For the purpose of communicating as soon as reasonably possible to our residents, these are the draft minutes taken from the meeting for your information. These have not been passed to the Council for approval and therefore amendments may be made before submitting to the council for approval at our next meeting.


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 12th February 2025

Present:    Councillors Mr A Sloan (Chair), Mr P Blackman (Vice Chair), Mrs G Nethercott, Mr A Ibbotson, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs P Ransome, Mr D Walker, Mr D Williams, Mr M Rothero and Youth Rep Miss N Boleyn.

Also Present:    Mrs Sarah A Hughes, Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer and 1x MoP – Mrs Bewley

172.      Apologies

RESOLVED: Apologies for absence were received and approved from Cllrs, J Priddin, L Overington and P Kelly.

173.      To receive any Declarations of Interest – Members Code of Conduct

Declaration of Interest received from Cllr Walker in relation to agenda item 10 (min 181).

174.      To receive and approve the Ordinary Minutes of the 8th January 2025.

RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

175.      To review and report on any Matters Arising from previous meetings

Min 145 - The following have been confirmed: 

15 February 11.00am - 1.30pm War Memorial Institute.  Attending – FCC Ageing Well Engagement Officer.  Cllrs Ransome, Nethercott and Sloan will be attending

19 March 7.00pm - 8.30pm Royal British Legion.  Attending – FCC Officer, 3 weekly bin collections

12 April 11.00am - 1.30pm War Memorial Institute.  Attending – FCC Officer, 3 weekly bin collections

Min 156 – Cty Cllrs Wakelam and Ibbotson do not have any update on the S106 money and will continue to pursue.

Min 165 - Cllr Rothero advised that the school governors are still to receive feedback from the LEA.   When they do they will be able to provide the council with the feedback.  Until they have had the feedback they cannot discuss further.  The next Governor meeting will be in March.

176.      To receive any Public Questions/Correspondence

a)    Email regarding the condition of the skate ramps at Millstone Play Area.  The Clerk advised that she has liaised with R.Richards who undertakes routine inspections and has included an agenda item below for further discussion.

b)    An email from Penyffordd WMI advising that due to the increased usage of the WMI by the community council e.g Councillor interviews and Drop In Events, they will be discussing and reconsidering the current arrangements of using the facility free of charge.

Given the various ways the council provides financial support to the WMI this correspondence was extremely disappointing to receive. 

The Clerk also reported that after the wifi issues at the last meeting she requested the WMI Committee to consider the provision of improved wifi on their next agenda, however, the council Committee Representatives advised that this is not included on the agenda for the next meeting.

c)    Mrs Bewley questioned the issue of overgrown trees affecting street lighting.  The Clerk advised that this has been reported to FCC Street Lighting and Streetcene.  Should no action be taken, the council will issue the appropriate letter.  She also reported a street light out on Melwood Close.


a)    The correspondence was received and noted and will be discussed under Min183b.

b)    The council will wait to hear from the WMI after their next meeting and this will be included on the March agenda.  The council, if necessary, will explore options for other suitable locations.

c)    The street light will be reported to FCC Street Lighting

177.      Bank Balances and Accounts for Payment

To report balances of all bank accounts and to review and authorise monthly accounts for payment.

Bank Balances     Current £23401.67                       Deposit £179926.4                                       Play Area £7232.58

Payments Received

08/01/2025            Hope Community Council         50% Cost of Clerks Training                      £291.50

25/01/2025            Mrs P Wallace                               Sponsor a Tree x2 (13 & 14)                     £70.00

28/01/2025            N Sadeghi                                       Sponsor a tree x2 (23 & 24)                      £70.00

29/01/2025            Mr A Wood                                    Sponsor a  tree                                             £35.00

30/01/2025            R Williams                                       Sponsor a tree                                              £35.00           

Bank Transfers

10/02/2025            Deposit Acc                                    to Current Acc                                               £10,000.00

Accounts for Payment

Payee                                                            Details                                                                                             Amount

