Council Minutes May 2019
Minutes of the Annual Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on
Wednesday 8th May 2019
Present: Councillors Mr A Wight (Chairman), Mr R Bestwick (Vice Chairman) Mr J Priddin, Mr D Williams, Ms C Hinds, Mrs E Davies, Mr D Walker, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs P Ransome, Mr P Blackman, Mr M Rothero and Mr A Bakewell (Youth Representative)
Absent: Cllr Mrs M Jones
In attendance: Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council
Ms Jessica Satchwell
1. Election of Chairman for the year 2019/20
The Chairman invited nominations for the election of Chairman of the Council for 2019/20. It was proposed by Cllr Priddin and unanimously agreed that Cllr A Wight be elected as Chairman for the year 2019/20.
Cllr Priddin thanked members for their support during his year of Chairman, the support and work of the County Councillors and also the Clerk.
Cllr Davies wished to thank Cllr Priddin on behalf of the council for his commitment, service and efforts.
RESOLVED: Councillor A Wight be elected Chairman of the Council for 2019/20. Councillor Wight took the Chair, made and signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
2. Election of Vice Chairman for the year 2019/20
Cllr Davies proposed for Cllr Bestwick to be elected as Vice Chairman of the Council for 2019/20 which was seconded by Cllr Priddin, the Chair invited further nominations. It was unanimously agreed Cllr Bestwick be elected as Vice Chairman.
RESOLVED: Councillor R Bestwick be elected Vice Chairman of the Council for 2019/20. Councillor Bestwick made and signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
3. Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillor Dr J Smith-Bellis.
4. Appointment of members to outside bodies.
Members to outside bodies were reviewed. The Wood Lane Liaison Group ceased and should have not been included and will be removed.
· Penyffordd Tennis Club Cllrs Williams, Rothero and Jones
· Hanson Cement Liaison Committee Cllrs Priddin, Wakelam and Jones
· Flintshire County Forum Cllrs Walker and Wight
· Ysgol Penyffordd, School Governor Cllr Ransome
· St Johns the Baptist, School Governor Cllr Wakelam
· One Voice Wales Cllrs Walker and Wight
· CEASED - Wood Lane Liaison Group
5. Working Groups
i. A revised working group structure was considered as was the appointment of members to the following Working Groups.
ii. The Council considered the appointment of a Chairman and Secretary for each Working Group which was agreed and that the appointments will be made at the first working group meeting and will be reported at the June meeting.
iii. The proposed Procedures of the Working Groups were reviewed by the council and approved.
The Chairman reminded members that these are working groups which will allow the council to be proactive in their activities. These groups do not have any delegated powers. The intention is that the secretary for the group will provide a written report to the clerk which will be included with the agenda for the monthly meetings where the council will make any final resolutions required.
Penyffordd Working Groups Members May 2019
i. The council approved that in order to ensure the groups are proactive and there is structure to the working group meetings they will appoint a Chairman and Secretary. These will be agreed at the first working group meeting and will be reported at the June meeting.
ii. The Council also approved the Procedures which are to be adhered to by the aforementioned Working Groups.
6. Policies and Procedure Documents
The following documents had been circulated by the Clerk prior to the meeting. The Chair asked the Council if these had been reviewed and if any amendments were proposed.
Model Code of Conduct
Standing Orders
Model Financial Regulations
Complaints Procedure
General Data Protection Policy
Internal Financial Controls
The Clerk informed members of two modifications that were required to be considered.
· Financial Regulations 4.1 – should the expenditure amounts be reviewed taking into consideration the expenditure amounts anticipated for the WMI Refurbishment? Cllr Wight proposed that for the purpose of the WMI Refurbishment Project the duly delegated committee expenditure amount should be increased to £25,000. A vote was taken and the council approved the increase. There was one abstention.
· Social Media Policy 6.4 – to include the wording ‘for information that is not already in the public domain’
RESOLVED: the Council approved that an addition should be included to 4.1 of the Financial Regulations stating ‘a duly delegated committee of the council for the sole purpose of individual ‘special projects’ for items under £25,000’. It was also agreed to incorporate the following: ‘for information that is not already in the public domain’ into 6.4 of the Social Media Policy.
