Traffic Problems
Spar Parking
At peak times, particularly 5:00pm - 6:00pm, the number of people visiting the Spar by car / van / lorry significantly exceeds the number of parking spaces. First of all, we have to ask everyone to behave considerately and respect neighbours by not blocking driveways or blocking in other cars.
The Community Council recently held a meeting at the site with traffic officers from Flintshire County Council and the Police to assess what can be done to alleviate the situation. The options are limited by the size of the site unfortunately.
Abbots Lane School
Parking around the Infants School is a problem at peak times, particularly school pick-up. Once again, drivers are asked to behave considerately and respect neighbours and pedestrians by not blocking pavements or driveways. The Red Lion car park is available to use and parents and carers are encouraged to park and walk the remaining distance.
There are future concerns about the new school site, which the Community Council have been vocal about - see the New School post for details.
Penymynydd Road / Oakland Way
There is a now a one-way system in place, with access only restrictions at the top of Penymynydd Road. Only cars accessing properties, including the Stepping Stones Nursery, between Old Road and Oakland Way, should be accessing the village via Penymynydd Road.
There are no traffic restrictions on Oakland Drive or the remainder of Penymynydd Road. There remain two signs (heading out of the village) indicating that Penymynydd Road is access only - these are no longer valid and are scheduled for removal by Flintshire County Council.
Lower Mountain Road / Platt Lane / Old Hope Road
The Community Council are aware of the increased volume of traffic using Lower Mountain Road and Old Hope Road (as well as Platt Lane) as a cut through between Hope and Broughton or Dobshill. Often this traffic is travelling very quickly, because these narrow roads carry the national speed limit.
Chester Road / Vounog Hill / Rhos Road
The Community Council are aware of the number of vehicles in peak times, including HGVs, who are cutting through the village to avoid queuing on the bypass. I