Council Minutes June 2019


Minutes of the Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on

Wednesday 12th June 2019 

Present:               Councillors Mr A Wight (Chairman), Mr R Bestwick (Vice Chairman) Mr J Priddin, Ms C Hinds, Mr D Walker, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs P Ransome, Mr P Blackman, Mrs M Jones, Dr J Smith-Bellis and Mr A Bakewell (Youth Representative)

Absent:                Councillor Mrs E Davies

In attendance:      Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council

                            1 x member of the public

40.      Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillors Mr D Williams and Mr M Rothero.

41.      Visitors

                         i.     PCSO Andrea Ellis was unable to attend the meeting and provided an updated reported:

Anti-Social Behaviour Issues/Trends:

  • 1 x report of a suspicious male seen on the driveway of a home owner in a vehicle.

  • ·  1 x report of youths throwing items in the rear of the millstone park area causing damage. Officers attended no sign of any youths, no damage caused.

  • .1 x report made from a member of the public that they had found a chalk marking outside their property. No further call and advice given

  • 2 x reports of youths smoking Cannabis at the rear of the millstone park near to the allotments. I attended, there were a small group of young males, using the bench to eat a takeaway. There was certainly no drug taking there as the smell is so pungent it would have lingered. They were not causing any issues therefore were not asked to leave the area.

  • 1 x Report of an adult couple outside Spar intoxicated

Crime Issues / Trends:

  • 1 x report of a criminal damage to the old clinic on Melwood Close.  Officers have attended and youths are responsible. Pictures have been provided of the suspects and this incident is currently being investigated.

  • 1 x report of high risk MISSING PERSON – Mr Purton at present is still officially missing. As you will be aware a body was recovered by Cheshire police. That person still has not been formally identified. Until then no further comment can be made.

                         i.     Jessica Satchwell did not attend the meeting. 

40.      To Receive any Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct

There were no Declarations of Interest received.

41.      Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 8th May 2019

RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 

42.      Matters arising

Min 6 –Following the requested and approved amendments to the Financial Regulations Social Media Polices new copies were provided to all members.

Min 9 – The Clerk advised that the Meeting date for January 2020 should be 15th January 2020 and not the 8th as stated on the AGM agenda.

Min 14 - Min 337/ 291c - The letter to WAG has not yet been sent as the Clerk is awaiting further information from Cllr Wight.

Min 14 – Min 323 – The Clerk has again contacted Ian Williams with regards to the agreed repairs scheduled for the bus shelter and the safety barrier outside of St Johns School.  Awaiting response.

Min 25 – Cllr Wight invited Andrew Farrow to the June meeting, however, AF is unable to attend in June but would be happy to attend a future meeting.  He has also asked for a meeting with Colin Everett.  AF has informed that the LDP is programmed to go out for public consultation in September. There will be sessions with Town and Community Councils before that date to explain its content and the process for making comments.

The Clerk has also written to Andrew Farrow on 14th May and chased a response on 3rd June with regard to what was the position of FCC for the pre planning applications notices received for Land South of Rhos Road, Penyffordd and Land East of Vounog Hill, Penyffordd.  Awaiting a response.

43.      Minutes of Committees

The WMI Refurbishment Committee met on 4th June, however, the meeting was inquorate and therefore no business was transacted. A copy of the minutes of the meeting were circulated.

44.      Reports from County Councillors

The Chairman thanked the Cty Councillors for the written report which was provided to members.  He asked that the most important information required is information which can be filtered down to the community that they have attained from FCC which has relevance to the members and village eg land, planning, schools etc

RESOLVED: the report was received and noted. 

45.      Public Questions

The member of the public wished to raise the question of the village having a ‘retained’ Fire Service.  As an experienced fire fighter he advised that the closest station is Buckley which could take a minimum of 15 minutes for them to attend.  Due to the expansion of the village he suggested that this may be an option to consider and look into further.

