Notes from the November 2020 Council Meeting

For the purpose of communicating as soon as reasonably possible to our residents, please view below the Notes from the October Ordinary Meeting for your information. These are not council minutes and have not been passed to Council for approval and therefore amendments may be made before submitting to the council for approval at the next meeting. These Notes will be removed and replaced with the formal approved minutes at the next meeting of the council.


Notes of the (Zoom) Virtual Meeting held on Wednesday 11th November 2020


For the purpose of communicating as soon as reasonably possible to our residents, these are notes taken from the meeting and are not approved minutes, therefore, amendments may be made before submitting to the council for approval.


To review and report on any Matters Arising from previous meetings.

Min 78 The 2 x Christmas Trees will be purchased from Hawarden Estates and Mega Electrical will arrange collection.  It was also reported that the Red Lion are holding a Christmas event on 28th November and will be requesting residents to switch Christmas lights on simultaneously at 7pm.  It had been suggested the council be involved with the switching on of their lights.  The Clerk advised she had made enquires with the contractor and this can be done, however, there would be additional costs involved as each Christmas light is on an individual timer which would need altering to 4pm after the event.

A request has also been made by a resident whether a Santa could be fixed to the clock tower.

The council would like participate in the light switch on, the clerk will obtain the exact costs and inform members.  The council also approved to purchase a suitable Santa to affix to the clock tower.

Min 86  Ms R Brown advised that the Co-op would not be installing additional CCTV to the rear of the building which would cover the Millstone play area.

Cllr Williams reported that he has since met with the PCSO and liaised again with the Co-op regarding the possibility of installing CCTV at the rear of the building which would only be accessible to the police.  The Co-op are making further enquiries.

Min 89 The council has further written to Ian Roberts, Leader of the Council in response to his letter regarding school transport.

Min 93 Cllr Williams advised that he has spoken with McBryde Homes regarding the hedges and they informed him that it has been trimming and thinning work.

Min 97  Very positive results from the Councils letter to the local schools regarding the issue of antisocial behaviour.

Min 107 The meeting with Julie James Housing Minister and Hannah Blythan was rescheduled for 12th November, however, it has now been rescheduled again for the 30th November.

Public Questions

An email was received from a resident raising concern regarding the speed of vehicles up and down Vounog Hill.

The council will request FCC to undertake a speed survey on the Vounog together with additional location of Rhos Road and Corwen Way.  On receipt of the result the council will consider what action if any can be taken.

Planning Applications

a)    To report and consider the following planning applications received from Flintshire County Council:

               i.      Ref: 061805.  Proposed Single-Storey and Two-Storey Rear Extensions.  16 Vounog Hill, Penyffordd.

             ii.     Ref: 061748.  Demolition of existing dwelling and proposed erection of replacement dwelling house over, (Partly), existing footprint including all other works relating to. Oakfield, 11 Wrexham Road, Penyffordd.

           iii.      Ref: 061669.  Application for removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission. (Previous renewal reference: 057324).  Land at Cambrian House, Station Way, Vounog Hill, Penyffordd

            iv.     Ref: 061816.  Erection of single storey rear extension.  3 Westfield Drive, Penyffordd.

             v.      Ref: 061512.  Proposed Single Storey Rear Extension.  Foxglove, Penymynydd Road, Penymynydd.

The Council has no objection to all of the above applications, but request any concerns of local residents be forwarded to them for consideration. The council reserves the right to make further comments should any issues or concerns be raised.  Provided the proposal does not negatively impact on neighbours or local environment, streetscene etc and complies with all relevant policy, they will be happy for a delegated decision.  

b)    To report on the Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council:            

                i.     Ref: 061247.  Detached dwelling with detached garage.  Style End, Chester Road, Penymynydd.  Approved

              ii.     Ref: 061240.  Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a petrol filling station (sui generis) and associated retail facilities (use class A1) and supporting amenities and, a drive-thru coffee shop with associated access, car parking and servicing. Dobshill Garage, Chester Road, Dobshill.  Approved

c)    There is nothing further to report on the progress of the Vounog Hill public enquiry or the issue of drainage at the Redrow development Chester Road.  Cllr Williams reported that a new application is imminent for Rhos Road which is now being developed by McBryde Homes.

