Number 29 bus time-table change (again!)

Dear Resident,

Firstly, don't shoot the messenger!

We have been advised at 12-00 mid day today, Friday, that the time-table for the number 29 bus has had to be changed yet again. We understand that this is the decision of the traffic commissioner who made the decision due to various traffic flow issues. Nobody is happy about this situation that has now seen four time-table changes since the service was introduced.

We fully appreciate the fact that we now have these services since the commercial companies took them off us, but the organisation has left a lot to be desired and is being addressed. If you want to complain yourselves, put your concerns to Flintshires Streetscene and the Traffic Commissioner, but please make sure you are constructive and use facts.

We also understand that the information has been passed on to users today, is on the County Council website and will be on bus stops on Monday. We will also do or best to get the new times in local notice boards and businesses asap.

We hope this information is helpful to you, and please do your best to put the word around as much as possible.

Pen-y-ffordd County and Community Council


Sarah Hughes