Retained firefighters only attend the fire station when they have received an emergency callout. For much of the time, a retained fire station is unmanned. Each retained firefighter carries a pocket alerter, which is activated when they are needed and they have a maximum of 5 minutes to report to the fire station and mobilise the necessary appliance(s). Retained firefighters will have other occupations, but when the call comes they drop whatever they are doing and become part of a team. Depending on the type of cover given, a retained firefighter may respond from home and/or work, day and / or night.

RESOLVED: the Council fully supported the suggestion and will write to North Wales Fire Service.  

46.      War Memorial Refurbishment Committee Terms of Reference.

     i.     The Terms of Reference for the aforementioned committee were provided to members to review and approve.

     ii.    Due to the first meeting not being quorate it was proposed that the Committee should increase the currently appointed 6 members to ensure that future meetings have the minimum required attendance.  Cllrs Jones and Hinds agreed to stand on the committee.


   i.     The Terms of Reference were reviewed and approved by the Council.

   ii.    The following members were appointed to join the Committee: Cllrs M Jones and C Hinds. 

47.      External Audit – Annual Return Year Ended 31 March 2019

The Chairman and Clerk were required to sign and certify the supporting documents required for the 2018/19 external audit.

RESOLVED: all required documents were signed and certified by the Chairman and Clerk.  The external audit will now be submitted. 

48.      Flintshire County Council – Environmental and Parking Enforcement Funding Scheme

FCC are currently looking into the feasibility of allowing Town and Community Councils to fund additional Enforcement Officers.  The implementation of this scheme will be dependent on whether there is sufficient interest.

The duties of the Officers will be dependent on local needs, however, Councils may wish to consider: Enhanced services of litter enforcement patrols, dog fouling enforcement patrols, fly tipping investigations and car paring infringement patrols.

The cost of an Enforcement Officer will be £195 per day, with all funds generated through fixed penalty notices being retained by FCC. 

There were very mixed responses to this scheme whilst some members welcomed the opportunity to increase enforcement, others disagreed and were concerned with the costs and that FCC would receive all revenue from the penalties.  It was suggested that in order to consider this fully additional information was required:

1.      What Enforcement is FCC currently providing for the village; how many hours and what times of the day?

2.      Why will FCC receive all revenue from the penalties?  Could this not be shared with the Community Council?

3.      How many penalty notices have FCC issued within the villages during the last 12 months?

Cllr Wakelam suggested advertising this on social media and noticeboards to make residents aware that this could be implemented, this was seconded by Cllr Smith-Bellis and approved by the council.

RESOLVED: The above questions will be put to FCC and will be included on the July agenda for further discussion.  A response needs to be submitted to FCC by the 17th July should the council wish to express an interest in participating in this scheme.

Cllr Wakelam will advertise that this scheme is being considered by the Community Council.

49.      Model Local Resolution Protocol

One Voice Wales have provided a Model Local Resolution Protocol for Community and Town Councils which members have been provided with to review and consider if they wish to adopt.

RESOLVED: the council accepted the protocol and it was agreed that this would be adopted.

50.      Working Groups

Environment –

a.      To receive a report of the meeting held on 16th May 2019

b.      Cllr Bestwick reported that the initial costs for the circular walk waymakers were incorrect and actually costs are £1.28 each and therefore only 250 have been ordered.

c.      Cllr Bestwick provided members with options to purchase and install perspex cabinets for Circular Walk Maps.

d.      To submit the proposed entries for the Best Kept Community Competition

e.      Cllr Bestwick proposed that environment working group be given approval to utilise the councils budget for shrubs/bulbs to purchase additional planters, plants and shrubs.


Cllr Ransome informed members that Wates have expressed an interest in being involved with the environment group and issues within the village.  The next meeting of the Working Group will be 19th June.

Cllr Wight reported that he had been made aware of something called Transition Network (Transition is about communities stepping up to address the big challenges they face by starting local.  By coming together, they are able to crowd-source solutions. They seek to nurture a caring culture, one focused on supporting each other, both as groups or as wider communities.) and may be this is something the council should be looking into.