With the above amendments, the above documents were reviewed, approved and adopted by the Council.
7. Asset Register
A copy of the Asset Register had been circulated by the Clerk prior to the meeting.
RESOLVED: the Asset Register dated May 2019 be received and approved.
8. Community Council Insurance Policy
The Council are in a Long Term Agreement with Zurich until 2022. The premium has increased slightly due to the additional items added during the year and increase to the fidelity guarantee. The renewal premium will be £1546.69 (an increase of £55.84).
RESOLVED: the Council approved the renewal with Zurich as above.
9. 2019/20 Meeting Dates
To approve the following dates for the 2019/20 meetings.
12th June 2019 10th July 2019 August 2019 – No Meeting
11th September 2019 9th October 2019 13th November 2019
11th December 2019 15th January 2020 12th February 2020
11th March 2020 8th April 2020 13th May 2020
RESOLVED: for the above to be the dates of the 2019/20 Council Meetings.
Chair…………………………………………………..12th June 2019
Minutes of the Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on
Wednesday 8th May 2019
Present: Councillors Mr A Wight (Chairman), Mr R Bestwick (Vice Chairman) Mr J Priddin, Mr D Williams, Ms C Hinds, Mrs E Davies, Mr D Walker, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs P Ransome, Mr P Blackman, Mr M Rothero and Mr A Bakewell (Youth Representative)
Absent: Cllr M Jones
In attendance: Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council
Ms Jessica Satchwell
10. Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillor Dr J Smith-Bellis.
11. Visitors
i. PCSO Andrea Ellis was unable to attend the meeting but provided the Council with an updated report:
Anti-Social Behaviour Issues/Trends: - There has been 1 report of ASB whereby youths have been on the grounds of Penyffordd junior school. No damage has been caused. For awareness and patrols will be conducted.
Crime Issues/Trends - There have been 2 reports of thefts from 2 addresses in Berwyn Avenue area whereby offenders have taken items from the rear garden and shed.
ii. Jessica Satchwell informed the council that she has intended to attend the meeting to discuss with the council fundraising to purchase a defibrillator for Dobshill after setting up a Just Giving Page, however, she was pleased to advise that after contacting Wates of the new Dobshill development they have agreed to fund the defibrillator. She asked the council to consider the installation and most suitable for it to be installed with options of the garage or pet shop. Cllr Williams suggested a good location would be by the bus stop and new council noticeboard on Chester Road. Cllr Walker offered to communication with the pet shop.
JS asked once this was in place who would be responsible for the upkeep etc? She is having a meeting with Wates tomorrow and will ascertain further details such as will Wates provide the cabinet? will they undertake the installation works? JS will report back to Cllr Priddin.
The Council thanked JS for her attendance and efforts in co-ordinating this venture and agreed to include the installation and location of the defibrillator on the June agenda.
RESOLVED: JS will meet with Wates and report back to Cllr Priddin. This item will be included on the June agenda for further consideration.
** JS left the meeting at 7.15pm
12. To Receive any Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct
There were no Declarations of Interest received.
13. Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 10th April 2019
RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
14. Matters arising
Min 337/Min 291c - The letter to WAG has not yet been sent as information is being collated from Cllrs Williams and Wight.
Min 323 – The Clerk is pursuing FCC with regards to the agreed repairs scheduled for the bus shelter. Ian Williams has confirmed that the safety barrier outside of St Johns School will be installed during whit week.
Min 342 – Cllr Ransome advised she is liaising with the Head Teacher with regard to capturing the moving on event and closure of the schools by way of recordings and photography, which she is more than happy for the council to do without the children.
Min 346 - A letter from the chairman has been sent to the Chief Office - FCC Planning.
Min 347 – The Clerk has contacted Connected Security with the instruction to reinstall the camera, this should be undertaken this week.
The Clerk also provided the Council with a proposed statement for Wynne Construction’s Press department in relation to the installation of the defib.
RESOLVED: the statement from the council was approved and the Clerk will forward this to Outwrite.
