Book, DVD & Jigsaw Exchange

The Community Council and the Covid 19 support group are collecting books, DVDs and pass time activities to initially be distributed to the vulnerable and those who can not get out. They have been collected at the Red Lion, the Spar and Wrexham Road but a collection point is still being looked for at Dobshill. The books have been collected daily, collated and stored on tables in the Legion for at least four days to satisfy the current H&S rules/restrictions.

The books and donations have been separated into categories of sport, suspense, romance etc as to try to be more specific given the number of books and current restrictions would have been impossible for the volunteers.

These are now ready for collection by those who are able to go out and distribute to those most in need and can be collected from the Legion between 11-30 and 12-30 on Monday and Wednesday this week. Please note though, that all current precautions such as social distancing and cleanliness must be strictly adhered to on entering the Legion to collect select the books, and only limited numbers will be allowed in at any one time.

Please also show consideration by collecting for those unable to get out and the vulnerable at this stage, and hopefully it will be possible to open up to more when those most in need have been accommodated.

Your support with this will be very much appreciated, but if you need any more information or help with this printing, please feel free to contact David Williams on 01979762486 or email at

Sarah Hughes