External Audit of Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2020

The Annual Return has been received back together with the Issues Arising Report.  The External Auditor has only reported two minor issues:

1.         Expenditure powers - S137 power incorrectly used

What is the issue? - Payments were made to one or more of the following: a local social, sports or youth club(s) which could have been authorised under S19 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, power to provide recreational facilities within and outside of the area.

Why has this issue been raised? The council incorrectly recorded items as Section 137 payments when other statutory powers existed.  A payment cannot be recorded under S137 if another statutory powers exists.

What do we recommend you do? - The council must ensure in future years that it reviews the list of statutory powers available to council to establish if a power exists before relying on S137 to authorise a payment. The statutory power being used to authorise expenditure should be recorded alongside the item to demonstrate the council has properly followed its standing orders and financial regulations.

The Clerk reported that this particular payment relates to a grant made to Penyffordd Run Club.  They have noted that this should be recorded under the Local Government (miscellaneous provisions) Act 1976 section 19 which relates to recreational facilities, she recorded it as Local Government Act 1972, S137 as it was of her opinion at the time that as the run club does not have facilities as such it would fall into this power. 

2.         Internal Auditor's recommendations

What is the issue? -The internal auditor has noted some recommendations in the financial systems of the council.

Why has this issue been raised? - The council is exposed to the risks associated with these recommendations.

What do we recommend you do? - The council must implement the recommendations made by the internal auditor to improve the financial systems of the council as soon as possible or in any event before the end of the current financial year

The Clerk reported that this relates to the Financial Regs and Purchase Order System which the council  we have already addressed.

The Annual Return Yr Ended 31 March 2020 was received and approved by the Council.  The Notice of Conclusion of Audit has been displayed (for 14 days) on the noticeboards and website.  The requisite information has also been uploaded to the Councils website.

To Receive the Monthly County Councillors Report

Cty Cllr Hinds submitted her report in advance of the meeting which was received and noted.  Cllr Williams encouraged members to continue to circulate and communicate the Business Support Grants for all local businesses.

Environment Working Group

a)    To receive the minutes from the meeting held on 5th November 2020.

b)    The Chair reported that the working group are looking at options to replace the skate ramps with concrete ramps and have been liaising with FLVC regarding any potential grant funding.  They are also looking to the possible relation of the existing ramps to Dobshill but need to consider a safe route and costs.  Any final proposals will need to meet with the approval of the young people and nearby residents.

c)    To work is near complete on the Digital Trail and the Chair wished to thank all members and residents who have contributed.  The Chair sought approval from the Council that the ‘App’ can now be launched?  The council approved the NE Wale Digital App to be launched.  Cllr Bestwick will liaise with Jo Danson.

d)    Cllrs Hinds and Williams reported that after speaking with FCC they have advised that they are going to look into installing a higher wooden gate which FCC will have to fully fund due to various implications.  They both will visit the residents to explain and for options on how they wish to spend the £100 prize.

e)    A quote for the artwork for the Circular Walks has been obtained: 2 x designs done at the same time £330 or if they were done at separate times £220 each (=£440).  Cllr Bestwick also estimated that the printing of the leaflets will be in the region of £150.  The council approved the artwork and printing of the two new circular walks.

f)     Cllr Bestwick reported that earlier in the year the council had been successful in a wildlife garden grant to be used on the land behind West View play area.  The council have been pursuing FCC for several months to seek approval and lease of this land and he was pleased to report that progress is finally being made and it is hopefully that the community council will be able to lease and protect this land for the next 10 years. 

