Regional Homeless Strategy

The Regional Homeless Strategy adopted by Flintshire County Council identifies Rough Sleeping as a priority area of work. Services have been working on a number of initiatives to support Rough Sleepers in our County, one of which is the introduction of the Streetlink App which enables a more consistent method of reporting rough sleeping and allows better data collection to ensure we target support in the areas it is most required.

Streetlink is the first step someone can take to ensure rough sleepers are connected to local services and support available to them.

If you are concerned about someone over the age of 18 that you have seen sleeping rough you can send an alert to Streetlink. The details you provide are sent direct to the Local Authorities Homeless and Outreach Services to help them find the individual and connect them to support.

The person submitting the Streetlink alert receives details of the action the Local Authority normally takes when a person is sleeping rough.

If you suspect the person is under 18 please do not contact Streetlink but instead call the Police to report this.

The Streetlink website address is and can be downloaded onto all Apple or Android devices.

Sarah Hughes