For the purpose of communicating as soon as reasonably possible to our residents, these are the draft minutes taken from the meeting for your information. These have not been passed to the Council for approval and therefore amendments may be made before submitting to the council for approval at our next meeting.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 11th December 2024
Present: Councillors Mr A Sloan (Chair), Mr P Blackman (Vice Chair), Mrs P Ransome, Mr J Priddin, Mrs G Nethercott, Mr A Ibbotson, Mr R Wakelam
and Mrs L Overington.
Also Present: Mrs Sarah A Hughes, Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
4x Bowling Club Representatives (BCR) and 1x Ysgol Penyffordd Representative (YPR)
The Chair asked members to hold a moment of silence, which was lead by Cllr Ransome, in remembrance of Mr Julia Socha who was a past serving councillor.
133. Apologies
RESOLVED: Apologies for absence were received and approved from Cllrs M Rothero, P Kelly, O Thompson,
D Williams, D Walker and Youth Rep Miss Boleyn. Cllr Thompson also submitted his resignation with immediate effect.
134. To receive any Declarations of Interest – Members Code of Conduct
Declarations of Interest were received by Cllrs Sloan, Ransome and Overington in relation to agenda item 8 (min 140).
135. To receive and approve the Ordinary Minutes of the 9th October 2024.
RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
136. To review and report on any Matters Arising from previous meetings
Min 84 - The National Forest application has now been submitted to National Resources Wales and will then go to the Minister in January.
Min 109/119 - Fflecsi Service, FCC advised due to the escalating costs of the non statutory Local Bus Services and the projected budget overspend on these services, a review was undertaken at the beginning of this year which identified that in most instances, 1 bus was sufficient to meet bookings/passenger demand and a decision was taken to procure the service on this basis. Ongoing monitoring of the service and in particular, passenger numbers and service delivery have not identified any issues or concerns with meeting demand now that the service has gone down to 1 vehicle.
Min 95c/119 - Cllr Kelly reported that he met with Penyffordd Lions last week to understand their set up and what they are looking for. Next step is a meeting with Cllr Williams to discuss the headway he has made and together devise a plan.
Min 137 - Prices have been obtained for the lamp post poppies – £95 for 20x poppies.
137. To receive any Public Questions/Correspondence
There were no public questions received.
138. Bank Balances and Accounts for Payment
To report balances of all bank accounts and to review and authorise monthly accounts for payment.
Bank Balances Current £15869.91 Deposit £ 158527.07 Play Area £7242.58
Payments Received
04/12/2024 HSBC Interest £877.92
Bank Transfers
14/11/2024 Deposit Acc to Current Acc £10,000.00
10/12/2024 Deposit Acc to Current Acc £10,000.00
Accounts for Payment
Payee Details Amount
Scottish Power Monthly Direct Debit - Electricity Changing Rooms £39.82
Festive Lights Ltd Xmas Light for Clock Tower £343.78
Lite 8 x new xmas bracket lights £2,692.80
Mr D Williams Reimbursement - Changing Rooms £78.51
SLCC Practitioners Conference 2025 - Clerk £626.00
Cherry Orchard Farm Ltd 2 x 12ft Christmas Trees - (Hawarden estate) £380.00
WoodsWork CIC Nature Area Management £380.00
Mr C Jones Mileage and Expenses (inc winter plants) £37.25
Mrs S Hughes Mileage and Expenses £75.77
Staffing Cost Nov-24 £3,867.59
Mega Electrical NW Ltd Install & decorate PYF & PYM Xmas Lights £6,108.00
(inc clock). Re-rope lights and install cut outs
Mega Electrical NW Ltd Install & decorate - Dobshill Xmas Lights £477.00
H&R Roberts & Son Materials for Groundsman. Planters & Changing Room £119.97
HSBC Monthly Charge £10.00
RESOLVED: the above accounts be approved and will be processed for payment. The payment schedule was signed by the Chairman/or Vice Chairman and countersigned by two bank signatories.