Scottish Power                                          Monthly Direct Debit - Electricity Changing Rooms               £39.82

RN Electrical                                              Service of CCTV Cameras                                                           £525.00

Audit Wales                                                2023/24 External Audit                                                              £200.00

Groundworks NW Ltd                             Youth Club CCTV Drainage Survey                                          £1,144.80

Defib Store Ltd                                          Defib Signs                                                                                  £108.00

Mammoth Workwear(Evenlode Co) Staff Uniform                                                                              £133.18

Mega Electrical NW Ltd                          Remove & store PYF & PYM Xmas Lights (inc clock).             £2,485.20

Mega Electrical NW Ltd                          Remove & store - Dobshill Xmas Lights                                  £457.80

Flintshire County Council                       Street Light repairs (abbots lane)                                           £237.00

WoodsWork CIC                                        Nature Area Management                                                        £380.00

Mega Electrical NW Ltd                          WMI Security Lighting                                                                £766.80

Oliver Thompson                                      Members Allowance                                                                  £117.87

Jeff Priddin                                                 Members Allowance                                                                  £208.00

Pat Ransome                                             Members Allowance                                                                  £208.00

Glenys Nethercott                                   Members Allowance                                                                  £208.00

Andy Sloan                                                Members Allowance                                                                  £708.00

David Walker                                            Members Allowance                                                                  £208.00

David Williams                                         Members Allowance                                                                   £156.00

Mr C Jones                                                Mileage and Expenses                                                               £17.10

Mrs S Hughes                                           Mileage and Expenses                                                               £101.81

Staffing Cost                                             Jan-25                                                                                           £4,479.80

H&R Roberts & Son                                Materials for Groundsman. Changing Room                           £213.46
HSBC                                                       Monthly Charge                                                                            £10.00

RESOLVED:  the above accounts be approved and will be processed for payment. The payment schedule was signed by the Chairman/or Vice Chairman and countersigned by two bank signatories.

178.      Planning Applications

a)    To consider planning applications received from Flintshire County Council.  The Council also considered any additional applications that may have be received between the issue of agenda and the meeting:

i.     ADV/000043/25.  Application for Consent to Display a community noticeboard (metal) for council information to be displayed.  O/S 1, Alyn Drive, Penyffordd.  Supported, the council agree for a delegated decision to made by the Planning Officer.

ii.     FUL/000042/25. Construction of open sided carport attached to side of house.  73, Ffordd Glynne, Penymynydd.  Supported, the council agree for a delegated decision to made by the Planning Officer.

iii.     FUL/000011/25.  Single storey rear extension.  Bryn Alyn, Wrexham Road, Penyffordd.  Supported, the council agree for a delegated decision to made by the Planning Officer.

iv.     FUL/001070/24.  Extension to storage building, new banner advertisements, fencing and hedgerow boundary treatment.  Henffordd Farm, Old Hope Road, Penymynydd.  Supported, on the condition that the advertisements are not imposing, the council agree for a delegated decision to made by the Planning Officer.

v.     An appeal has been made to the Planning & Enforcement Decisions Wales (PEDW) in respect of the following.  The appeal follows the REFUSAL of planning permission by FCC and is to be decided on the basis of an exchange of informal hearing and a site visit by an Inspector.  COU/001034/23.  Appeal Reference Number: CAS-03869-G1C5Q2.  Proposal:  Change of use to a mixed use of stables, keeping of horses, a 2-pitch family traveller caravan site and 1 day room with associated gravel surface and access (part retrospective).  Location Land adj. to Hawthorne Cottage, Little Mountain Road, Buckley, Flintshire, CH7 3BY.  Appeal Start Date:  31-Jan-2025.  The council will resubmit their initial objection response.  Cllr Ibbotson will be attending the meeting.

vi.     FUL/000076/25.  Retrospective two-storey rear extension.  Hilton House, Chester Road, Penymynydd.