Community Facilities

a)    Youth Club – Community Hwb.  They are currently out to tender for the Feasabilty Study and have to date received interest.  The closing date is the 12th November.  A meeting will then be held on the 19th November with the Community Hwb, Cadwyn Clwyd and FLVC to review the applications and make an appointment.  The report was received and noted.

b)    Community Changing Rooms/Portacabins.  Cllr Williams advised that due to the Firebreak Lockdown they have been unable to obtain a formal quote for the groundworks.  The council has previously agreed to finance the service works (electric & water) and groundworks but require the formal estimate before approving.

Penyffordd War Memorial Refurbishment Project (Section 106 Agreement)

Following the approval last month, it has come to light that there is a retention payment of £2856.84 which will be paid in March 2021.

The retention is a standard contractual condition whereby 3% (in this case) of the invoiced project cost is retained as a financial incentive for builders to complete the project and to correct any defects or snags.

This was an oversight by the clerk and WMI when questioned whether there were any further payments to be made.  Therefore, the £2950 initially thought to be remaining is already allocated to the retention sum to be paid in March 2021 and therefore can not be considered as part of the £8,000.

The report was received and noted and the council concluded that they had agreed to offer additional financial assistance in order to assist with the completion of the only community building.  The council therefore approved £8000 donation/grant which will be funded from the Community Buildings budget.

Play Areas

Westview Play Area - the council had applied for £10,000 match funding from FCC for Westview and/or Dobshill play areas which was approved.  As Dobshill will receive improvements via S106 money, that leaves a maximum of £20,000 funding for Westview.  On the advice from Richard Roberts this level of funding was not required for this play area and the council has the opportunity to only match fund £5,000.

Two designs and quotes have been reviewed by the Environment Group, however, further work is required and there is no recommendation at this stage.  The report was received and noted.  This will be included on the December agenda.


The CCTV at the Millstone ply area has been vandalised/damaged (water ingress) and the contactor has been unable to fix during the service.  It has also been referred back to the manufacture without success.

The council considered 1) to potentially claim on the insurance due to the unit being vandalised at an excess cost of £100 or 2) purchase a new unit which would be in the region of £1500-£2000.

The council requested the clerk to submit a claim to Zurich Insurance for a replacement camera as soon as possible.

Speed Signage

Cllr Williams provided members with information on various speed signs which the council could maybe consider purchasing and installing around the villages.

Due to the speed survey requests mentioned in Min 113, the council will wait to receive the result before considering further.

Welsh Government Consultations

a)    Regulations to establish corporate joint committees

b)    Establishing Town and Country Planning (Strategic Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2021 

Cllrs Bestwick, Ransome, Blackman, Hinds and Williams will form a Working Group to fully review and prepare draft responses for the council to consider.  This will be included on the December agenda. Responses for both consultations are required to be submitted by 4th Jan 2021


Cllr Ransome confirmed that the Covid Volunteer Group is primarily there to offer support to the village during this time whilst the Red Team does a bit of both fundraising and support together with the Red Lion.  Both groups she believes are led by Julie Jones with assistance from Sarah Kenworthy.

The Red Team have linked with FOPS at school and are linking with the PACA group of volunteers and have set out plans as on Facebook for further distribution of support and events re Xmas.  The report was received and noted.


The council has received a request from Caroline Thomson the individual resident who is responsible for the defibrillator located at the WMI to fund a replacement light. The total cost will be £60.

The Clerk also asked whether the council would/should consider to fund ongoing maintenance for all of the village defibrillators?  Cllr Blackman suggested the council should consider a budget for replacing a defibrillator should it be damaged.

The council will fund the replacement cabinet light for the defibrillator located on the WMI and will also include a Defibrillator Budget for 2021/22.  Enquiries will be made with the responsible persons for the three village defibrillators regarding insurance & if required the council will take on the responsibility and include on the council insurance policy.

