Dobshill Planning Application - Ref: 061240

11th June 2020

Residents of Dobshill

Dear Resident

Planning Application -  Ref: 061240. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a petrol filling station (sui generis) and associated retail facilities (use class A1) and supporting amenities and, a drive-thru coffee shop with associated access, car parking and servicing.  Dobshill Garage, Chester Road, Dobshill.

I am sure or at least hope that you are aware of the above planning application that will have an impact in your area.  The Community Council met last night by way of a virtual council meeting and the above application was discussed.  There were very mixed views taking into account a number of pros and cons and it was resolved that members needed more time and information before a decision could be made. 

The Council will be requesting Flintshire County Council for an extension to the comment closing date of this application to allow for further investigations, to liaise with local businesses and hear from residents. 

The full application can be viewed on the Flintshire County Council website:

The Council will be holding an Extraordinary Meeting on the 24th June 2020 to formally decide on the council’s response and therefore we would appreciate to hear your views no later than Saturday 20th June.  Comments can be submitted by email to : or by telephoning any member of the council.

Should you wish to attend the virtual (Zoom) meeting, you will need to contact me in advance, no later than 4pm on the 24th June 2020, to obtain the necessary Meeting ID and Password.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Sarah A Hughes
Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

Sarah Hughes