Cllr Ibbotson provided information on possible drainage issues, culverts providing drainage for nearby properties, possible highway drainage.  He has asked for details of the culvert and met with the Flooding Officer.  Once matters have been reviewed, should the issues be satisfactory, then he would be happy for a delegated decision to made by the Planning Officer, otherwise he will request that this application goes to Planning Committee.  The council fully supports Cllr Ibbotson’s response and will respond accordingly.

vii.     FUL/000110/25.  Increase in roof height new larger porch to front elevation, new rear extension.  25 West View, Penyffordd.  Supported, on the condition that there are no objections for neighbours, the council agree for a delegated decision to made by the Planning Officer.

d)    There were no Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council.

i.     FUL/001043/24.  Extensions to the porch, lounge and kitchen with conversion of the attached barn to living accommodation.  Daisy Bank Cottage, Old Hope Road, Penymynydd.  Withdrawn

179.      Councillor Vacancy

Following the vacancy advertisement due to the resignation of Oliver Thompson, the council received 5x applications, 1x of which subsequently withdrew. Interviews were held for the remaining 4x candidates on Tuesday 4th February.

The chair asked for members’ views on whether they would like to vote by show of hands or by ballot.  It was approved to move a suspension of standing order 3q for this item to enable a vote to be held by ballot.

RESOLVED: that Mrs Tracey Bithell received the majority vote and therefore be co-opted to the council pursuant to completing the declaration of acceptance of office.

180.      Community Facilities

a)    Changing Rooms – three quotes had been attempted, however only two quotes were received and considered for the installation of storage benches in both changing rooms.  To date no quote received for the spectators toilet.

The Chair also reported that despite the Clerk chasing the Football Club to complete and return the Hiring & Lettings Agreement and Booking, to date this has not been received and therefore no income received.  The Chair will liaise with the club and request an immediate return, otherwise a review of the usage will be considered.

b)    Penyffordd Youth Club Building and Community Asset Transfer – report provided by Cllr Williams:

•      FCC do not have a budget for future work on the Centre.  Youth services are keen for the transfer to take place asap.

•      There could be a possibility of a ‘softly softly’ transfer, details of how this would work is yet to confirmed.

•      Last week Alison Thomas Youth services, advised that the centre had to be closed again due to mould in the ladies toilet. This was being inspected asap and Alison would keep him up to date about its re-opening and future use, and that the Youth club will be temporarily run in the Institute?

•      The group met last week and their main task at the moment is to appoint official Secretary and Treasurer.  Local people have been contacted about these positions and we are currently waiting for responses. Any suggested names of potential helpers will be welcome.

•      More publicity about the transfer is due to go out in the next few weeks and public open meetings are being planned for the end of March, early April.

Cllr Ibbotson reported that FCC do in fact have a £8000 budget for the Youth Club in the current budget.


a)    The council approved the quote £1100 from Mr A Gittins to install boxed storage seating in both changing rooms.

The Chair will liaise with Penyffordd Football Club regarding the return of the Hiring & Letting Agreement.  Should this not be received within the week, appropriate action may be required.

b)    The report was received and noted.

181.      Bowling Club Car Park Project

Four quotes for the section of the car park to be tarmacked were received and presented to members to review and consider.  Cllr Ibbotson recommended to members that the 4th quote should be excluded as this quote included a reduced cost for the provision of advertising on site, which the other contractors were not invited to quote for.  Member approved to exclude this quote.

Cllr Ibbotson also provided information on the contractors varying measurements for the agreed area of work and that all contractors stand by these figures.

Cllr Williams suggested that the funds be transferred too the Bowling Club for them to manage the project.  Members objected to this.

RESOLVED: the council approved the quote of £12033.40 +vat and appointed contractor JA Williams to undertake the tarmacking of the agreed section of the Penyffordd Bowling Club car park.  On agreement from the contractor, work will be undertaken as soon as reasonably before the club’s season commences, however, payment will not be made until the new financial year, in which these funds have been budgeted for .