15. Public Questions
There were no public questions received.
16. Internal Audit and Annual Return for the Year Ended 31 March 2019
i. The Clerk provided members with details of the 2018/19 Internal Audit.
Issue 1
The fidelity over of £250,000 does not cover the maximum projected cash balance at 31/3/2019 of approximately £363,000 (calculated as year end balance plus first precept instalment)
Recommendation 1
The Council must urgently review the adequacy of their fidelity cover.
The Fidelity Cover has been increased with Zurich Insurance as from 18th April 2019. Their cover falls into bandings and therefore the Council now has cover for upto £500,000. This has been included at no extra cost and also included in the 2019-20 renewal
Issue 2
Employee mileage of £214.33 has been included in staff costs in the Annul Return. The draft annual return also restates the 2017/18 balance so that staff costs includes employee mileage.
In order to be included within staff costs the expense must be a Benefit (ie Benefit in Kind) which is a disclosable item on a P11d. Mileage expenses are a benefit that is disclosable on a P11d only to the extent that they are in excess of the 45p tax neutral rate permitted by HMRC. Therefore, only the mileage rate in excess of 45p per mile paid by the council is a discloseable benefit
Recommendation 2
The Annual Return should be amended to include travel expenses as other payment. Staff costs should therefore be £18,506 and other payments should be £35,011.
Action 2
The Annual Return has been amended as advised above.
Issue 3
The following assets have been included within the asset register at an incorrect valuation as they include VAT:
CCTV camera included at £2988 when it should be £2490 and Bench included at £567.60 when it should be £473.
Recommendation 3
Assets should be included within the asset register net of VAT.
Action 3
The asset register has been updated to exclude VAT on the CCTV camera and bench.
Follow up of 2017/18 Audit Recommendations
Issue 1
The March 2018 minutes show that the Council are intending to set up a S106 joint working Group.
The Council must ensure that the working group is issued with a terms of reference. This will make clear that the working group can only make recommendations to council and cannot make decision on behalf of the council.
Follow up comments 2018-19
The terms of reference of the working group does not make it clear that the group cannot commit the council to a liability or expenditure. It also states in section one that the Working Group can make a resolution but in fact they can only make recommendations to their parent committee. The terms of reference also includes a budget and a set of procurement rules for expenditure that also implies there is some authority over make decisions on suppliers that will carry out works. It seems as the rules and expectations of which the WMI are to operate under have been incorporated into the terms of reference for the WMI working group.
Follow up recommendation
The Terms of Reference is redrafted to incorporate changed that resolve the above issues,
The TOR has been redrafted to make the necessary amendments and has been passed to JDH for their approval before it is approved by the council.
Depending on the feedback from the Auditors the Clerk advised it may be that the Council will be required to create a WMI Project Committee in order to allow for financial delegated powers.
The Clerk also reported that she has been advised that as the expenditure is going to be significantly higher this financial year, the internal audit fee is going to increase from £142.80 to £207+vat.
ii) A copy of the Accounting Statement of the Annual Return was provided to all members advising that in Box 12 for 2017/18, the figure has been restated which was due to the Penymynydd Noticeboard being omitted from the asset figure.
The Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Elector’s Rights will be advertised (on noticeboards and website) between no later than 16th June until at least 1st July with the documents being available to view between 1st July – 26th July.
i. The 2018/19 Internal Audit Report was received, noted and approved together with the Clerk actions. The Chairman thanked the Clerk.
ii. The 2018/19 Annual Return was approved by the council and signed by the Chairman and Clerk. The Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Elector’s Rights will be advertised (on noticeboards and website) between no later than 16th June until at least 1st July with the documents being available to view between 1st July – 26th July.
17. Working Groups
Environment – Cllr Bestwick provided sample of the circular walks leaflet. They have obtained two quotes for the printing of the leaflets, although similar prices their preferred option being the local printers who are able to provide 500 leaflets of each walk for £205 and requested approval from the council
Also as a guide, Cllr Wight has drafted a ‘Way Marker’ which Cllr Bestwick has liaised with FCC for costings. The Council could purchase 100 - £3.24each or 500 - £1 each. Cllr Bestwick therefore proposed to purchase 500 which would allow both the current circular walks and future walks. FCC have confirmed that they would install the Way Markers.
