Have your say - What is important to you!

25 AUG 2021 - This survey is now closed and any submissions received after this date may not be considered. Please keep an eye out over the coming months for the full village questionnaire where you will again be able to have your say.

Community Place Plan Review  

Community Survey

Penyffordd Community Council is looking to update the Community Place Plan and we would like to know what are the main issues/priorities of our residents. This engagement with community is key to building on the existing Plan whilst looking to the future needs of the Penyffordd, Penymynydd and Dobshill.

This Plan contains the Strategic Aims and Objectives for the Community based on the main issues the Villages face relating to the subjects of Housing, Community Facilities, Transportation, Sports & Green Space, Social, Historic, Environment and Economic Development.  Each Aim has a corresponding set of Development Objectives which provide more specific and measurable actions to achieve these Aims.

To develop the shared aims and joint-working practices between Partners, Flintshire Council and the Community Council and key Stakeholders that will create an environment whereby communities have the ability to input into future developments in the Villages, to ultimately empower them to enable the voice of the residents to be heard.

This is the first stage of the review which will help the council to assess the main issues/priorities of our residents in order to produce the full Community Questionnaire which is hoped to be launched later this year.

You can either complete the online survey by clicking on the button below or alternatively there will be paper surveys available from local participating businesses.

The closing date of this survey will be Saturday 31st July 2021.

You can view the current plan here: Penyffordd Community Development Plan

Sarah Hughes