For the purpose of communicating as soon as reasonably possible to our residents, these are the draft minutes taken from the meeting for your information. These have not been passed to the Council for approval and therefore amendments may be made before submitting to the council for approval at our next meeting.


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 8th January 2025

Present: Councillors Mr A Sloan (Chair), Mr P Blackman (Vice Chair), Mrs G Nethercott, Mrs L Overington, Mr A Ibbotson, Mr R Wakelam, , Mr D Walker, Mr D Williams and Youth Rep Miss N Boleyn.

By Video:  Councillor P Ransome

Also Present:    Mrs Sarah A Hughes, Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
Mrs A Chesworth, 4x Representatives of Penyffordd Bowling Club and 1x Representatives Ysgol Penyffordd

The Chair asked members to hold a moment of silence due to a family bereavement of a Councillor.

153.      Apologies

RESOLVED: Apologies for absence were received and approved from Cllrs M Rothero, J Priddin and P Kelly.

154.      To receive any Declarations of Interest – Members Code of Conduct

Declarations of Interest received were received from Cllr D Walker (agenda item 8a – min 160a), Cllrs Williams and Overington (agenda item 8b – min 160b) and Cllr Nethercott (agenda item 13 – min 165).

155.      To receive and approve the Ordinary Minutes of the 11th December 2024.

RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

156.      To review and report on any Matters Arising from previous meetings

Min 140 c) - The WMI accepted the councils offer to install security/safety lighting and the Clerk and Cllr Ransome met with the contractor to review the works needed and a quote has now been received.

RESOLVED: the works were approved, and rather than investigatory work, the remaining faulty lights will be replaced up to the budget limit of £1006.

Min 140 e) - the required permission had to be sought from FCC which has now been obtained and the CCTV Drainage Survey has been undertaken,

Min 143 – Cllr Williams considers that further investigations are needed regarding the S106 funds from Rhos Road and Hawarden Road, he will liaise with Cty Cllrs Wakelam and Ibbotson and once information has been obtained, will be included on the agenda to report to council.

Min 145 - The following Drop In dates have been booked, confirmed and advertised. 

Wednesday 15 January 7.00pm - 8.30pm Royal British Legion

Saturday 15 February 11.00am - 1.30pm War Memorial Institute

Wednesday 19 March 7.00pm - 8.30pm Royal British Legion

Saturday 12 April 11.00am - 1.30pm War Memorial Institute

Min 146 – Cllr Williams expressed unhappiness with the resolution and advised he had received complaints of the removal of the book exchange. The Chair advised this was a unanimous decision due to the life saving defib being compromised.  He suggested for Cllr Williams to look at alternative options for a book exchange.

Min 150 – It was questioned whether the Youth Club Building has now been re-opened? Cllr Ransome reported that she is ware that the Youth Club are temporarily relocating to the WMI and Cllr Wakelam advised he was waiting to hear back from FCC.

With regard to the CAT, all solicitors are in communication and currently waiting on the FCC solicitors.

RESOLVED: the Youth Club Building and CAT will be included on the February agenda.

157.      To receive any Public Questions/Correspondence

a)       Bowling Club & Ysgol Penyffordd Representatives – lengthy discussions were had and information provided regarding the club facility, services and requirement for the car par resurfacing.  Options were presented to the representatives about the possibility of opening up the car park to the wider community, which due to risks of damage to the green they advised would not be an option.

The Chair thanked all for their attendance and comments, which will be taken into consideration when discussing the agenda item.

**short recess to resolve internet issues**

b)      Mrs Chesworth – raised road safety concerns of Wood Lane due to the lack of road signage on the junction of Silver Birch Way and Poppy Field Drive.  Cty Cllrs Ibbotson and Wakelam will raise this with FCC.

c)      Mrs Chesworth provided members with an update of work she has been undertaking with FCC regarding school transport.  FCC Scrutiny Committee have advised there will be a Work Shop held in April for elected members.

Cllr Ibbotson advised that this Work Shop is for information and no votes will be held.  He will be looking to bring a further motion back to FCC once the 6 months has expired.

Members acknowledged and thanked Mrs Chesworth for all her work and efforts.

**7.45pm Mrs Chesworth, 2x Reps of Penyffordd Bowling Club and 1x Rep Ysgol Penyffordd left the meeting.

158.      Bank Balances and Accounts for Payment

To report balances of all bank accounts and to review and authorise monthly accounts for payment.