** 7.30pm 1x member of the public left the meeting.



a.      The reports were received and noted.

c.      The Council will purchase 3 x external Perspex leaflets cabinets which will be installed onto the noticeboards in Penyffordd, Penymynydd and Dobshill.  10 x internal leaflet cabinets will be purchased and installed in local shops and business.  Maps will also be displayed in the noticeboards and Cllr Ransome advised that they will also be delivered to new homes within the villages.

d.      The locations for the Best Kept Community Competition was approved and will be submitted as follows: Best kept village with a Population over 1000 but less than 5000.   (Section B), Best Kept Senior Citizens Social Housing (Section D) - 3 Separate Entries; Meadow Rise, Corwen Way and Park Crescent.

e.      The Council approved that the environment working group can utilise the budget of £200.

Community Centre -  

a.      Cllr Wight reported that Cllr Williams has called for a meeting to be held on 3rd July for all interested parties with a view to forming a Management Group.  Cllr Wight asked members to consider whether they wish to be on the board of Penyffordd Community Ltd and that a Constitution will be getting drawn up.  There is continued dialogue with the Scouts and FLVC are currently happy with the progress.

RESOLVED: the report was received and noted and members will contact Cllr Wight should they wish to be included on the board of Penyffordd Community Ltd.

Engagement – This working group had not met since the last council meeting.

a.      Annual Community Awards – The draft application form and criteria had been circulated to the members which needs to be reviewed as soon as possible.

b.      Cllr Wight expressed his disappointment that the Community Council does not participate in the Carnival.  This would be an opportunity to engage and interact with the village.  Due to time restraints this would not now be possible for this year, but requested that this is consider for next year and proposed that it be included on the February 2020 agenda for consideration.

With regard to the scarecrow competition, Cllr Wight proposed that the council should consider submitting their own scarecrow.


a.      The working group will review and consider the application and criteria.  Enquiries will also be made with Rossett Community Council who is believed to have run similar awards for a number of years.

b.      Community Council participation in the carnival will be included on the February 2020 agenda.

The Scarecrow competition will be included on the July agenda to ascertain if the council will create and submit their own scarecrow.


Cllr Wakelam raised the continued concern of drainage within the village especially with the recent weather and flooding.

RESOLVED: the council will write to Welsh Water, Natural Resources Wales, Welsh Government Planning Inspectorate and also The Well-being Minster with regard to the ongoing concern of additional housing developments being built on soak away land.

51.      Community Amenities

Cllr Blackman reported that a meeting was held to look at the units and installation.  The Bowling Club have made available the access required.  They spoke with local residents to hear and address any concerns which may have been had, one of which was possible noise concerns.  Cllr Wight advised that the council needs to also speak with the school to hear any of the concerns they may have such as parking, pitch condition and mud.

The Clerk advised in the absence of Cllr Williams that he has prepared and submitted the required planning application for the changing room facilities.  He had also informed her that the cost of the unit, initialled costed at £6500 will now be less and that FCC are considering supporting the purchase of the second changing unit.  Once the units are installed, they will be painted so that they blend into the landscape, however, they are also looking at the possibility of having them cladded to match the school building. 

RESOLVED: the report was received and noted.  No further action can be taken until contract information is received from FCC.

52.      Millstone Playing Field

The Clerk advised that a site meeting was held on 24th May with Cllr Williams, herself and FCC.  The Council have now received the panel key to access the ramps and Cllr Williams is liaising with FCC Senior Play Inspector to consider the most suitable option to fill the ramps and prepare potential costings.  Initially only one/two ramps will be filled to ascertain the level of noise reduction.

Discussions were had regarding the installation of additional seating/pods at the Millstone and Cllr Wight proposed that designs and costings were obtained for the July meeting.  This will be undertaken by the Infrastructure WG.