Annual Grant Application

The Clerk had prepared and circulated all applications received in advance of the meeting. Members reviewed all applications received and allocated the grant amounts below.

There were fewer applications received than in previous years which could be a result of covid.  Due to the full grant budget not being allocated, consideration was made as how this could be utilised.

The remaining balance of the grant budget will be held in reserves and carried forward to 2021/22.  This would allow a higher grant budget for November 2021 which could assist potentially a higher number of struggling groups/organisations that restart after the covid pandemic.

Grants were awarded to the following groups and cheques/payments will be prepared for authorisation at the December meeting:

Pontblyddyn Cricket Club                         £250.00

Penyffordd Tennis Club                            £250.00

Penyffordd Beaver Scout Colony           £300.00

Penyffordd Bowling Club                          £300.00

Penyffordd Brownies                                 £250.00

Friends of Penyffordd School                 £300.00

Penyffordd Flower Club                            £250.00

Penyffordd Scout Troop                           £250.00

Penyffordd Parent & Toddler Group    £250.00

2020/21 Expenditure

The purpose of this regular review is not to amend the existing budget but to consider realistically where expenditure either will not be spent or potentially could be reduced.  Any underspend could have a positive impact on keeping the precept increase to a minimum for next year.

Clerks Review

The Clerk reported her existing contracted hours of work was 73.66 hours per month/ 17 hours per week and also reported the additional hours that have been worked during the past 12 months.  The council considered whether additional hours were required.

The Clerks contracted hours will increase to 76 hours per month/17.5 hours per week with immediate effect.

Bank Balances and Accounts for Payment

Bank Balances

Bank Balances as at 11th November 2020 – Current: £16,413.27 Deposit: £121,268.69  Play Area:£9,797.70

Bank Transfers                                          10/11/2020         Deposit Acc To Current Acc                      £10,000.00

Unpresented Cheques/Payments      102221                 Poppy Appeal Poppy Wreath 2019        £50.00

                                                                        102222                 Poppy Appeal Poppy Wreath 2020        £50.00

Accounts for Payment

Payee                                                            Details                                                                                                          Amount

Hawarden Estates                                    2 x 10ft Christmas Trees (cost tbc - max will be £220)               £tbc
Defib Store                                                  Replacement Cabinet Light                                                                  £60.00
PYF War Memorial Int                            Grant                                                                                                            £8000.00
Staffing Costs                                             Oct-20                                                                                                          £2224.96
Mrs S Hughes                                             Stationery, Travel, General Admin etc                                             £26.10

The above accounts be approved and processed for payment.  The list of accounts for payment will be signed by the Chairman of Council and/or the Chairman of Finance together with it being countersigned by two bank signatories at the first face to face meeting of the council.  The council approved payment in the November payroll of an additional 9.5 hours overtime for the Clerk.


The following correspondence was received and noted.

·      OVW –Training Sessions

·      NE Wales Metro & A494/A55/A548 Flintshire Corridor Improvements – Flintshire Stakeholder Briefing Note.

·      Audit Wales – Future Audit Arrangements for Town and Community Councils.   this will include a three-year audit programme, designed to meet statutory responsibilities while providing audit assurance at a reasonable cost to individual councils.  The Clerk will be attending a webinar on 17th November and further information will be issued in January 2021.

·      Flintshire County Forum – 10th November 2020

·      NEA Cymru Workshops – Welsh Government Tackling Fuel Poverty 2020-2035.

·      Police Report.

Members Items/Future Agenda Items

·      Cllr Blackman reported that street lights are still out despite being reported to FCC on the pathway off Penymynydd Road to the front of the properties on Billberry Close.  Cllr Bestwick also chased the report of no lighting on the walkway path from the Groves estate that runs from Oak Drive to Priory Road  The clerk will report this directly to the Street Lighting Officer and follow up the previous report on the walkway from Oak Drive to Priory Road.


The meeting commenced at 6.30pm and closed at 9.05pm

Sarah Hughes