Council Minutes November 2019


Minutes of the Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on

Wednesday 13th November 2019

Present:               Councillors Mr A Wight (Chairman), Mr R Bestwick (Vice Chairman) Mr J Priddin, Ms C Hinds, Mr D Walker, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs P Ransome, Mrs M Jones, Mr D Williams, Mr M Rothero, Mr P Blackman, Dr J Smith-Bellis


In attendance:      Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council

                            Mr Shaun Darlington – FLVC

                            Ceri Hansom & Sarah Blake – Flintshire County Council Transportation

                            12 x members of the public

Due to having visitors and members of the public, the chairman welcomed all and gave a brief explanation of the community council meeting procedure.  He proposed that due to the number of guest who have attended in relation to the reports of the no.13 bus service withdrawal, the procedure of the meeting will be amended slightly.

180. Visitors

i.    Ceri Hansom & Sarah Blake – FCC Transportation.  CH informed the council that FCC have been trying to work with Arriva and build a relationship.  Arriva have announced that the no.13 service will be withdrawn from Penyffordd from 11th January 2020.  Arriva did on this occasion inform FCC of this decision in advance of the announcement, which they have not previously done with withdrawals or amendments, which has allowed FCC the opportunity to make alternative transport plans.  Arriva have also shared with FCC passenger/journey information.

**6.35pm Cllr Smith-Bellis arrived.

Currently there is a service called CT1 from Higher Kinnerton to Broughton (mon – sat), this will be replaced with the new LT8 to include; Caergwrle, Hope and Penyffordd, Higher Kinnerton and Broughton.  This service will continue to run Mon – Sat but offering 5 journeys per day in both directions.  Arriva have advised that due to their changes it will now allow the Broughton to Chester service to run every 10 mins.

There will also be a further new service called 29 which will run from Mold to Wrexham and come through the village of Penyffordd.  This will offer 6 journeys per day in both directions.

In addition to the above new services, there will be Demand Responsive Transport available for when the LT8 & 29 are not suitable.  This service allows you to phone and book the transport when needed Mon – Sat.

The no.29 service has already been procured and they are in the process of procuring for the LT8.  The LT8 will be a FCC owned branded 16 seater minibus. It is hoped that both services will commence from Monday 13th January 2020. They will need to promote these services as soon as the timetables have been confirmed and will communicate the information to the Cty Cllrs and Community Council.

A member of the public asked whether the new services would include Dobshill?  CH advised yes it would if Arriva have withdrawn the Dobshill service. Cllr Walker stated that the Arriva drivers have said it will continue to Dobshill. It is still unclear whether Arriva will be servicing Dobshill so this will be checked by FCC.

Cllr Williams expressed appreciation to FCC as they have worked very hard since being informed of the withdrawal to ensure that residents are not without a service.  He asked residents to provide him with feedback as to why the no.13 was not fully utilised.  He has already received comments such as timetables, length of journey.

Cllr Wakelam asked for confirmation of the cost of fares.  CH advised that concessionary passes will still be able to be used and the fares should cost no more than the commercial services.

Cllr Blackman stated that the commercial bus service can be very unreliable and should operate at times when needed.  There is no evening service for residents to commute outside of the village or for the public to socialise within the villages at the pubs and restaurants.

Cllr Hinds questioned a Sunday bus service.  CH advised that at present there is no service on a Sunday and this would not be reviewed until FCC are able to assess whether the service as a whole is being utilised. Cllr Hinds also supported the service of Dial a Ride which is an extremely good service for disable users and also cheaper than a taxi.

CH informed the council of ‘My Travel Pass’ for aged 16-21 which offers approx. 1/3 discount.  This can be applied from via the welsh government. ( )

The Chair thanked CH & SB and FCC for acting so quickly to provide a replacement service.  Once confirmation of the timetable is received the Community Council will promote on their noticeboards, website and social media.  CH advised that the timetables will also be displayed in the local libraries.  The Community Council will continue to pursue Arriva.

