Vounog Planning Update
View of Penyffordd with Meadowlea in the foreground and the Vounog planning field bottom left
Vounog Hill Planning Application Appeal.
Dear resident,
Notice has been received today that the appeal against Flintshires decision to refuse planning on the Vounog Hills is to be an 'Informal Hearing'.
Residents who have submitted objections and wish to attend the hearing need to advise the planning inspector at the address below by Monday 13th January. Residents who have not commented and wish to do so for the first time need to send three copies of comments direct to the same address.
The notice that we have been given is a disgrace and something we are addressing, but if you can get anything off to the inspector by the weekend, that could help strengthen our case. In the mean time, it may be an idea to email the inspectorate explaining your dissatisfaction with the LPA for this short notice and as a holding message for your letter requesting to appear at the hearing or your new comments.
We really need to stop this application, so any support and pressure you can add on the Planning Inspector and Welsh Government can only help. The information and contact details you need are.
Re. Town & Country Plannng Act, 1990 - Section 78 Appeal
Planing ref. 060319
Appeal Reference Number: APP/A6835/A/19/3240671
Proposed: Outline application for residential development - Land East of Vounog Hill, Pen-y-ffordd.
Send to.
The Planning Inspectorate, Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, Cardiff. CF10 3NQ
The email address for any holding or other comments is.
If you are inclined to write to Welsh Government to express your concerns, this will need to go to
Julie James at
and Mark Drakeford at
For what its worth, you may also wish to CC Jack Sergeant and Mark Tami!
We hope this information is helpful to you and you will support our efforts to stop this disgraceful application.
David Williams and Pen-y-ffordd Community Council