Spring Message from the Council - March 2021

I am writing to you as current Chairman of Penyffordd Community Council and on behalf of its members.

March 2021 sees Wales move towards a cautious easing of the most recent lockdown and the stay-at-home restrictions that have been in place since January. This has again been a most challenging and difficult time for all as families and friends were apart, children were unable to attend school, businesses closed and the aspects of life we took for granted curtailed.

We are fortunate to live in a caring community which has been demonstrated in so many ways over the past year as neighbours looked out for one another, said a cheery hello on their daily walk or volunteered within the community. It is important to acknowledge the part we all play in being there for each other.

We feel it important again to share thanks to everyone in the community who have all played a collective role in keeping the village safe and that really does mean everyone particularly those unable to venture out and who have stayed home over the past weeks. 

March will also mark a year since the first national lockdown and a national day of reflection and caring is planned for Tuesday 23rd March when all are encouraged to reflect on those affected by Covid and most especially to those who have lost loved ones. Together with the Marie Curie charity there are various online events and a minute’s silence we can join with to remember. Residents are encouraged to place yellow hearts or daffodils in their windows, wear yellow and reflect. Community Council will be placing yellow ribbons around the village clock and daffodils will be placed on the tree as a mark of our thoughts and respect.

Your Community Council is engaged in a wide range of projects. The main ones to highlight for the coming year are:-

Melwood Close Play Area.

The Melwood Close play area can get waterlogged and boggy, so the Community Council is engaging contractors to improve the drainage and pathways. Once this work is complete, new additional play equipment will be added to the site, planned for completion July 2021.

West View Play Area.

This is a smaller play area behind West View. The Community Council is investing in new equipment for this site to enhance the play experience for younger children, consisting of new play trail items.  Installation work will commence in May 2021.

Millstone Play Area.

The Millstone Play area is the central hub for play in the village, and has proved popular with young people. The Community Council is currently applying for grants to further improve this playground, and has already been successful in securing £10k of National Lottery funding, which will hopefully be supplemented with further funding from other sources. The intention is to improve the wheeled play provision for scooters and skateboards.

Memorial Green.

The land around the clock is known as the Memorial Green, and the Community Council wish to enhance this focal point of the centre of the village. Plans are currently being developed to enhance the area with improved seating and to create a walled feature encompassing the benches. 

Circular Walks.

The Community Council has produced and printed four circular walks to help people explore the countryside around the village. The walks are waymarked with circular discs, and the leaflets provide photos and maps to help route finding. These walks are proving popular, and the leaflets are available in several locations around the village, primarily the Co-op store and the Community Council website.

Dog Fouling.

Dog Fouling continues to be an issue around the village, can all pet owners please act responsibly and clear up after their animals.

Sewers and Drainage.

The ongoing issue of sewers, drainage and flooding in the village continues to occupy the Councillors, and meetings are scheduled with Welsh Water to try and resolve matters properly. We are supported by AM Jack Sargeant on this.

Community Library.

Members of the community set up a book and jigsaw lending library in the Royal British Legion Club, and this enabled people to share resources. We are looking at continuing this library and adapt it to work in the old telephone box at the top of Alyn Drive.

Planning and LDP.

Flintshire County Council’s Local Development Plan is currently being reviewed by the Planning Inspectorate and the Community Council is contributing to this. The Community Council welcomes new residents to the village, but wishes to retain a balance between development and retention of the semi-rural nature of the village.

Community Changing Rooms.

The Community Council together with Flintshire County Council have provided funding towards two portacabins for use as changing rooms on the playing fields at Ysgol Penyffordd. After various administrative hurdles, connection work is now ongoing, and should see the changing rooms in use in the next few months.

New Nature Area.

The Community Council are working to secure an area at the rear of West View as a nature area, to protect this area from development. A lease for the area has been secured, and further nature enhancement projects are planned.

Tree Planting Project.

After the success last year, the Community Council is once again running its tree planting project, which allows residents to sponsor new trees that are being planted around the village. The sponsorship money goes towards the purchase of new trees. Please see the Community Council Website for more details or contact or Clerk.

Suggestion box.

The Community Council is placing a suggestion box in the Co-Op to enable people without internet access the opportunity to communicate with the council. Please make use of this service if you feel the need.

Youth Club Building

Work is continuing to transfer the Old Youth Club building into the community, via a Community Asset Transfer (CAT) A survey is being conducted on future usage of the buildings, and if you have a use for the building and would like to contribute please contact Marc on  Mob: 07792930342 or Email: marcconsultancy@btconnect.com

Community Council news.

Your Community Council has continued to meet successfully on Zoom throughout this period, and resident’s questions can be submitted in advance to the Clerk. We also have the facility for residents to ask questions in person, via a dial in link, please contact our Clerk if you would like to participate.

We have four vacancies for new Councillors, please get in touch with Flintshire County Council Returning Officer if you would like an application form. These four roles will be decided by election in May.

We have a new Youth Representative on the council, Miss Yasmin Hewitt, who we welcome to provide input from the younger demographic. Yasmin takes over as Youth rep from Adam Bakewell, who was recently recognised with the FLVC Tom Jones Award for services to the community. This award is named after Councillor Tom Jones, who was a leading light in Penyffordd and Flintshire, and it is fitting that a resident of the village has won this. Congratulations to Adam and thank you for your contributions to the council.

Please look out for information on our website but check our community notice boards too as information is regularly posted on these for those who have no access to social media.

We hope you are all well but please do contact our Clerk or any of the council members should you require any further information.

Councillor Richard Bestwick – Chairman - 15.03.21

Sarah Hughes