Vounog Hill Planning Appeal
Dear Residents,
We have been advised that the public inquiry for the planning appeal for housing on the Vounog is to be heard on 2nd November. If you want to join the meeting you need to register by this Monday!
Residents including myself were not informed about this, and my understanding is that interested parties who put in representations to the Inspector should have been notified of this hearing by our Planning Department. As it is, the only ones to be notified that I am aware of were the Community Council last Tuesday!?
If you made a representation and want to attend what is a virtual meeting, you need to make the request by Monday as below. I am not sure if residents who had not made a representation previously are entitled to join, but if you do want to join the meeting, there is no harm in asking by sending a request with your interest!
Planning Ref: 060319 Appeal Reference Number: APP/A6835/A/19/3240671
Appellant's Name: Tevir Group Limited (Previously Roundfield Limited)
Proposal: Outline application for residential development
Location: Land East Of Vounog Hill, Penyffordd
Appeal Start Date: 16/12/2019
Telephone: 0300 0604400
Email: PEDW.Casework@gov.wales
Planning and Environment Decisions Wales
Crown Buildings
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ
Email the request to attend giving your personal details to wales@planninginspectorate.gov.uk
When doing this you need to explain that you made the representation in 2019/20 and wanted to be kept informed on and details of the hearing that has not happened!?
It is disappointing that our planning department have not notified our residents, I am not sure if this was an obligation but will be checking it out in the next few days.
We need to win this one!