Dobshill Depot Site Update
In March, Flintshire County Council announced their intention to build 500 affordable rental homes across Flintshire by 2021 under their Strategic Housing Regeneration Programme (SHARP) scheme.
More details of the scheme generally can be found on the Flintshire website here:
The old depot site in Dobshill was sited in March as one of the potential sites. We now understand that the intention is to present plans to the public in January 2018 for consultation. Once the public have had a chance to give feedback, the plans will be submitted for planning permission.
The old depot site is on contaminated land, owned by the local authority, and it lies outside of the existing UDP settlement boundary. It is likely to be allowed because it is a brownfield site and will bring forward affordable homes.
The Community Council have been and will continue to take an active part in the consultation process to ensure that the concerns of residents are addressed, including questions about who would occupy the properties, traffic, car parking, design and density of housing and the protection of trees and hedgerows.
New SHARP houses in Flint
The initial plans discussed with the SHARP team suggest a mixture of properties including 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, 3 bedroom houses, bungalows and a four bedroom house. We understand that all of the SHARP properties would be rental.
The consultation plans will be released in early January. As soon as we have them, we will share them here and on the community noticeboards.
If you have any questions or concerns, please get in contact.