Councillor Vacancy

We would like to bring to you attention that although an election was request for the previous vacancy, which will not take place until after February 2021, this current vacancy is treated independently and will follow the usual process.

If you wish to request an election and wish to be nominated for the vacancy you will need to prepare a letter that requires 10 individual residents names, addresses and signatures. As per the notice below this would then need submitting to The Returning Officer at Flintshire County Council. Due to the current situation, FCC have advised that on this occasion, they would accept this letter electronically. You would therefore need to scan or photograph the letter and email to:

Should no election be requested Flintshire County Council will then inform the Community Council that they are required to fill the vacancy by way of co-option.

Should you require any further information or have any queries please contact FCC Elections Team on : 01352 702329

Casual Vacancy Notice J Smith-Bellis - sept 2020.png

Sarah Hughes