**7pm CH, SB & 10 members of the public left the meeting.

Cllr Walker proposed that once the timetables are received, the community council should undertake a leaflet          drop to communicate as soon as possible.  This was seconded by Cllr Wight and unanimously agreed.

RESOLVED: as soon as FCC have provided the confirmed timetables for the LT8 and no.29 the community           council will promote in the noticeboards, website and social media.  Cllr Wight will prepare the leaflet for        distribution.

As there were two remaining members of the public, the Chairman asked if they were any further questions they wished to raise.  They advised that they had ongoing concerns regarding water pressure in Penymynydd.  The Chairman advised that they were not alone in the issue and advised that they need to continually report the issue to welsh water/severn trent.  They advised that although this has been a historical issue, the matter has gotten worse since the Redrow development.

RESOLVED: the Chairman fully supported their concern and will take this matter up when a meeting is held with Severn Trent.       

**7.05pm 2 members of the public left the meeting.

ii.    Shaun Darlington – FLVC.  He gave a brief introduction on the services offered by FLVC.  He proceeded to report on the Best Kept Village competition which this year was their first year of running.  They aim to involve all communities within Flintshire.  They will be looking at reviewing the categories for next year.  Unfortunately, Penyffordd Council had been unsuccessful this year.  Cllr Bestwick asked whether they could provide detailed feedback on the councils entries.  SD will pass this information onto the clerk.

The applications for next year will be available from March, closing date in June and judging 1st week of July.

SD advised that FLVC can assist local groups/organisations/charities in obtaining grants.

The Chairman took the opportunity of requesting assistance and support from the FLVC regarding governance structure for the council in relation to the community asset transfer of the youth club.  SD confirmed that they will be able to assist and a meeting could be arranged.

The Chairman thanked Mr Darlington for attending the meeting.           

**7.30pm SD left the meeting.

The Chairman wished to recognise and thank a number people;  Mr A Bakewell, Cllrs Wakelam, Ransome, Priddin, Mrs Y Priddin for their hard work, effort and involvement for the poppies and remembrance parade.  Cllr D Williams and Mr A Bakewell for the work involved with the trees and Grow Wild Grant.  Cllrs D Williams and D Walker for the work they have undertook on the transport issues.  Cllr Wakelam also wished to thank Mr Paul Cowley for undertaking repairs to the silent soldier.

181. Apologies

     i.        Apologies were received from Councillor Mrs E Davies and Mr A Bakewell (Youth Representative).

            ii.        The Clerk read a letter from Cllr Davies thanking the council for their kind gifts and to also request an extension of her absence.

RESOLVED: the council approved an extension of Cllr E Davies absence due to ill health.  This will be reviewed in a further 6 months.

182. To Receive any Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct

There were no Declarations of Interest received, however, Cllr Wight wished to record that Mrs C Huber who is a volunteer on the War Memorial Refurbishment Committee is now a business client.  With regard to the WMI Refurbishment there is no conflict of interests as there is no financial gain to either party.  

183. Minutes of the Council Meetings held on 9th October and 17th October 2019

RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

184. Matters arising

Min 141 – The police did attend the remembrance parade to assist with road patrols which was very much appreciated.

Min 144/108ai – Cllr Wight has not yet drafted the response letter to Claire Homard – FCC Education.

Min 144/108ai - The meeting with Jack Sargeant on the 28th Oct was postponed.  A further meeting was being co-ordinated, however, due to the general election they have no requested to defer arranging a meeting until after 15th December. 

Min 144/108ai - A response has now been received from Julie James and in brief she states that as the Vounog planning application may be subject to appeal, it would not be appropriate for her to comment.

RESOLVED:  a further letter will be sent to Julie James AM as it was felt that if the application were to go to appeal it would go to the inspectorate and not the Minster, therefore she would be able to comment.  The letter will be drafted by the Clerk and Cllr Wight

Min 112/52 - A meeting was held with Welsh Water on Friday 11th October.  Cllrs Wight, Hinds, Wakelam, Ransome and Priddin attending the meeting.

