Public Footpath Closures

Following the outbreak of Covid-19 the FCC Access Team have received a number of requests from concerned landowners across the Authority to close Public Footpaths in the vicinity of their property or their land.  Whilst understanding their fears with regard to social distancing, Welsh Government recognise the importance of the Rights of Way network for daily exercise and the current advice from Welsh Government and DEFRA (for England) is for all Rights of Way to remain open and available for use.

However there are a small number of Public Footpaths that meet the criteria as set out in the Matrix we use, and therefore we have taken the decision to temporarily close one Footpath within the ward of Dobshill - PFP number 93 which runs alongside the A55 past Stoney Hill Farm, Dobshill.

The Welsh Government has introduced emergency regulations, Health Protection (Coronavirus restrictions) (Wales) Regulations 2020, that allow local authorities to close footpaths and other rights of way where use poses a high risk to the spread of coronavirus.

Closures would be necessary when Public Rights of Way are considered to be areas:

(a) Liable to large numbers of people congregating or being in close proximity to each other, or

(b) The use of which otherwise poses a high risk to the incidence or spread of infection in its area with the coronavirus.

FCC are not looking for extensive closures of footpaths (as outdoor spaces close to where people live will continue to be important to general wellbeing), but will monitor and close if necessary specific areas where people may be liable to congregate. These closures will underline the strong message that people should not be travelling outside their local area to access the countryside.

Closure of public paths are being assessed using a ’Closure Scoring Matrix’. The criteria used as a basis for making closure decisions includes; usage by large numbers of people, the nature or location of the footpath increasing the risk of users being in close proximity, behaviour and incidents of high risk activity. 

FCC will not object to land owners posting appropriately worded signs to notify footpath users that family members are vulnerable and/or self-isolating, nor to the offer of an alternative permissive route which avoids close proximity to homes, buildings and livestock, subject to safety insurance/liability coverage. The Rights of Way team have sign templates for available use and can be requested from


Sarah Hughes