Sponsor A Tree - 2021

‘Sponsor a Tree’ 2020-21

Dear Resident,

The Community Council are embarking on the second phase of tree planting in the village and looking for individuals or groups to sponsor/adopt a tree. The types of tree, locations and cost are on the attached plan, so if you are interested, please contact Councillor David Williams on david.williams@penyfforddcouncil.org or phone 01978762486 or 07928493862

It will be a 'first come first served' for who gets what tree, and payment can be made directly into the Community Account of:

Penyffordd Community Council
Sort Code: 40-16-01.
Acc: 43035867.
Ref: Number of the Tree sponsored.

Please do not make any payment until it has been confirmed that you have a tree!

Payment must be made within seven days of putting a name to a tree, and a reserve list will be compiled.

Names of sponsors will be put on a public list, but please advise if you wish to remain anonymous.

All money raised will then be put to one side to pay for a third phase in 2022.

We hope this is of interest to you, and a possible idea would be for children to put their names to a chosen tree and have involvement in the planting, have a label or plaque attached and be able to watch it grow!

Thank you for your interest.

Please view the Selection of trees, locations and costs

Sarah Hughes