Min 143 – Requests have been made to the clerk of school governors for both primary schools to ask for a regular update following their meetings.  They initially don’t see this being a problem but advised they would need to check with the chair and let us know.

185. Minutes of the Committees

The War Memorial Institute Refurbishment Committee has held no meeting.

186. Reports from County Councillors

RESOLVED: The report was received and noted.

187. Public Questions

Public questions were received in advance of the meeting:

                 i.    The hedges on the bridle path off Penymynydd Road have still not been cut.

                ii.    What would the possibility of installing average speed check camera along Wrexham Road (from Hope to Penyffordd)?


                 i.    This will be reported to Ian Williams – FCC Streetscene.

                ii.    Traffic Calming will be including on the December agenda where this request can be considered further.

188. Planning Applications

a)       To review and consider Planning Applications received.

i.    Ref: 060560.  1st Floor extension over existing storey and single storey rear extension.  Mountain View, Penymynydd Road. .  Also received a Notice under Article 12 – Amendment to submitted application for this application.  Support and agree to a delegated decision with proviso of ‘subject to no objections that indicate a breach of policy, or objections from neighbours who may be impacted by the proposal’. Council request feedback should any concerns be raised.

ii.    Ref: 060576.  Alterations to previously approved extension under app: 058335 with the inclusion of raised platform area to rear of dwelling.  59 Hawarden Road, Penyffordd. Support and agree to a delegated decision with proviso of ‘subject to no objections that indicate a breach of policy, or objections from neighbours who may be impacted by the proposal’. Council request feedback should any concerns be raised .    

iii.    Ref: 060611.  Application to vary conditions no.2,3,5 & 11 of planning permission 059352/  Land at Hawarden Road, Penyffordd. The application needs further consideration and a draft response will be prepared by Cllrs Wight and Williams and circulated to all members..   

b)       The following Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council were received.

i.    Ref: 057396. Application for approval of reserved matters for the erection of 40 dwellings following outline approval ref: 053656.  Land at (north of) Rhos Road, Penyffordd. Approved after completing Legal Agreement

ii.    Ref: 060228. Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 056750.  Land off Chester Road, Penymynydd.  Approved

iii.    Ref: 060319.  Outline application for residential development.  Land East Of Vounog Hill, Penyffordd. Refused

iv.    Ref: 059352.  Erection of 32no. dwellings. Land at Hawarden Road, Penyffordd.  Approved after completing Legal Agreement                                  

v.    Ref: 060340.  Erection of single storey toilet block extension to pub and restaurant.  Red Lion, Rhos Road, Penyffordd.  Approved

vi.    Ref: 060443. Application for approval of details reserved by condition No.7 (entrance construction, No.12 (surface water) No.13 (traffic management) No.16 (landscaping) attached to planning application reference:059373.  Land Adjoining Millstone Inn, Hawarden Road, Penyffordd.  Approved

vii.    Ref: 060527.  Application for the approval of details reserved by condition no. 4 (landscaping) attached to planning permission ref. 059613.  Talossamme, Abbotts Lane, Penyffordd.  Approved

c)       To review Ongoing and Proposed Planning Applications.

                 i.    Ysgol Penyffordd, Single Site School – nothing further to report.

                ii.    Land East of Vounog Hill – nothing further to report.

               iii.    Land (south of) Rhos Road (36 unit of over 55 retirement housing) – nothing further to report.

              iv.    Redrow – In advance of the meeting Cllr Wight circulated a brief report of the meeting held with two representatives from Redrow, Cllrs Wight, Hinds, Williams and Priddin.  Matters that were discussed included; boundary markings; site levels; sewerage drains; re-design; considerate contractors/working hours; footpath re-instatement; Chester Road mud, lay-by, parking and bins; community grants; play equipment and finally sales awareness.

Cllr Wight also provided a recording evidence of a noise issue that has been ongoing for the past (at least) 10 days for approximately 2 hours per day which is totally unacceptable which will be raised with Redrow.

RESOLVED: the above was received and noted.

