Transport for Wales - T8 Traws Cymru service - feedback engagement events

Transport for Wales, are running next month an in-person engagement opportunity to gather feedback on the Traws Cymru T8 service.

The planned date, times and locations for the engagement are as follows:

Tuesday 3rd September

9:30am – 11:30am

Daniel Owen Centre

Daniel Owen Centre, Earl Road, Mold CH7 1AP


13:30pm – 15:30pm

Ruthin Library

Record St, Ruthin LL15 1DS


The engagement opportunities will take the form of a 'drop-in' session, whereby members of the public and stakeholders can share their feedback on the current Traws Cymru T8 service and help them to improve the service moving forward.


For those unable to attend in person on the above dates and times, there is an opportunity to provide feedback via an online survey that can be accessed here - Traws Cymru T8 Service Feedback ( This survey is live until Sunday 15th September.


Sarah Hughes