Dear Residents
From 22nd April 2020 until 1st May 2021 Town and Community Council in Wales have been given provision under The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Meetings) (Wales) Regulations 2020 to hold virtual meetings in order that Town and Community Council business can be maintained.
The Council will be holding their July Council Meeting on Wednesday 8th July and have taken the decision that as they will be using a new platform an invitation will not be offered to the public. However, should you have a question, issue or concern that you wish to raise this can still be done by contacting the clerk by either email: or telephone: 01244 537032 no later than 4pm on Wednesday 8th July . The Clerk will then raise these under agenda item 7 – Public Questions.
In order to be as transparent as possible, the council will endeavour to record and publish the meeting which will be made available as soon as reasonable possible after the meeting.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding whilst the council adjusts to these new methods of holding meetings. The agenda can be seen below.
Stay safe and well.
Yours faithfully
Mrs S Hughes
Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
1. Apologies
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest – Members Code of Conduct
3. To receive and approve the Minutes of the meetings held on 10th June 2020 and Extraordinary Meeting held on 24th June 2020
4. To review and report on any Matters Arising from previous meetings.
5. Vacancy
To report that a vacancy has arisen due to the death of Cllr Edwina Davies.
6. To receive a Report from the Environment Working Group Meeting held on 22nd June 2020.
i. Hanson Cement – proposed actions regarding Noise Complaints and the request of a Health Study.
ii. Submit bench costings for the Millstone Play Area.
7. Public Questions
To receive public questions which have been submitted to the Clerk in advance of the meeting.
8. Planning Applications
i. To report and consider the following planning applications received from Flintshire County Council:
a) Ref: 061431. Single storey rear extension to form new rear garden room, with internal remodelling works. 4 Green Meadow Rise, Penymynydd.
ii. To report on the Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council:
iii. Ongoing planning appeals.
a) To review and consider the current status of appeals.
b) To consider correspondence received from Rossett Focus Group
9. Review Of The Electoral Arrangements For The County Of Flintshire
The Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales have completed the final stage of their review of the electoral arrangements for the County of Flintshire. Any views on the Final Recommendations should be addressed to Welsh Government.
10. Covid19
i. For the council to review the current situation and consider how the Community Council can assist, support the community at this time.
ii. To consider if and where the Clocktower Cobra could be permanently sited.
11. Summer Playscheme 2020
To review and consider the request from Flintshire County Council to provide a 2 week Playscheme.
12. Village Scarecrow Competition
To consider whether the council will hold a Scarecrow Competition for 2020.
13. Millennium Clock Tower and Community Garden
To consider what improvements can be made undertaken.
14. VJ Day/Remembrance Day
Due to VE Day events having to be called, the council will review current social distancing advice and consider whether the council will be able to hold an event for VJ Day or Remembrance Day.
15. Summer Recess – Delegated Powers
To authorise the Chairman and Vice Chairman together with the Clerk to deal with any urgent matters during the summer recess which will then be reported at the September meeting.
16. Quarterly Budget Review
i. To review the budget, summary and bank reconciliation which is to be verified by a member of Council other than the Chairman.
ii. To undertake a routine check of supplier payments.
17. 2020/21 Expenditure
To undertake a review of the expected expenditure for 2020/21 to ascertain where expenditure will now not be utilised due to Covid19.
18. Grass Cutting
Cllr Williams to report on village grass cutting.
19. Bank Balances and Accounts for Payment
To report balances of all bank accounts and to review and authorise monthly accounts for payment
20. Correspondence
To acknowledge and note correspondence received
21. Members Items/Future Agenda Items