182.      Strategic Response to local flooding

Cllr Ibbotson submitted a proposal for the council to consider and to agree a desired outcome to pursue in

relation to flooding which included six suggested options

He ram through the number of options that the council could choose to press for. Choosing a more ambitious option would require the council to identify a suitable funding stream, or face the prospect of no action. However, choosing a less ambitious option may fail to fully resolve the problem.  All the options were all discussed and considered.

Cllr Sloan informed members of a scheme being ran by Welsh Water offering household free water butts.

RESOLVED: the council unanimously approved to adopt the following strategy, whilst this will not offer an immediate resolution, it will assist in community engagement, community involvement and make environmental improvements.

i.          A public information campaign on emergency measures people can take when extreme weather hits, by way of obtaining water butts, information leaflets and text message alerts. E.g When we get heavy rain, people stay indoors and do housework. They have a shower, put the dishwasher on, or do some laundry. That water drains into the sewers which adds to the problem caused by the surface water. If we managed to build an understanding that you minimise your water usage in heavy rain, that could help reduce the scale of the problem, although not solve it altogether.

ii.         Canvass Welsh Water to reconfigure the drainage system at the junction of Hawarden Road and Chester Road.

iii.          Canvass Flintshire County Council to separate the combined sewers on FCC owned properties.

Cllr Ibbotson will prepare the information leaflet and draft the letters to Welsh Water and FCC which will be brought back to council for approval.  Cllr Sloan will share the link relating to the Welsh Water – Free Water Butt Scheme.

183.      Play Areas

a)    Dobshill & Millstone play areas – Cllr Ibbotson reported that there have been delays due to weather and sourcing the aggregate from Hanson.  Work is hoping to recommence at the end of next month.

b)    Millstone Skate Ramps – following the public correspondence regarding the condition of the skate ramps, the clerk contacted R.Roberts FCC(Gwella).  He reported that there had recently been a Zurich Insurance Inspection, a copy provided to all members, which has highlighting an issue with the rubber mats, although, no immediate works are required.  He also questioned whether a contractor could look at the coping and as the winter months brings leaf litter, twigs and mud migration from the grass areas, he would recommend the skate tarmac surface area is power washed.


a)    The clerk and Cllr Ibbotson will continue to pursue Hanson regarding providing the agreed aggregate, however, should no response be received, the council approved as this cost was included in original budget and to prevent any further delays, the aggregate should be sourced and provided by the contractor.

b)    Cllr Williams will request Jones Brother of Leeswood to look and address the issues with the rubber matting.  The Clerk will obtain quotes for the remedial works to the coping.  The council approved for the tarmac area to be jet washed, however, this will be undertaken after the completion of the pump track.

184.      Youth Representative Report

Miss Boleyn provided members with a written report of her engagement with the community; advocating the welsh language; environmental issues; participating in the Young Flintshire Group and Youth Parliament Wales.

The promotion of the welsh language was supported and Cllr Sloan thinks there may be grants available.

Members thanked Miss Boleyn for the report and her engagement with the youths of the village.

RESOLVED: Welsh Language will be included on the March agenda for consideration to publish literature bilingually.

185.      Telephone Kiosk/Defib Lighting

A quote had been obtained to have lighting installed in the telephone kiosk/defib, however, due to the recommendation of an earthing rod being fitted, this increased the quote and totalled £694.  It was suggested the council could consider installing a solar motion senor light.

RESOLVED: the council approved the contractors quote for a permanent light to be installed.

186.      Millennium Clock and Garden

To date only 1x quote for the works required on the clock and paving has been obtained and the clerk advised that this has been ongoing for a significantly long time and that the council need to move forward asap.

RESOLVED: Cllrs Blackman and Williams will source the remaining quotes.

187.      Flintshire Local Development Plan – Consultation on Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance

The consultation was initially launched last year, however, FCC have identified that they had incorrect email addresses for a number of T&CC, and therefore relaunched the consultation for those councils.  Members where provided with the draft Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) relating to the below policy areas.  Consultation closing date 21 March 2025.