139. Planning Applications
a) To consider planning applications received from Flintshire County Council. The Council also considered any additional applications that may have be received between the issue of agenda and the meeting:
i. FUL/001043/24. Extensions to the porch, lounge and kitchen with conversion of the attached barn to living accommodation. Daisy Bank Cottage, Old Hope Road, Penymynydd. Supported, the council agree for a delegated decision to made by the Planning Officer.
b) There were no Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council.
i. FUL/000688/24. Proposed self-contained annexe, ancillary to the main dwelling. Rosewood, 31, Penymynydd Road, Penyffordd. Approved
ii. COU/00549/24. Change of use of Woodhouse Cottage from a holiday rental cottage to a separate residential dwelling. Woodhouse Cottage, Chester Road, Dobshill. Refused
c) CAS-02009-W1R1Z7. Castle Cement Limited, The Padeswood Cement Works is located to the south of Buckley, near Mold, Flintshire, CH7 4HB. Proposed development: Erection of a post combustion carbon capture plant, together with a combined heat and power plant and other associated plant and structures.
Proposed Secondary Consent(s): Authorisation under section 247(1) of the 1990 Act (order authorising stopping up or diversion of highway). Permission for the permanent diversion of Footpath 56 (301/56/20) to provide alternative access to connect up to Footpath 408/74/50.
The appointed Inspector will now consider the Local Impact Report and all representations received and determine which procedure the examination of the application will follow by no later than 23/12/2024, in line with the above Regulations.
140. Projects for Consideration within the 2025/26 Budget
The following proposals for projects were presented to council to be considered in the 2025/26 budget. Each project was discussed and considered at length
a) Penyffordd Bowling Club Car Park - to provide funds to resurface part of the club car park, improving accessibility and safety for mobility impaired and young members and guests.
The Chair invited comments from the public. Both BCR and YPR provided information on the growth of the club, usage of the club, benefits of the facility for the community and wider and the need tor the improvements to the car park.
b) St Johns Church Preservation - to provide funds to undertake a preservation survey of the murals within the church, which will in turn enable the church to obtain external funding for comprehensive preservation work.
c) War Memorial Car Park Accessibility – to provide funds to support improvements to the car park area and accessibility to provide a footpath, lighting and hard standing area.
**7.30pm Cllr Ransome left the meeting to represent the council at the Community Carol Singing and 5x MoP left the meeting.
Due to limited information on costings, designs for the car park, footpath accessibility and hard standing, Cllr Ibbotson submitted an amendment to the proposal for the lighting to be provided immediately and improvements to the car park and accessibility be considered further once quotes etc have been obtained and therefore could be considered in the 2026/27 budget.
d) Penyffordd Community Garden – to provide funds for the renovation works which includes the purchase of two new picnic tables, including one that is compatible with wheelchairs, two new raised beds, additional planting and the installation of gates.
Cllr Ibbotson highlighted that the council has a number of existing budget headings and available budget to cover the cost of these improvements (£2687) in either this years budget or next years.
e) Youth Club Car Park – to provide funds to resurface the car park surrounding the Youth club / Scout hut car park and improve drainage. Due to the current closure of the facility and FCC suggested/required works, Cllr Sloan submitted an amendment to the proposal for the council to consider initially a drainage CCTV investigation from this year’s budget.
**8.08pm Cllr Ransome returned to the meeting and Cllr Sloan left the meeting. Cllr Blackman stood as Chair.
RESOLVED: Cllr Ibbotson requested a recorded vote on each project
a) All comments and information received will be considered further at the January meeting.
b) The council approved the project and quote of £6665+vat. As this is specialist work by a National Conservation Specialist, it was not possible to obtain 3 quotes and the Financial Regulations were suspended. Supported: Cllrs Sloan, Blackman, Priddin, Wakelam, Nethercott, Overington, Ibbotson and Ransome.
c) The council approved the amendment and will fund safety/security lighting to be undertaken as soon as reasonably possible by an approved electrical contractor. Cllr Ransome to seek approval from the WMI Committee for these works to be undertaken. It was also approved in principle to consider the car park, footpath accessibility and hard standing in the 2026/27 budget. Supported: Cllrs Sloan, Blackman, Priddin, Wakelam, Nethercott, Overington and Ibbotson.
d) The proposal as a specific project was rejected, however, it was agreed that the improvements will be funded by the council in either this year or next year budget, utilising existing budget headings (£2687). Proposal rejected as a project, but will fund from existing budget headings: Cllrs Sloan, Blackman, Priddin, Wakelam, Nethercott, Overington and Ibbotson.
e) The council approved in principle the full proposal, however, it was agreed that the drainage CCTV investigation (£954+vat) is initially required as soon as reasonably possible and will be funded from this years budget. Drainage work quotes need to ensure they included the required NRW Permits. Further consideration will be given to the proposal for drainage works once the investigation results have been received. If received in January, it will be considered in 2025/26 budget. Otherwise it would be considered in the 2026/27 budget. Given the investigations and drainage work required, no resurfacing works will be budgeted for in 2025/26. Supported: Cllrs Blackman, Priddin, Wakelam, Nethercott, Overington, Ibbotson and Ransome.
