Pot Holes

Message from Cty Cllr David Williams.

Last weekend, Cllr Jeff Priddin sent me details of facebook comments about potholes that I have taken up with County. I had previously reported some myself that had not been done, so the fact that two residents reported them and kept reference numbers is really appreciated. This is always the way to go about reporting any issues to FCC, where people need to ask for call reference numbers so that there is a record to fall back on.

Regarding the response I have had from Flintshire, I am told Abbotts lane is scheduled for re-surface, major repairs are to be done on Fammau view. Further emergency repairs are to be done on both Dobshill roundabouts with full resurfacing scheduled to be done by the end of the year. Speed cushions with rubbers that are beyond repair are to be re-tarmaced.

A full survey is to be carried out and some class 1 repairs have been done but others still need sorting out, so the contractor has been recalled to complete the existing bad ones.

Both County Councillors David Williams and Cindy HInds, together with the Community Council have continued and will continue to report and pursue Flintshire County Council to undertake these repairs.

This is a national problem but important we still report local ones, and if you do report any, please keep a call reference.

On the Flintshire County Council website it states you can report potholes, pavement and road defects either by contacting Streetscene: email - streetscene@flintshire.gov.uk or phone - 01352 701234

or alternatively

Download the Flintshire App – report it using your mobile device. Submit anonymously or register. Benefits of registering include receiving updates on the progress of your report, ability to see all your previous reports and give feedback.

Sarah Hughes