• Space Around Dwellings         • Retention of Local Facilities      • Affordable Housing

RESOLVED: Cllrs Ibbotson, Wakelam, Williams and Ransome will prepare a response which will be submitted for the March meeting.

188.      Flintshire LDP 2030

RESOLVED: members reviewed and approved the letter to be sent to FCC elected members.

189.      Transport

RESOLVED: members reviewed and approved the letters regarding the direct service from the village to Chester to be sent to Ken Skates, Mark Tami & Jack Sargent and Katie Wilby

190.      Highway Safety

Residents and members have raised concerns about safety of crossing the bypass to and from the station for many years, and with increased traffic and increased pedestrian numbers crossing at this point, improvements are now extremely urgent before a serious accident occurs.

Cllr Williams had submitted a proposal to canvas FCC to make highway safety improvements at this location, by means of the supporting correspondence and information provided.

RESOLVED: the council unanimously supported and the council will write to FCC.. 

191.      Buckingham Palace Garden Parties 7th and 20th May 2025

Members considered the OVW correspondence, where they were invited to nominate a Councillor to be entered into the OVW draw.

Cllr Sloan nominated Cllr Ransome, which was seconded by Cllr Nethercott.  No further nominations received.

RESOLVED: Cllr Ransome will be nominated to enter the OVW draw.

192.      OVW – Area Committee Survey

RESOLVED: Members reviewed and approved the response to the survey prepared by Cllrs Ransome, Walker and the Clerk.

193.      To acknowledge and note correspondence received.

·         OVW & Planning Aid Wales Training & Events

·         Woodswork CIC Monthly report

·         Penyffordd WMI – January Update

·         Public consultation on the draft Regional Transport Plan for North Wales .

·         One Voice Wales Annual General Meeting ONLINE 11-03-2025 –Limited to one attendee
RESOLVED: Cllr Walker will attend.

·         Quarterly Police Meeting - Iwan Rhys Jones, Flintshire South Inspector 13th Feb.
RESOLVED: Cllr Ransome will attend.

·         Flintshire Befrienders – aim to reduce loneliness and isolation among older people living in Flintshire Communities. Through the power of volunteering will increase social connectivity by adopting a three-pronged approach; 1. One-to-one befriending: delivered at home or by telephone; 2. Community buddying: Volunteer befrienders will support beneficiaries in engaging in community activities; 3. Group activities.

RESOLVED: Shereen Devine, Flintshire Befrienders Project Manager together with Sandra Donaghue, FCC Ageing Well Engagement Officer will be invited to attend the March or April meeting.

·         The Democracy and Boundary Commission Cymru has published its Policy and Practice document in preparation for the 2025 Electoral Review Programme.  The Commission is seeking your views on the Policy and Practice document and the closing date for responses is 24 March 2025.
RESOLVED:  this will be included on the March agenda.

194.      Members Items/Future Agenda Items

·      Cllr Sloan reported that he has been approached by Mr LeTessier regarding the community council taking on the 20 year lease of the Millstone Allotments and Community Garden, £1per year – paid in one payment of £20.  This lease would allow sub-leasing to the Millstone Allotment Group.

RESOLVED:  in principle the council were very supportive of this proposal and it will be included in the March agenda once further information has been received from Mr LeTessier.

·      Cllr Nethercott informed members of the Raise The Roof Concert being held at the WMI on 28th March, £5 per ticket, to acknowledge the 100 years of the Women’s Institute and War Memorial Institute.

·      Cllr Williams highlighted the launch of the Sponsor a Tree Scheme.

·      Cllr Wakelam reported on communication from Lee Shone, FCC Highways regarding improvements to Dobshill to assist in speed reduction, which includes gateway entrance, VAS signs, alterations to the width of the lanes approaching the roundabout.

·      Cllr Ibbotson will chase Ian Williams about the remaining VAS signs to be installed.

The meeting commenced at 6.30pm and closed at 8.45pm