RESOLVED: Cllr Williams will report at the July meeting regarding soundproofing of the skate ramps and the Infrastructure Working Group will obtain designs and costings for seating/pods to be presented to the council.

 53.      Melwood Close Play Area

Cllr Wight advised this was discussed with the Infrastructure Working Group, however, drainage at the site needs to be addressed before play area improvements can be made. Cllr Wakelam advised that Richard Roberts has prepared two designs.

The drainage may be addressed when the old medical centre is developed and we can liaise with the developers to link up the drainage.  There will also be additional trees planted on the area which will assist with drainage.

RESOLVED: the report was received and noted.

54.      Schools

Cllr Wight reported that he was aware of matters relating to admissions and capacity of the nursery class for the new school.  He was also aware of an error during the planning process of Hawarden Road which meant that no S106 money was allocated to Castell Alun – this is a loss of money due to incompetence. He suggested that as FCC Education had previously made an offer to the council to meet and site down to review their schools admissions policy, capacity etc that this should now be accepted and arranged.

He wished to acknowledge that the primary schools open evenings were both very well attended and was outstanding.  Cllr Ransome said that the feedback was very responsive and was a good opportunity for the school to engage with the community.  Cllr Wight proposed that the council write to the school congratulations them on the evenings and to wish them good luck with the new school in September.

Cllr Ransome had provided members with a written report regarding nursery admissions and capacity of the new school for September 2019 intake.  In brief it highlighted Nursery applications of 55.  The planned intake figure and build design has always been set at 45 so this means proposed increase of 9 children.  The Governing Body refused the increase, however, FCC have enforced admission numbers of 51.  This will now require combining nursery and reception which will run as an Early Years Unit.

To accommodate the above, the school will now need to utilise the Dance Studio and Community Room as classroom which is not acceptable for a new school.  The Governing Body suggested to implement Phase 2 now as possible additional space, however, the Authority view is that school on current floorplan/numbers has capacity so will not be building Phase Two.

There is obviously concern that before the school has opened and the additional housing developments completed there is already higher numbers than predicted.

Cllr Wight proposed that the Council should again write to Colin Everett seeking assurances with regard to the school land that will be decommissioned.  Cllr Walker also suggested raising this at the County Forum


i.    A letter will be sent to the Head Teacher to congratulate the schools on their open evenings and to wish them good luck in the new school.

       ii.    A meeting will be requested with FCC Education Damian Hughes and Vicky Barlow - Education Officer. Flintshire Local Authority, Ian Roberts Cabinet Member for Education, Colin Everett FCC Chief Executive and Jayne Mulvey Head Teacher Ysgol Penyffordd.  Council members who will be invited to attend are: Cllrs Wight, Ransome, Wakelam, Hinds, Jones, Rothero and Williams.

        iii.    The Council will write to Colin Everett with regard to assurance of the school land that will be decommissioned.

55.      Planning Applications

a)   The Clerk provided members with a spreadsheet detailing all planning applications received and reviewed during the last 2 years.

b)   To review and consider Planning Applications received

i.    Ref: 059878.  Internal alternations and formation of pitched roof over existing flat roof.  13 Plas Yn Rhos, Penyffordd. Supported on the conditions that there are no concerns raised by neighbouring properties, however, there is concern that the extension is onto an adjoining garage.  

ii.    Notification from FCC that ref: 059352.  Land at Hawarden Road, Penyffordd would be heard at the Planning Committee meeting on 29th May.

         iii.    Ref: 059913.  Conversion of garage and erection of first floor extension above garage.  2 Corwen Road, Penyffordd. Supported on the condition that there are no concerns raised by neighbouring properties.

RESOLVED: the above comments will be reported to Flintshire County Council Planning.

Following the lack of response from FCC Planning, in particular Andrew Farrow to correspondence sent by Cllrs     Wight, Priddin and the Clerk, it was proposed that a letter of complaint be sent to Rebecca Jones of Complaints.       

