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Community Council (Virtual) Extraordinary Meeting

Dear Residents

From 22nd April 2020 until 1st May 2021 Town and Community Council in Wales have been given provision under The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Meetings) (Wales) Regulations 2020 to hold virtual meetings in order that Town and Community Council business can be maintained.

The Council will be holding an Extraordinary Meeting Wednesday 24th June, a copy of the agenda can been seen below. Should you wish to attend or participate in this meeting under Public Questions can you please contact the clerk by either email: or telephone: 01244 537032 to obtain the necessary access information.

In order to be as transparent as possible, the council will endeavour to record and publish the meeting which will be made available as soon as reasonable possible after the meeting.



  A G E N D A

1.       Apologies  

2.       To receive any Declarations of Interest – Members Code of Conduct

3.       Public Questions

4.       Planning Applications

To report and consider the following planning applications received from Flintshire County Council:

a)     Ref: 061240.  Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a petrol filling station (sui generis) and associated retail facilities (use class A1) and supporting amenities and, a drive-thru coffee shop with associated access, car parking and servicing.  Dobshill Garage, Chester Road, Dobshill.

b)    Ref: 061168.  Attic conversion with 2 new dormer windows.  7 Oakland Way, Penymynydd

5.       Members Items (AOB)