Cllrs Bestwick and Ransome are also looking to launch the walks through a community activity such as ‘Walk the Walk’. Cllr Blackman suggested contacting the local Ramblers.
Cllr Priddin asked whether these walks are pushchair/wheelchair friendly? Cllr Ransome advised that as these are rural countryside walks (with gates/styles) therefore unfortunately would not be suitable, however, they could look at future walks which would be accessible.
Cllr Walker asked how they were intending on distributing the leaflets? Cllr Bestwick suggested distributing copies within the local businesses. Cllr Ransome suggested Sales Offices of the new developments happening within the village.
Cllr Williams requested to ensure that the information included in the leaflet is 100%accurate before production.
RESOLVED: the Council approved for the Environment Working Group to proceed with the printing of 500 of each leaflet (500 each) and purchasing 500 Way Markers.
Transport - Cllr Hinds expressed concern of the lack of transport within the village with further changes/withdrawals and suggested that the council could arrange to meet with neighbouring communities.
Cllr Williams proposed writing to Arriva and Steve Jones FCC as the recent changes that came into effect from 29th April was not communicated to residents or publicised in advance of the changes. This is not acceptable as advance notice is required.
RESOLVED: Cllr Hinds will look to co-ordinate a meeting with neighbouring councils. A letter will sent to Arriva and Steve Jones Chief Officer FCC Streetscene with regard to advance notice and communication of changes and/or withdrawals.
18. Community Amenities
Cllr Williams advised that he is still waiting on information from FCC who are in the process of determining current ownership.
RESOLVED: the report was received and noted. No further action can be taken until this information is received from FCC.
19. Youth Club Building and Surrounding Site
Cllr Wight reported that an open meeting was held in April which had good attendance and interest. A smaller meeting will be held whereby they will be looking at creating a Management Committee.
Cllr Williams advised that he is pursuing FLVC.
RESOLVED: Cllrs Williams and Wight will continue to chase and liaise with FLVC
20. Community Awards
The Clerk had only recently obtained information and examples of nomination forms and criteria’s from fellow Clerks.
Cllr Walker suggested liaising with FCC as he was aware they held Sports Personality Awards and maybe able to offer advice.
RESOLVED: From the information received the Clerk will prepare a draft which will be passed to the Engagement Working Group to review, amend or adapt. On completion this will then be presented to the full council for approval.
21. Millstone Playing Field
Cllr Williams advised that he has contacted Richard Roberts, FCC and is awaiting to speak to a member of his team for further advice on how to proceed with the installation of materials inside of the skate ramps.
RESOLVED: the report was received and noted. Cllr Williams will report at the June meeting.
22. Melwood Close Play Area
Cllrs Williams and Wakelam had no further details to report but are looking to have plans drawn up to present to the council.
RESOLVED: Cllrs Williams and Wakelam will obtain proposed plans for the play area to present to the council.
23. Grow Wild – Youth Grant
Adam Bakewell was successful in his Grow Wild grant application for £500 which is to be used to purchase wild flowers, shrubs, cherry & fruits trees. The Scouts will participate in the planting. The Clerk met with Mr Bakewell and Cllr Williams on 23rd April in order to complete and sign the necessary paperwork.
Mr Bakewell advised a request had been made for an extension to the 30th September deadline for spending the grant due to the timing of tree planting. Grow Wild have advised that although they are not able to formally agree to an extension as Grow Wild will cease after this year so they need to tie things up, the Council do not necessarily have to have the project complete by the end of September, we just need to have spent/allocated the money and reported this back to Grow Wild. Cllr Williams and Mr Bakewell will look at sourcing the shrubs, seeds and trees.
RESOLVED: the report was received and noted. Cllr Williams and Mr Bakewell will look to source the shrubs, seeds and trees. The Council thanked Mr Bakewell and praised him for his efforts.