RESOLVED: a formal letter of complaint will be submitted to FCC Rebecca Jones and Cllrs Wight and Priddin will         supply the Clerk with the relevant information.

c)   The following Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council were received.

i.   Ref: 059401.  Erection of two storey office extension.  Clawdd Offa Farm, Wrexham Road, Penyffordd.  Approved

ii.  Ref: 059599.  Application for the display of 1no v-stack sign, 8no. leader boards and 6no. flags.  Land at Chester Road, Penymynydd.  Approved 

iii. Ref: 059785.  Erection of a two storey extension to side of dwelling and external alterations including dropping of kerb and formation of driveway extension.  10 Kent Close, Penymynydd.  Approved

iv. Ref: 059631.  Proposed change of use and alterations to the Coach House. Milltys, 26 Hawarden Road, Penyffordd.  Approved.

d)   To review Ongoing and Proposed Planning Applications.

                     i.    Redrow Development, Chester Road, Penymynydd – nothing further to report.

                    ii.    Penyffordd Single Site School – meetings are ongoing regarding the implementation of a school crossing before September, however, there are issues with FCC Highways.

                   iii.    Hawarden Road – nothing further to report.

                  iv.    Land East of Vounog Hill – nothing further to report.

                    v.    Land (north of) Rhos Road (40) – nothing further to report.

                  vi.    Land (south of) Rhos Road (36 unit of over 55 retirement housing) – Cllr Wight reported that Cllr Williams had received a response stating that no alterations or affordable housing have been made as in FCC’s refusal did not state that this was a requirement.

                 vii.    Dobshill (former Council Depot) – nothing further to report.

                viii.    Proposed Co-op development, Millstone, Penyffordd – FCC have requested this application to be a delegated decision rather than a Committee decision, Cllrs Wight, Hinds and Williams are liaising with FCC as there are still concerns regarding highways and road safety.

RESOLVED: the above was received and noted.

ii) the Council will write to Colin Everett, Ian Roberts and Steve Jones requesting reassurances that the school crossing, or at minimum a suitable alternative e.g school crossing patrol officer, will be implemented on Corwen Road before the new school opens in September.

viii) Cllrs Wight, Hinds and Williams will continue to liaise with FCC regarding highways and road safety.

56.      Community Council’s Year End Report/Newsletter

Cllr Wight requested all members to provide him with information which is to be included in the newsletter which he will prepare during August.

RESOLVED: Cllr Wight will collate information and prepare the draft newsletter during August which will be submitted at the September meeting.

57.      Correspondence

The following correspondence was received, acknowledged and noted.

  • OVW have provided information on their new basic on line learning modules which are intended to supplement the face to face training which One Voice Wales currently offers. The Clerk encouraged members to access the modules.

  • The next County Forum will be held on Tuesday 25th June, 6.30pm Mold Town Council.

  • News Release from North Wales Health Watchdog – Lessons Learnt Review Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.

  • Correspondence from Flintshire CAB regarding their Rural Advice and Digital Enhancement Team, however, this information should have been for Penyffordd Council near Holywell.

58.      Members Items (AOB)

  • Cllr Walker raised concern of the Groves play area as complaints have been made to both Cty Cllrs Hinds and Williams.  Cllr Hinds advised that she has been informed that Aura are not responsible for the grass cutting and this would come under Streetscene.  Aura are responsible for the equipment

RESOLVED:  Cllr Hinds will request FCC for a copy of the SLA (Service Level Agreement) this will be included on the July agenda.

  • Cllr Hinds asked whether Community Council information and events could be included in the Church Magazines.  The Clerk advised that this is already provided to Hope Church Magazine.

  • Cllr Ransome advised that when the school closes (Tuesday 16th July) they will be making available unwanted equipment, furniture etc to the community.

  • Cllr Wight submitted his apologies for the July meeting.

  • The Clerk advised that Jamie Bennett – FCC Street Lighting has requested to attend the July Meeting.

