Monday 5th July – NHS, Social Care and Frontline Workers Thank You Day

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A letter was recently shared and displayed on our village noticeboards informing you of this day Monday 5th July to show our gratitude to all NHS and frontline staff with an annual day of thanks and remembrance.

Monday 5th July marks the day when our pioneering NHS was born in 1948 and, after the challenges of the past twelve months, when all have played a part during the pandemic, Monday 5th July 2021 provides us with an opportunity to reflect and say Thank You.

If you visit the website you can find further information.

The timetable for the Monday is:-

  • 10am – Raising of the NHS flag

  • 11am – Two Minute silence and Playing of the Last Post and Reveille

  • 1pm – Nation’s Toast to the heroes of the NHS, Social care and frontline staff workers and playing of the new Brass Band Anthem

  • 4pm – Afternoon tea, including a competition for the most unusual location

  • 8pm – Clapping and Ringing of Church Bells

A group led by Cllr Cindy Hinds, Penyffordd Community Council are co-ordinating the events for the Monday which includes an afternoon tea voucher by nomination of village NHS, Social Care or Frontline Workers – for further information and to complete a form please click the link below or paper copies are available via Cllrs Pat Ransome, Roy Wakelam and Steve Saxon.

We are hoping the village can be covered in rainbows and will have available templates for the children to display or make your own to display in our windows, shops and village green. The village knitters via Yvonne Priddin are decorating the village tree and Yvonne will be sharing details.

Also the children are invited to colour in a Thank You card to post in the blue post box at The Red Lion which will be available from the councillors or via shops in the village.

Should any village groups or residents wish to organise their own fund raising events or afternoon tea on the day or the weekend of the 3rd and 4th July that would be great. The day hopes to raise funds for NHS charities. We will be holding a competition for the most unusual afternoon tea venue so you can share your photographs after the 7th July with any of the named councillors and we will announce the winners after the event.

Thank you to everyone in this amazing village and community of Penyffordd, Penymynydd and Dobshill. Let’s cover the village in rainbows and reflect!

Best wishes

Cllr Cindy Hinds

with Cllrs Pat Ransome, Roy Wakelam and Steve Saxon

Print off and colour your own rainbow and display in your windows: rainbow (word) or rainbow (pdf)

Sarah Hughes