24. Street Naming and Numbering, Residential Development – Land at Rhos Road, Penyffordd
Correspondence has been received from FCC with regard to street names for the Development – Land at Rhos Road, Penyffordd.
The developers for the above scheme has provided FCC with the following name of the proposed new street;
· Village Way / Ffordd y Pentref
· Hamlet Close / Clos Pentref Bach
The Clerk requested an extension to the closing date of the 6th May which has been approved.
RESOLVED: the Council will submit the following proposals for consideration:
· Rhos-y-Brwyner Road / Ffordd Rhos-y-Brwyner
· Drovers Road / Ffordd Porthmyn
25. Planning Applications
a) To review and consider Planning Applications received.
i. Ref: 059785. Erection of a two storey extension to side of dwelling and external alterations including dropping of kerb and formation of driveway extension. 10 Kent Close, Penymynydd. Supported on the condition that there are no objections raised by the neighbouring properties.
ii. Notification that ref: 059352. Erection of 32no dwellings. Land At Hawarden Road, Penyffordd was also due to be heard at the 1st May FCC Planning Committee Meeting but was since withdrawn.
RESOLVED: the above comments will be reported to Flintshire County Council Planning.
iii. A Pre-application notice received from Real Planning re: Land South of Rhos Road, Penyffordd.
iv. A Pre-application notice received from Strutt Parker re: Land East of Vounog Hill, Penyffordd.
Cllr Wight expressed concern that the two pre-applications received are the same planning applications that were previously submitted and refused by FCC and there have been no changes to the applications. He proposed that the County Councillors raise with FCC why they would consider these applications, which they had refused, when nothing has changed.
Cllr Williams to expressed concern and questioned whether there had been changed to TAN1 which we were not aware of, which is why the applications are being resubmitted.
RESOLVED: Cllrs Williams and Hinds will question these two pre applications with FCC under their County Councillor capacity with Andy Roberts. The Council will also write to FCC Planning asking if they will be considering these applications, which they have already refused, and no changes have been made.
b) The following Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council were received.
i. Ref: 059492. Erection of pitched roof over existing flat roof garage and porch. 34 Penymynydd Road, Penyffordd. Approved
iii. Ref: 059505. Demolition of conservatory and erection of extension to rear of dwelling. Yandilla, Park Lane, Penyffordd. Approved
iv. Ref: 059431. Erection of two storey extension. 16 Priory Close, Penyffordd. Approved
v. Ref: 059574. Erection of single storey rear extension and construction of new Bedroom and En-Suite above existing garage. Or Old Rock Cottage Orchard House, Penymynydd Road, Penymynydd. Approved
vi. Ref: 059642. Erection of garage extension, incorporating wet room, utility room and enlarged. 30 Alyn Drive, Penyffordd. Approved
vii. Ref: 059767. Siting of community noticeboard. Road Side Verge, Dobshill Roundabout, Dobshill. Approved
viii. Ref: 059768. Siting of a community noticeboard. Village Green, Watts Road, Penyffordd. Approved
c) To review Ongoing and Proposed Planning Applications.
i. Redrow Development, Chester Road, Penymynydd – Cllr Hinds reported that vehicles are using Hazel Drive to access the site. Cllr Wight said that a meeting needs to be held with Redrow. He was aware that Redrow have not registered with the Considerate Builders Scheme. He has questioned why during the Easter bank holidays, FCC had approved for Redrow to work.
There was concern that these issues could follow through to future developments within the village if not addressed and appropriate conditions applied to the applications. Cllr Wight suggested reviewing all applications received and commented on by the Community Council over the last two years to ascertain how many the council have supported and how many have been objected to.
He also proposed to invite Andrew Farrow, Chief Planning Officer – FCC to the June meeting giving the number of issues, concerns, loss of trust and to gain an understanding from him what the councils role is in the planning process. Cllr Bestwick questioned that as the council does have a number of grievances with the FCC planning could the council not follow the complaints process and submit a formal complaint.
RESOLVED: the Clerk will review and prepare a spreadsheet detailing all planning applications received during the last 2 years showing whether the community council was in support or made an objection.
