
Chair………………………………………………….. 13th November 2019
Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on
Thursday 17th October 2019
Present: Councillors Mr A Wight (Chairman), Mr R Bestwick (Vice Chairman) Mr J Priddin, Ms C Hinds, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs P Ransome, Mrs M Jones, Mr D Williams,
Absent: Mr P Blackman and Dr J Smith-Bellis
In attendance: Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council
176. Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillors Mrs E Davies, Mr R Rothero, Mr D Walker and Mr A Bakewell (Youth Representative)
177. To Receive any Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct
There were no Declarations of Interest received.
178. Flintshire Local Development Plan
The consultation will run for a six week period from 30th September to 5pm on the 11th November 2019. Any representations received following the end of the consultation will not be considered. The LDP document can be viewed:
The Infrastructure Working Group had met in advance of the meeting to fully review and discuss the consultation. They had prepared and submitted to the Council a proposed response together with additional information from Cllr Williams.
RESOLVED: the proposed response prepared by the Infrastructure Working Group was approved by the council. Cllr Williams will provide the Clerk with addition supporting information to enable to the Clerk to prepare and submit the council’s formal response by 11th November.
179. The Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales
The Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales report can be seen on The commission has proposed that Penyffordd is one of the retained electoral wards.
The 12-week consultation period commences on 5 Sept 2019 and closes on 27 Nov 2019.
The Commission has considered the electoral arrangements of the existing electoral wards and the ratio of local government electors to the number of councillors to be elected. It is proposed that the existing arrangements should be retained within Penyffordd together with retaining the ward name of Penyffordd.
The Chairman wished to acknowledge the Commission’s proposals for the neighbouring community of Hope and Caergwrle and asked the council if they wished to provide a response in relation to supporting Hope Community Council?
RESOLVED: the Council will respond expressing support that Penyffordd is to be a retained electoral ward and that it should continue to be served by two Council Members.
The Council will also comment on their neighbouring wards of Hope and Caergwrle expressing support of the option presented by Flintshire County Council, The Alyn and Deeside Conservative Association and County Councillors David Healey and Gladys Healey; to combine the existing electoral wards of Hope and Caergwrle to form a new electoral ward.
The meeting closed at 8.15pm
Chair………………………………………………….. 13th November 2019