189. Penyffordd War Memorial Refurbishment Project (Section 106 Agreement)

The WMI have replied to the council’s letter of the 31st July, a copy of which was provided to members.

Legal advice was sought from One Voice Wales as to how the council should proceed regarding tender.  The advice was clear that even though the council have already advertised in local press in accordance with the Standing Orders, as no interest was received, the council are required again to advertise in local press.  With delegated powers the Chair and Clerk took the decision to advertise in one local newspaper (with the lowest cost), quotes were obtained from the Chronicle and Evening Leader.  The Leader was the lowest quote of £438.00.  It appeared in the paper on the 7th November 2019.  The advert has also been placed on the council website and noticeboards and Cllr Wight has arranged it to advertised on social media.  The closing date for the tenders will be Friday 29th November, 6.00pm.

To date, the advertisement has attracted a number of interested companies and approximately 15 tender packs have been issued.

RESOLVED: following the closing date of tenders, the Clerk will meet with a minimum of one councillor to open the tenders and the War Memorial Institute Refurbishment Committee will hold a meeting to review the tenders.

190. Working Groups

Environment –

a)     A report of the meeting held on 23rd October 2019 was circulated to all members. 

Youth Shelter - has now been ordered.

Circular Walks – leaflets being replenished; very positive comments have been received.  Early next year the Group would like to look at introducing a 3rd walk which would be pushchair/wheelchair friendly.  This would be dependent on converting the kissing gate at the bottom of Chester Road.

Planters – the last two planters will be going at the top of Penymynydd Road.  Cllr Blackman to liaise with the Barbers as a planter has been delivered but is yet to be filled.

RESOLVED: consideration of the kissing gate will be included on the December agenda.

b)     Cllr Williams provided members with a report of the locations of all the trees to be planted, together with prices for each tree species and suggested that residents could have the opportunity of adopting a tree which would include paying for the tree, assisting planting and a plaque (of some kind) to identify who has adopted the tree.  All funds received in would be invested back into the ‘Tree’ budget for additional purchases in the future.  Cllr Wight advised that there could be an option of purchasing these trees via the council website together with advertising on the noticeboards.

RESOLVED: Cllr Wight will look into purchasing options for the website and also producing a certificate.

Community Centre -  the Working Group has met and are due to meet again on Tuesday 19th.  They will then be looking at holding a more formal meeting to include Penyffordd Community Ltd, FLVC and hopefully a solicitor.

RESOLVED: the report was received and noted.


a)     A report of the meeting held on 17th October 2019 was circulated to all members.

191. Community Amenities

Cllr Williams reported that the drain and sewage connections are ongoing and have now been agreed.  The Electricity should be connected before Christmas. 

Cllr Wight made a suggestion of having the portacabins painted with a mural.

Cllrs Williams, Rothero and Ransome are currently dealing with the access options of the school/field.  FCC have offered to install additional fencing for the access of the field.

Cllr Wight proposed that a meeting with the Head teacher, Chair of Governors and FCC is held, ideally before the December meeting, to discuss in principle the plans for the community field.

Cllrs Williams and Blackman will be looking to hold a meeting a form a Management Committee for the community amenities.

The Clerk asked for clarification regarding responsibility of insurance cover for the portacabins.


                       i.          Cllrs Wight and Wakelam will make enquires for the mural artwork of the portacabins.

                      ii.          Cllr Wight will request a meeting with the Head teacher, Chair of Governors and FCC.

                     iii.          The Clerk will obtain insurance quotes for the portacabins.

192. Millstone Playing Field & Play Areas

                 i.    Cllr Williams reported that he has not been able to obtain quotes for foam filling for the soundproofing of the skate ramps.  He asked members if they could please assist if they were aware of any local companies who could undertake this work.  As they Co-op have now commenced development, there may be an opportunity to seek assistance from them.

                ii.    Cllr Wight had suggested for the council to consider a village wide plan for a Play Areas Investment Strategy.  To gain an understanding of what the residents would like, he proposed a questionnaire to be produced which would be distributed with the bus timetables.  This could also be available online.

               iii.    Confirmation has been received from Richard Roberts that the council has been successful in securing £10,000 Play Area Match Funding for 2019/20 which was nominated to be used to make improvements to either Dobshill or West View play areas. 


                 i.    Attempts will continue to obtain quotes for foam filling the skate ramps.

                ii.    Cllr Wight will prepare a draft questionnaire for the Play Area Investment Strategy.

               iii.    Cllr Williams will liaise with the developers at Dobshill to establish if they will be making any investment/improvements to the current play area.