The finance and ordinary meetings were closed at 9.25pm

Chair………………………………………………….. 10th July 2019


Minutes of the Finance Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on

Wednesday 12th June 2019

 Present:               Councillors Mr R Bestwick (Chairman of the Committee), Mr A Wight (Chairman of the Council), Mr J Priddin, Ms C Hinds, Mr D Walker, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs P Ransome, Mr P Blackman, Mrs M Jones, Dr J Smith-Bellis and Mr A Bakewell (Youth Representative)

 Absent:                Councillor Mrs E Davies

 In attendance:      Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council

                            1 x member of the public


61.            Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillors Mr D Williams and Mr M Rothero.


62.             Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest received.


63.            Minutes of the meeting held 8th May 2019

RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


64.             Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.


65.             Penyffordd War Memorial Refurbishment Project (Section 106 Agreement)

A copy of the revised Terms of Reference for the Working Group was circulated to members.

Cllr Wight advised that within the next two weeks they will be looking into breaking down the contracts for works, a schedule of works produced in order for work to be put out to tender.

** 6.35pm a member of the public arrived, Cllr Wight Chairman of the Council welcomed him and gave brief introduction and explanation of the procedure of the meeting.

The Chairman questioned whether the WMI Refurbishment Project will continue on the Finance agenda or whether it will now be best suited on the main agenda.  Cllr Wight and the Clerk suggested that going forward it will be on the main agenda as matters of finance will be dealt with by the Committee who have been given delegated powers, however, should a contract exceed £25,000 this would need to be reviewed and approved by the full council and therefore would appear on the finance agenda.

RESOLVED:  the Terms of Reference was approved and will be forwarded to the War Memorial Institute.


66.             Dobshill – Defibrillator

Ms Satchwell had not attended the meeting, however, Cllr Wight proposed that should the request be financial support from the council to purchase a defibrillator cabinet that this be approved.  This was seconded by Cllr Wakelam and approved by the council.

Cllr Walker highlighted that Ms Satchwell may be able to apply for a grant.

RESOLVED: the Council approved to purchase a defibrillator cabinet should it be requested.  The Clerk will contact Ms Satchwell to request an update and also enquire whether she has explored possible grants.


67.             Council Email Addresses

The Clerk reported that Froya have implemented her email which is being tested and there are a few issues with the calendar sharing which is trying to be resolved before rolling out to all members.  It is hoped that the roll out will commence within the next couple of weeks.

RESOLVED: the report was received and noted. 


68.             Bank Balances

Bank Balances as at 12th June 2019                       Current                         £15,267.84

                                                                                    Deposit                         £320,404.81

                                                                                    Play Area                      £15,986.33


S106 - War Memorial Refurbishment Project      Spend to Date             Balance
£7,494.00                     £182,506.00

Possible VAT to be claimed (tbc)                          £1,384.80        


Payments Received     
23/05/2019        Kew      Grow Wild Grant                       £500.00
23/05/2019        HMRC  2018/19 Vat Claim                    £1,807.79
04/06/2019        HSBC   Interest                                     £453.07

Bank Transfer               10/06/2019        Deposit - Current Account                     £10,000.00                              

Unpresented Payments             Noticeboard Company   2 x Noticeboards            £1,248.00                                                                                                                                                        

RESOLVED:  the above be received and noted.


69.             Accounts for Payment

To authorise the following accounts for payment:

Penyffordd Accounts for Payment June 2019.JPG

RESOLVED: The above accounts be processed for payment and was signed by the Chairman of Council and/or the Chairman of Finance.  Payments were also countersigned by two bank signatories.

The Council approved to pay the reimbursement costs for Cllr Williams, but expressed that receipts should be submitted as soon as possible and that future delays to this extent is not acceptable.

61.             Members Items (AOB)

There were no items raised.

The finance and ordinary meetings were closed at 9.25pm

Chair………………………………………………….. 10th July 2019

Rebecca Walton