Community Council (Virtual) Meeting & AGM - (9th September 2020)

Dear Residents

From 22nd April 2020 until 1st May 2021 Town and Community Council in Wales have been given provision under The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Meetings) (Wales) Regulations 2020 to hold virtual meetings in order that Town and Community Council business can be maintained.

In accordance with The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Meetings) (Wales) Regulations 2020, the Regulations enable the annual meetings of principal and community councils in 2020 to be held on such day in 2020 as the proper officer may determine.

The Council will be holding the AGM and their September Council Meeting on Wednesday 9th September and have taken the decision that as they will be using a new platform an invitation will not be offered to the public.  However, should you have a question, issue or concern that you wish to raise this can still be done by contacting the clerk by either email: or telephone: 01244 537032 no later than 4pm on Wednesday 9th September . .  The Clerk will then raise these under agenda item 5 – Public Questions.

In order to be as transparent as possible, the council will endeavour to record and publish the meeting which will be made available as soon as reasonable possible after the meeting.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding whilst the council adjusts to these new methods of holding meetings. The agenda can be seen below.

Stay safe and well.

Yours faithfully

Mrs S Hughes
Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer



 A G E N D A

In accordance with The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Meetings) (Wales) Regulations 2020, the Regulations enable the annual meetings of principal and community councils in 2020 to be held on such day in 2020 as the proper officer may determine.

1.       Election of Chairman for the year 2020/21.
To elect a Chairman for the Council year 2020/21 and to invest him/her with the Chain of Office.  To receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

2.       Election of Vice Chairman for the year 2020/21.
To elect a Vice Chairman for the Council year 2020/21.  To receive the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

3.       Apologies

4.       Committees
To consider the existing Committee of the War Memorial Refurbishment Project, appoint members onto this committee and review and approve the Terms of Reference.

5.       Appointment of members to the following outside bodies.
·       Penyffordd Tennis Club

·       Hanson Cement Liaison Committee

·       Flintshire County Forum

·      Ysgol Penyffordd, School Governor

·      St Johns the Baptist, School Governor

·      One Voice Wales

6.       Working Groups
i.   To appoint members to the following Working Groups.
ii.  To elect a Chairman and Secretary for each Working Group.
iii. To review and approve the Procedures of the Working Groups.

  • Community Engagement

  • Infrastructure

  • Environment

  • Community Centre

7.       Policies and Procedure Documents
To review and adopt the following:

  • Model Code of Conduct

  • Standing Orders

  • Complaints Procedure

  • General Data Protection Policy

  • Internal Financial Controls

  • Freedom of Information Scheme

  • Investment Statement

  • Formal Risk Assessment

  • Social Media Policy  

  • CCTV Policy  

  • Model Local Resolution Policy

  • Retention Policy

  • Model Financial Regulations (not included as was reviewed June 2020)

8.       Asset Register
To review the Council’s current Asset Register.

9.       Community Council Insurance Policy
To report on the Council’s Insurance Policy renewed as from 1st June 2020.

10.   2020/21 Meeting Dates
To approve the dates for the 2020/21 meetings.

10th June 2020                                     8th July 2020                                      August 2020 – No Meeting
9th September 2020                          14th October 2020                            11th November 2020
9th December 2020                           13th January 2021                              9th February 2021
10th March 2021                                   14th April 2021                                    12th May 2021


 A G E N D A


1.       Apologies  

2.       To receive any Declarations of Interest – Members Code of Conduct

3.       To receive and approve the Minutes of the meetings held on 8th July 2020

4.       To review and report on any Matters Arising from previous meetings.

5.       Public Questions
To receive public questions which have been submitted to the Clerk in advance of the meeting.

6.       Summer Recess – Delegated Powers
The Chairman and Vice Chairman to report on any urgent matters dealt with during the summer recess.

7.       Councillor Vacancy and Youth Representative Vacancy.
To report on the vacancy that arose due to the death of Cllr Edwina Davies and the upcoming vacancy of a Youth Representative.

8.       Planning Applications
i.     To report and consider the following planning applications received from Flintshire County Council:

a)    Ref: 061530. Residential development of 95 dwellings (including affordable housing), means of access, open space and all associated works, Kinnerton Meadows Kinnerton Lane, Higher Kinnerton.  The council responded during the summer recess submitting a formal objection.
b)    Ref: 061542.  Removal of existing Leylandii Hedge and replacement with new wall and fence.  1 Plas Yn Rhos, Penyffordd.
c)       Ref: 061556.  Two storey side extension.  3 Poppy Field Drive, Penyffordd.

ii.     To report on the Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council:            

a)    Ref: 061169.  Erection of two storey extension to rear of dwelling.  34 Hawarden Road, Penyffordd.  Approved
b)    Ref: 061323.  LDC - Erection of a wooden Car port.  The Granary, Bannel Lane, Penymynydd.  Permitted Development
c)    Ref: 061384.  Erection of a Garage.  Pheasant Fields, Lower Mountain Road, Penyffordd.  Approved      

iii.     Ongoing planning applications/appeals.

a)       To receive an update of ongoing discussions regarding Ref: 061240.  Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a petrol filling station (sui generis) and associated retail facilities (use class A1) and supporting amenities and, a drive-thru coffee shop with associated access, car parking and servicing.  Dobshill Garage, Chester Road, Dobshill.
b)      To review and consider the current status of appeals.

9.       To Receive the Monthly County Councillors Report

10.   Penyffordd War Memorial Refurbishment Project (Section 106 Agreement)
The receive a report on the progress on WMI Refurbishment Project.

11.   Covid19
For the council to review the current situation and consider how the Community Council can assist, support the community at this time.

12.   School Transport
To report on the issues and concerns of local residents and what action has been taken.

13.   Village Scarecrow Competition
To announce the winners of the 2020 Village Scarecrow Competition.

14.   Millstone Play Area & Skate Ramps
To consider improvements to the play area and consider options to address the noise issues from the skate ramps.

15.   Christmas Lighting
To consider whether any amendments or improvements will be made to this year’s lighting.

16.   North East Wales Digital Trail
To provide information on the meeting with the NE Wales Digital Trail Project Manager on how this project will proceed.

17.   National Salary Award April 2020
To report on the National Joint Council Salary Award 2020 and Home Office Allowance increase.

18.   2020/21 Expenditure
To provide an updated report of the reviewed expected expenditure for 2020/21 due to Covid19.

19.   Bank Balances and Accounts for Payment
To report balances of all bank accounts and to review and authorise monthly accounts for payment

20.   Correspondence
To acknowledge and note correspondence received.

21.   Members Items/Future Agenda Items



Sarah Hughes