193. Dobshill Defibrillator

Cllr Blackman has been unable to contact the owners of Dobshill garage but will endeavour to do so before the December meeting.

RESOLVED: Cllr Blackman to speak to the owners of Dobshill garage to ascertain if they will be willing to have the defibrillator installed on their premises.

194. Christmas Lights/Decorations

i.    Cllr Williams had produced and circulated a map detailing location of all Christmas lights.  Cllr Wakelam reported that he, Cllrs Williams, Priddin and Ransome attended a meeting with Mega Electrical to review all Christmas lights.  It was reported that approximately 5 or 6 street columns have been replaced and the electrical sockets had not been transferred over.  This has resulted in Mega having to reinstall sockets.

A weather proof socket has been installed on the Millennium Clock and Cllr Williams will obtain costs to purchase Christmas trees for Dobshill and Penymynydd roundabouts which Mega will install and dress.

Mega suggested that the best time the council should look at further investment in lights should be around June 2020.

ii.    It was suggested that the Council hold an official Christmas Light Switch On, however, due to timing for this year it was proposed that this should be considered at the June meeting next year to allow appropriate time for planning such an event.  The lights this year will be requested to be switch on from 6.00pm, Friday 29th November.

iii.    Cllr Walker had suggested that the Chairman of the Council holds a Christmas Charity Concert.  Again as above there is insufficient time to plan such an event for this year so will be included on the June 2020 agenda for consideration.


  i.    The Clerk will liaise with Mega Electrical to establish how many electrical sockets they have had to replace due to FCC replacing the columns and this will be raised with FCC to ensure they cover all costs involved.

         ii.    The lights will be switch on this year from Friday 29th November, 6.00m.  A formal Christmas Light Switch ON will be included on the June 2020 agenda.

   iii.    The Chairman’s Christmas Charity Concert will be included on the June 2020 agenda for consideration.

195. Job Evaluation/Staffing Matters  

The Job Evaluation for the role of Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer has been completed and a copy provided to all members.  Cllrs Wight and Bestwick attending a meeting with Mr Gwilym Rippon, together with members of Hope Community Council to review and discuss the recommendations.

In advance of the meeting Cllr Wight had circulated a confidential report and made a proposal to accept the recommendations in the report.

Cllr Williams proposed that a Christmas bonus of £50 is paid to the employees.

RESOLVED: the recommendations be approved.  With effect from 1st November 2019 the new scale being SCP26.

The employee Christmas bonus will be paid in the December payroll.

196. Annual Newsletter

Cllr Wight has started to draft information to be included in the newsletter, however to date he has not received any information from members. It is anticipated that the final draft will be circulated December/January so that it will be ready to go to print January/February.

RESOLVED: members are to provide Cllr Wight information they wish to have included in the newsletter as soon as possible.  Cllr Wight will submit the final draft at the December/January meeting.

197. Correspondence

The following correspondence was received, acknowledged and noted.

·        FCC Standards Committee – feedback letter (copy circulated).

·        A letter from SSFA The Armed Forces Charity - VE day 75 Town & parish councils take the lead in the ve day 75 celebrations. (copy circulated).

RESOLVED: the council would be interested in obtaining further information for consideration and will be included on a future agenda

·        Letter from Nightingale Hospice thanking T&CC for their support.  They also advised that they have recently opened new community clinics in Mold and Chirk and have traduced an advanced heart failure programme within the hospice.

·        FCC Christmas Charity Concert Sunday 15th December, 5.30/6.00pm start.  St Marys Church, Mold.  Tickets £5.