Mr Andrew Farrow, Chief Planning Officer will be invited to the June meeting. Should the council not be happy with the response received from FCC, consideration will be made as to whether a formal complaint will be submitted to FCC.
ii. Penyffordd Single Site School – Cllr Wakelam has been contacted to question whether the primary school was oversubscribed? Cllrs Rothero and Ransome (under their school governor roles) advised that they were unable to comment until the letters have been issued.
iii. Rhos Road (40) – nothing further to report
iv. Dobshill (former Council Depot) – nothing further to report.
v. Proposed Co-op Development, Millstone, Penyffordd – nothing further to report.
RESOLVED: the above was received and noted.
26 Community Council’s Year End Report/Newsletter
The past Chairman, Cllr Priddin has drafted his report, Cllr Bestwick provided an extract for the Environment Working Group and the Clerk has prepared a report of the year activity and members attendance.
Cllr Wight asked the Clerk to forward the information and he will review further.
RESOLVED: all information received to date will be forwarded to Cllr Wight to review further. This will be included on the June agenda.
27. Correspondence
The following correspondence was received, acknowledged and noted.
· FCC Standards Committee feedback
· As the Council are now members of OVW, they have the option to propose two motions for debate at the AGM which will be held on 5th October. Motions have to be submitted by 20th June.
· A Welsh Government survey inviting the clerk to take part in the new POSW town and community council survey.
· Planning Aid Wales Training – 22 May, St Asaph. (emailed to members)
· A thank you letter from Flintshire CAB with regard to the Sleep Out Event Grant.
· Agenda and minutes for the Hanson Liaison Committee Meeting due to be held on Monday 13th May.
· Correspondence from Welsh Blood Service – They have World Blood Donor Day coming up soon (14.6.19) and are working with other community councils to bring ‘key influencers’ (e.g. town mayor, councillors, local celebrity, etc.) to come into local Flintshire sessions to donate in hope that they show key people within the Flintshire community donating, that it will encourage others to do the same.
· An invitation from the Chair of Flintshire County Council to their Civic Service which will be held on Sunday 7th July in the Parish Church St Eugain and St Peters, Northop.
RESOLVED: the above was received and noted.
· FCC/FLVC – Best Kept Communities Competition 2019. Should the council wish to enter, applications have to be submitted by 14th June.
RESOLVED: the Council would like to enter the competition and the details will be passed to the Environment Working Group in order for them to review and prepare the application forms. These will be presented at the June meeting for the council to approved.
28. Members Items (AOB)
· Cllr Wakelam highlighted that he had requested for Penymynydd Woods to be included on the May agenda. The Clerk referred back and apologised that this had been missed together with the request from Cllr Walker regarding access to Penyffordd Train Station and Cllr Ransome’s request for the Village Sign (Chester Road) also to be included on the May agenda.
RESOLVED: these matters will now be reviewed by the Environment Working Groups and further details will be reported back to the full council.
· Cllr Priddin advised that the tree in front of the CCTV camera on the Millstone play area needs attention and cutting back.
RESOLVED: Cllr Hinds will speak with members of the allotments to request the tree to be cut back.
· Cllr Williams wished to acknowledge the passing of two local residents; Ms Jessie Thomas who was a former member and Chairman of the Council and Debbie Lawrence.
· Cllr Williams also wished to acknowledge that there were a number of local residents who ran in the London marathon and raised money.
· Cllr Ransome reminded members of the Penyffordd School Moving On events which they are all invited to. Juniors - Wed 22nd May 4.30pm and Infants - Thurs 23rd May 4.30pm.
· Cllr Hinds asked members to inform her of any concerns they have with the health service as she is due to be having a meeting with BCU (Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board).
· The Clerk wished to thank the Scouts and Beavers for their recent community work.
RESOLVED: the Council will send letters of thanks to both the Scouts and Beavers.
The Clerk and Council wish to acknowledge and thank Cllr E Davies who this year had served on the community council for 40 years.
