School Transport

Dear Residents,

I am not sure how many of you are aware, but if you live at the top of Penymynydd Road and you want your child to go to Castell Alun, you may not be entitled to the same transport as children lower down?

The alternative that I am led to believe is for your child to go to Buckley Elfed, and from information I have been given, a taxi will be provided! Otherwise, if you still want your child to go to Castell Alun and is accepted, you will be required to pay for transport on the school bus if there is room, or get the service bus!

This is due to a policy that is being rigidly applied, that I have been fighting against for the past three years. One of our affected residents has now set up a petition to try to get a more sensible alternative, and the link to this is below.

If you are or will be affected, or simply disagree with what is the splitting of young and potentially vulnerable young people of our village, please put your name to this petition and circulate as broadly as possible.

The matter is also an agenda item for the Community Council meeting on Wednesday 9th November, so you are welcome to attend this meeting to put questions at public question time and hear the discussions members will have.

I hope this information is helpful, and if Bethan Williams who posted details of a similar problem in Northop Hall can contact me privately, hopefully support for us can be broadened.

Click this link to see the petition and start sharing it:

Thank you for your time,

Cllr David Williams


Sarah Hughes