The Future of Local Councils - have your say

An Independent Review Panel has been set up to consider the future role of Community and Town Councils. 


The review will: 

  • explore the potential role of local government below Local Authority councils, drawing on best practice 
  • define the most appropriate model(s)/structure(s) to deliver this role 
  • consider how these models and structures should be applied across Wales. This will include consideration of any situations in which they would not be necessary or appropriate. 

The results of the review are expected to be published in Autumn this year.

The Panel are keen to hear all views – from Community and Town Councils themselves, from the communities they serve, from the people they work with, from areas that have councils and areas that don’t. They want your thoughts on:

Q) What should Community and Town Councils be responsible for? 


Q) How should they operate? 

Q) What’s standing in their way to deliver for the local community? 

Q) How do councils ensure they best represent their local community?

Share your views with the Panel* 

More information is available on the Welsh Government website.

Alan Wight