The AGM, finance and ordinary meetings were closed at 9.15pm
Chair………………………………………………….. 12th June 2019
Minutes of the Finance Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on
Wednesday 8th May 2019
Present: Councillors Mr R Bestwick (Chairman of the Committee), Mr A Wight (Chairman of the Council), Mr J Priddin, Mr D Williams, Ms C Hinds, Mrs E Davies, Mr D Walker, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs P Ransome, Mr P Blackman, Mr M Rothero and Mr A Bakewell (Youth Representative)
Absent: Cllr Mrs M Jones
In attendance: Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council
29. Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillor Dr J Smith-Bellis.
30. Declarations of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest received.
31. Minutes of the meeting held 10th April 2019
RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
32. Matters Arising
Min 358 – Cllr Williams reported that FCC have undertaken the second grass cutting of the year this week.
33. Penyffordd War Memorial Refurbishment Project (Section 106 Agreement)
The Clerk provided members with a report of the amendments made to the revised Terms of Reference for the Working Group in accordance with the Internal Audit comments, which has subsequently been approved by the Auditors.
Due to the amendments of the ToR and advice from the Auditors the Clerk advised that in order for regular expenditure to be approved, the Council should consider the creation of a WMI Refurbishment Committee where there will be a new Terms of Reference together with authorisation giving delegated powers. Should this be approved, she would draw up a new ToR which would set out the delegated budget and these amounts would then be reported back to full council.
The Clerk stated that further to the comments made in the Internal Audit referring to neither the WMI Committee or Working Group can not commit the council to a liability or expenditure that the council should request the WMI to provide them with the budget for the project. Cllr Blackman had also echoed this request.
The Clerk also raised the issue that the internet banking facility only permits of up to £15,000 per day which could be an issue once larger invoices are received. Cllr Wight commented that this could be reviewed as and when required. Cllr Bestwick suggested that any larger payments could be made via cheque.
RESOLVED: the Council approved that a WMI Refurbishment Committee will be created with the following members, Cllrs Wight, Wakelam, Priddin, Bestwick, Blackman and Williams. The Clerk will draw up the necessary Terms of Reference, which will be presented to the Auditors for approval and then submitted to the Council at the June Meeting.
Cllr Wight will request a budget from the WMI Committee.
34. Payments to Members
OVW have provided a Guide which the clerk circulated for information purposes. They also advised that they are continuing its efforts to seek a blanket dispensation for all Councils in respect of the payment of tax of the basic allowance of £150. They have recently been provided with a key contact in the HMRC and are awaiting contact so that they can present the case that the allowance should be free of any taxable liability.
RESOLVED: the above report was received, noted and approved.
35. Council Email Addresses
The Clerk reported that Froya are now in the process of setting up the new email addresses. They will initially complete and implement the Clerks before rolling out to all members.
The Chairman requested this to be included on the June agenda.
RESOLVED: the report was received and noted. This will be included again on the June agenda.
36. Bank Balances
Bank Balances as at 8th May 2019 Current £14,186.84
Deposit £327,643.95
Play Area £15,986.33
S106 - War Memorial Refurbishment Project Total Spend to Date Vat Balance
£5,700.00 £855 £185,152.00
Payments Received 30/04/2019 Flintshire County Council Precept £29,609.00
Bank Transfers 07/05/2019 Deposit to Current Account Transfer £10,000.00
Unpresented Cheques Flintshire CAB Sleepout Event (Grant) £100.00
RESOLVED: the above be received and noted.
37. Accounts for Payment
To authorise the following accounts for payment:
The Clerk requested for the council to approve 14 hours’ overtime. These additional hours have accrued since January and are mainly down to issues with payments to members, end of year, accounts, pensions, reports, internal and external audits and AGM. If approved this would be processed in the June Payroll
RESOLVED: The above accounts be processed for payment and was signed by the Chairman of Council and/or the Chairman of Finance. Payments were also countersigned by two bank signatories.
The Council approved the overtime hours for the Clerk which will be processed and paid in the June payroll.
38. Members Items (AOB)
The AGM, finance and ordinary meetings were closed at 9.15pm
Chair………………………………………………….. 12th June 2019