Planning Appeals in Penyffordd

Dear resident,

Would you be happy for to have more developments in the village?

There are two appeals currently with the Planning Inspector for development on Vounog Hill and the Retirement homes on Rhos road. If you are concerned, it is very important for you to let the Planning Inspector know, and if you did not send any comments in during the consultation last year, you can make a comment for the first time direct to the Inspector through the following means.

If you made a representation the last time, you are also entitled to modify your comments if you wish.

Send Three paper copies of your representation to.

The Planning Inspectorate, Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, Cardiff. CF10 3NQ

The deadlines for comments are Vounog hill - 3rd February. Retirement Homes - 5th February

Further details can be found on for the Vounog Hill and for the Retirement homes

Introduction information will need to be as follows.

Vounog Hill by 3rd February

Re. Town & Country Planning Act, 1990 - Section 78 Appeal

Planning ref. 060319

Appeal Reference Number: APP/A6835/A/19/3240671

Proposed: Outline application for residential development - Land East of Vounog Hill, Pen-y-ffordd.

Retirement Homes by 5th February

Re. Town & Country Planning Act, 1990 - Section 78 Appeal

Planning ref. 060076

Appeal Reference Number: APP/A6835/A/19/3243303

Outline Planning Permission for over 55 retirement homes, Land south of Rhos Road, Pen-y-ffordd.

Please feel free to also put pressure on Julie James, Welsh Governments Minister for Planning, and first Minister Mark Drakeford,

Julie James -

Mark Drakeford -

Mark Tami MP and Jack Sergeant AM also need to be pressurised to get some control over the speculative developments that have so far seen four appeals won in this village. The more pressure we put on, the greater the chance there is of somebody eventually listening!

For further information, please contact David Williams, Cindy Hinds or members of the Community Council

Sarah Hughes