Bank Balances     Current £9782.6                         Deposit £199716.4                                 Play Area £7237.58

Payments Received

11/12/2024            Oliver Thompson                       Sponsor a Tree                                        £35.00

30/12/2024            FCC                                               Precept                                                     £41,154.33   

Accounts for Payment

Payee                                         Details                                                                                   Amount

Scottish Power                         Monthly Direct Debit - Electricity Changing Rooms                 

Mrs L Molyneux                       Plants - Dobshill planter                                                     £12.46

Pottles Plants                           Sponsor a Tree 2024 invoice                                             £1,019.70

Hafren Dyfrdwy                       Water Charges - Abbots Lane Changing Rooms             £51.46

WoodsWork CIC                      Nature Area Management                                                 £380.00

Mr C Jones                               Mileage and Expenses                                                        £6.30

Mrs S Hughes                          Mileage and Expenses                                                       £68.04

Staffing Cost                            Dec-24                                                                                  £4,072.17

AVOW                                       Payroll: July - Dec                                                                £171.28

RAF Youth Band                      Grant/Donation                                                                  £300.00

SLCC                                         Training Webinar - Clerk                                                £18.00

Defib Store Ltd                       1x Replacement defib pads                                               £60.00

TerraQuest Solutions Ltd      Plan Drawing for Noticeboard Planning Application     £13.20

Flintshire County Council       Alyn Drive Noticeboard – Planning Application Fee     £230.00

HSBC                                        Monthly Charge                                                                  £10.00

RESOLVED:  the above accounts be approved and will be processed for payment. The payment schedule was signed by the Chairman/or Vice Chairman and countersigned by two bank signatories.

159.      Quarterly Budget Review

a)    The Clerk provided the Council with copies of the quarterly summary, budget monitoring report and bank reconciliation (appendix A).  These documents were reviewed and no concerns were raised.

b)    In order to meet the requirements of the financial regulations and internet banking, it is necessary for a programme of regular checks of standing data with suppliers to be followed.


a)    the Council approved the above which was authorised by Cllr Wakelam.

b)    Cllr Wakelam will select invoices and the Clerk will provide copies of invoices and payment receipts to be certified as correct.

160.      Projects for Consideration within the 2025/26 Budget

The following proposals for projects were presented to council to be considered in the 2025/26 budget.  Each project was discussed and considered at length.

a)    Penyffordd Bowling Club Car Park - to provide funds to resurface part of the club car park, improving accessibility and safety for mobility impaired and young members and guests.

The majority voted to support the project and the Chair ran through the 4x size options and costs.  Each option and cost were considered and voted upon.

b)    Youth Club – the proposal from Cllr Priddin was moved and seconded by Cllrs Ibbotson and Williams, to provide assistance for funding the development of the centre with regards to extension, internal modifications and maintenance.

As the council already has an agreed budget of £15000 to assist the Youth Club with ongoing cost, once the facility is open, it was suggested that that the £4000 grant be utilised from this budget.


a)    The majority were in support of the project to be included in the 2025/26 budget and approved option 3, upto the value of £12034(ex vat).  Cllr Ibbotson will be the Project Lead and will obtain further like for like quotes.

**8.20pm 2x Reps of Penyffordd Bowling Club left the meeting

b)    It was unanimously approved that for 2025/26, a grant of £4000 will be awarded to the Youth Club, once the CAT is complete, and will be taken from the existing £15,000 budget.

**8.24pm Cllr Walker left the meeting

161.      Community Council Draft Estimates for 2025/26

The Council reviewed and considered the draft estimates for 2025/26 together with a report which detailed reasons of increases/decreases. The Chair invited Councillors to comment on the estimates before them and discuss any amendments.

Cllr Sloan provided information and costings to members of the drainage work to the Youth Club Car Park following the CCTV Drainage Survey.  4x options and quote of works were presented and considered.

RESOLVED: members approved to budget for partial drainage works (SW separation works) on the Youth Club car park up to the value of £8334.00.  The necessary adjustments (below) will be made to the budget:

·         1.15 – Tree Maintenance - reduced from £4000 to £2000

·         1.16 – Dobshill Play Area - reduced from £18000 to £15000

·         2.21 – Newsletter/Annual Report - reduced from £1000 to £500

·         7.1 – Community Project: Car Parking – decreased from £21335 to £20368

·        Working Balance 2025/26 – increased from £45000 to £46000

The Council’s precept requirement for 2025/26 be approved as £124,611 (one hundred and twenty-four thousand, six hundred and eleven pounds) and that Flintshire County Council be informed accordingly.  This equates to the Band D sum of £53.84p per year, which is an increase of £0.02p (0.04%) based on a Band D property.  The Chairman and Clerk be authorised to sign the declaration of precept requirement for submission to Flintshire County Council.

