Youth Club Survey

I just want to draw your attention to an update on the proposed take over of the Youth Centre by Village residents, and the survey currently underway.

We do really need as many resident as possible to complete the survey, and to get a good cross section of opinion, we need more under 18 year olds and more over 60s to complete the survey, so please do your best to encourage any you know to complete it.

In summary, the Youth Club building has been grossly underused for many years, and the Scout Headquarters is in desperate need of replacing. The ambitions of this takeover therefore, is to completely revamp the main building and build a new headquarters for the scouts on the same site.

From the meetings and drop in sessions held over the past few years, residents expressed various desires for the building such as interior improvements to support the outdoor grounds on the doorstep, drop in café, fitness provision and library/internet facility. Many other suggestions have been made for improvements to support other activities, as well as improve the amenity for current users, especially the retention and improvement of provision for the Youth Club.

A small and committed group have been quietly moving this project forward, and it is now at the stage of undergoing a feasibility study, where you too can now play your part in shaping the design and future use of the building. The link below will take you to a survey on the village and desires for the centre, so it really would be appreciated if you can take a few minutes to complete it, and encourage any you know to complete it as well, especially under 18s and over 60s!

This really is an exciting time for the village, where we now have the opportunity to improve our all round amenities by developing and enhancing this location that I hope you will play a part in. If you want any further information or would like to get involved, please feel free to contact me or Sally Richards.

Thank you for your time.

David Williams.

01978762486 or 07928493862.


Sally Richards,

Youth Club Building Image.jpg
Sarah Hughes