Social, Community and History Aims
Housing Aims
Transport Aims
Environment Aims
Economic Aims
The 'Actions' set out what the Community would like to change itself, these can be viewed here:
Social, Community and History Actions
Housing Actions
Transport Actions
Environment Actions
Economic Actions
4.01 Housing Car Parking Provision
All proposals for new developments will be expected to provide off street parking provision commensurate with local car ownership rates in order to avoid an increase in on-street parking in the vicinity of the site which would detract from highway safety and residential amenity. Garages should be extra to this provision.
4.02 The presumption must be made that the majority of people in the village to travel by car and therefore parking must be provided to support that reality. Car ownership rates indicate that homes should have car parking provision (excluding garages) sufficient for 1.5 car per household minimum, then based on the number of bedrooms i.e. 2-bed house - 2 cars, 3-bed house - 3 cars, 4 or more-bed house - 4 cars.
4.03 Other Car Parking Provision
Public, retail and commercial buildings must have a reasonable quantity of off-road parking
4.04 School Access
The new school must have a car drop-o zone within the grounds to avoid nuisance to neighbours during peak drop-off and pick-up times.
4.05 The community facilities and bowling green must be maintained in the school redevelopment, including the provision of car parking.
4.06 Traffic Management
When designing/upgrading/repairing/resurfacing takes place on roads consideration should be given to traffic calming measures such as build-outs and creating dierent surfaces to reduce speed and provide pedestrian refuges.
4.07 Cycle Paths
Encourage the provision of cycle paths.
4.08 Housing - Footpath Links
Consider, in consultation, with neighbouring properties adequate links to the existing settlement. Staggered gates should be included at the entrance of walkways.
4.09 Footpaths should form part of a coherent network, linking to other parts of the village (as a pedestrian alternative to using through roads). These footpaths within the village, should be a minimum of 2 metres wide, must be designed for use in all weathers and in darkness.
4.10 Housing - Traffic Impact
Any new development proposal with measurable traffic impact will require a traffic study as part of the planning application.
4.11 Any works recommended by that study as necessary to bring the road network and traffic impact to an acceptable level will be funded by the proposed development.
The traffic impact study is to include impact on pedestrians and cyclists in order to promote sustainable travel.