·        Correspondence from OVW with regard to The section 6 biodiversity and resilience of ecosystems duty.

RESOLVED: this will be passed to the Environment Working Group to review.

·        A letter received from Borderlands Line (Wrexham-Bidston-Liverpool) requesting to attend a future council meeting to provide information on the new developments planned for Borderlands Line and to also hear any feedback.

RESOLVED:  Mr Jamie Sant, Borderlands Line Community Rail Officer will be invited to the January meeting.

·        A letter received from Hanson with regard to reports of material deposits on vehicle and homes in the Buckley area on 23rd October.

RESOLVED: a copy of the letter will be put on the councils website.

198. Members Items (AOB)

·      Cllr Hinds – PACA will be holding the Pensioners Christmas 3 course Lunch on 7th December at the Red Lion.  The cost is only £5 per person which has been subsides by PACA and the Red Lion will be provided teas and Coffees.

·      Cllr Hinds also reported that complaints have been made to the length of time Manweb are taking to undertake repairs to street lights.

·      Cllr Smith-Bellis suggested that the Councillors should have an annual social event.

The finance and ordinary meetings were closed at 9.40pm


Chair………………………………………………….. 11t


Minutes of the Finance Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on

Wednesday 13th November 2019

Present:               Councillors Mr R Bestwick (Vice Chair and Chairman of Finance), Mr A Wight, Mr J Priddin, Ms C Hinds, Mr D Walker, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs P Ransome, Mrs M Jones, Mr D Williams, Mr M Rothero, Mr P Blackman, Dr J Smith-Bellis


In attendance:      Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council

199.         Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor Mrs E Davies and Mr A Bakewell (Youth Representative)

200.          Declarations of Interest

Cllrs Rothero, Jones and Walker all declared in interest in relation to agenda item 5 (min 203). Declarations of Interest form were completed and passed to the Clerk.

201.         Minutes of the meeting held 9th October 2019

RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

202.          Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

203.          Annual Grant Applications

The Clerk had prepared and circulated all applications received in advance of the meeting.  Members reviewed all applications received and also considered the Nalc information (L01-18 Financial Assistance to the Church) circulated by One Voice Wales.

RESOLVED: grants were awarded to the following groups and cheques will be prepared for authorisation at the December meeting:

Penyffordd Annual Grants November 2019.JPG

Total Grant Payments of £8050.00.  In addition to the above and annual donation will be made to :

Flintshire Citizen Advice Bureau                        £300.00

The Council will write to St John's the Baptist Church providing them with the Nalc information (L01-18 Financial Assistance to the Church) giving an opportunity for a revised application. 


199.          Draft Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales – Annual Report 2020/21

The IRPW have published their draft report of which section 13 relates to Town and Community Councils.   Any comments on the report are to be submitted by 10th December.  The full draft report can be viewed:

RESOLVED: the report was received and noted.  No comments were made.

** Cllrs Rothero and Priddin left the meeting at 9.35pm


200.          Bank Balances

Bank Balances as at 13th November 2019           Current                         £12,269.31

                                                                                    Deposit                         £331,513.81

                                                                                    Play Area                      £20,851.93


S106 - War Memorial Refurbishment Project                  Spend to Date               Balance

                                                                                    £9,929.66                     £180,070.34

Possible VAT to be claimed (tbc)                                    £1,559.94        


Payments Received                             

22/10/2019        FCC                             2018/19 Play Area Match Funding            £10,000.00


Bank Transfers                        

12/11/2019        Deposit to Play Area                  Annual Budget                          £5,000.00

12/11/2019        Deposit to Current Acc              Transfer                                    £10,000.00


RESOLVED:  the above be received and noted.


201.          Accounts for Payment

 To authorise the following accounts for payment:


Penyffordd Account for payment November 2019.JPG

199.          Members Items (AOB)

There were no items raised.

The finance and ordinary meetings were closed at 9.40pm

Chair………………………………………………….. 11th December 2019

Rebecca Walton