162.      Planning Applications

a)    No planning applications have been received.

b)    There were no Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council.

i.     LDC/000189/23. LDC - use of land as part of curtailing of dwelling. Pheasant Fields, Lower Mountain Road, Penyffordd.  Refused

163.      Councillor Vacancy

Due to the resignation of Oliver Thompson and in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1972 (Section 87(2)) the council advertised a Casual Vacancy for a period of 14 days.  This resulted in no election being requested and therefore the council are now required to advertise for co-option.

RESOLVED: the Notice of Co-option will be advertised on the noticeboards, website and facebook.  Applicants will be asked to provide a Letter of Application, followed by an interview on the Tuesday 4th February.  Closing date for applications will be 31st January 2025.

164.      Council Representative – Penyffordd War Memorial Committee

Due to the resignation of Cllr Thompson members considered a nomination for the appointment to the WMI Committee as the Council Representative.

RESOLVED: Cllr Nethercott be nominated as the councils War Memorial Committee representative.

**9.00pm Miss Boleyn left the meeting

165.      Ysgol Penyffordd – Parking

A response from Mr GD Jones, FCC Planning, Team Leader - Development Management has now been received and shared with members.  As School Governor, Cllr Nethercott advised that this information has not been shared by FCC with the school and that she will now ensure it is done so.  There is a School Governor meeting on 21st January where this will be reported and discussed.

RESOLVED: before any further action or communication, the council will allow the school and School Governors the time to review and discuss the Planning Officers response. The council will await to hear from the school.

166.      Community Facilities

Changing Rooms

a)    Members reviewed the draft Hiring & Lettings Policy, which includes the requirement of cleaning by users.

b)    The council considered appointment of members for the main council contact.


a)    The Hiring and Lettings Policy was approved for issue.  The requirement of cleaning will be kept under review.

b)    Cllr Williams appointed as 1st contact and the Clerk as 2nd contact.

167.      Play Areas

a)    Dobshill – Cllr Ibbotson reported that Hanson have very kindly agreed to donate the aggregate, which the contractor is happy to accept and will adjust the costs accordingly.  Work is due to start mid to end of January, weather permitting.

b)    Millstone Pump Track – Cllr Wakelam reported that the Planning Officer advised that no new planning application is required for the minor adjustments to the track, however, he has asked for a drawing highlighting the amendments which can then be held on file.


a)    The report was received and noted.

b)    Cllr Wakelam will provide the clerk with the drawing highlighting the amendments which will then be submitted to Mathew Parry-Davies, Planning Development Control Manager.

168.      Flintshire LDP 2030

Members considered the proposal from Cllr Williams to canvas elected members and senior Council officers to have the next development plan in place by 2030.

RESOLVED: Cllrs Williams, Sloan and Ibbotson to draft a follow up letter for elected members.  Cllr Ibbotson will be taking back his original motion to FCC after the 6 month period has lapsed.

169.      Transport

Members considered the proposal from Cllr Williams to add pressure on Transport for Wales, the transport Minister and Local Authority for support in getting a direct service to Chester back for the village.

RESOLVED: the council approved for Cllr Williams to draft a letter, which he will present to council for approval to issue.

170.      To acknowledge and note correspondence received.

·         OVW & Planning Aid Wales Training & Events

·         Woodswork CIC Monthly report

·         FCC Promotion Opportunities – 3 weekly bin collection

o   FCC have been invited to attend the councils Drop In events and confirmed they will attend March and April.  Cllr Sloan will prepare notices to promote their attendance.

·         WeMIndThe Gap - Big Conversation in Flintshire.

o   Cllr Ransome has confirmed that she will attend.

171.      Members Items/Future Agenda Items

·      Cllr Williams advised that he will have additional quote for the changing room seating.  This will be included on the February agenda.

·      Cllr Ransome advised that the road safety concerns at the junction of A5104 and Chester Road still remain despite being reported to FCC

o   The clerk will report again to FCC and include the two Cty Cllr’s

·      The January Drop In Event will be hosted by Cllrs Williams, Blackman and Nethercott.

The meeting commenced at 6.30pm and closed at 9.37pm