**8.22pm Cllr Sloan returned to the meeting
141. Community Council Draft Estimates for 2025/26
The Council reviewed and considered the draft estimates for 2025/26 together with a report which detailed reasons of increases/decreases. The Chair invited Councillors to comment on the estimates before them and discuss any amendments which they would wish to be included in the final figures before considering approval of the final budget and the precept in January 2025.
The Clerk reported that there has been a slight increase to the Tax Base of equivalent Band D properties - from 2293.99 to 2314.39.
RESOLVED: the necessary adjustments (below) will be made to the draft budget and represented to the Council at the January meeting for consideration, approval and for submission of the 2025/26 precept.
· Adjustments will be made to the draft expenditure figures to include the approved works in this year’s budget as approved in min 140
· 1.16 - reduced to £18000 from £20000
· 3.4 - members will review current lighting and Cllr Sloan will be submitting a proposal in January
· 5.0 - rename budget heading from Grants to Grants, Community Engagement/Competitions
· 6.2 - reduce to £0.00 from £4000
· 6.2a - increased from £0.00 to £4455.94. Any income received from the letting of the facility will be redirected to this budget
· Create a budget line of £1000 for the Old School Site to cover any consultations that may be required.
· Create a budget line for St Johns Church Preservation Survey project - £6665.
· Income 2024/25 - Include 50% contribution of Clerks Training that will be paid by Hope Council
· Income 2024/25 – remove Estimated Hire Charges of £240
· Estimated Income 2025/26 – remove Estimated Hire Charges of £1000
142. External Audit of Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2024
The External Audit has now been received and a copy was provided to all members. The Clerk was extremely pleased to report that there were no issues raised.
RESOLVED: the Annual Return for the Year Ended 31 March 2024 was received and approved. In accordance with The Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 the Notice of Conclusion of Audit and Right to Inspect the Annual Return has been published on the website and noticeboards for a period of 14 days.
143. Play Areas
a) Plas Yn Rhos - Cty Cllr Wakelam reported that Mr Richard Jones of FCC is reviewing all retained S106 in general, however, this project is extremely large and uncertain of timescales.
Richard Roberts has advised that in order to place orders and get the scheme installed by the end of March 2025, he requires a decision from the council no later than December or an option is that the Match funding rolls over to next financial year.
b) Dobshill and Millstone Pump Track – Dobshill was scheduled to start on 2nd December, but due to weather conditions work on other projects has been delayed which has had a knock on effect for our projects.
The contractor has advised that the work is scheduled in, and it will be started as soon as others project are completed which will be governed by weather conditions. The intention is to start Dobshill first and install a hard base at the entrance, and if conditions allow, continue with the cycle path. However, if the land is too wet to work on, he will move down to the Millstone and put the temporary access in, ready to start when Dobshill is complete, again dependent on the weather.
Cllr Wakelam reported that he has requested and attempted to meet with Cllr Williams and the contractor regarding to alterations to the design, which is now a priority. With regard to the slight alterations, Cllr Wakelam will liaise with FCC planning to ascertain of an amendment to planning will be required.
a) The council approved the match funding and scheme for Plas Yn Rhos to be delivered this year.
b) Cllr Wakelam to meet with Cllr Williams and contractor as a priority. Cllr Wakelam to also liaise with FCC planning to determine whether an amendment to planning will be required for the alterations.
144. Hedges and Trees
a) To consider and approve using the drafted letter which will be issued to residents whose trees or hedges are overgrown and causing an obstruction.
b) To consider the request for the council to assist in tree works on the sycamore tree located on the pathway between Penymynydd Road and Coed-y-Graig.
Members wished to thank Mr Jones – Groundsman for the work he undertaken along the pathway/ginnel.
a) The letters were approved and will be issued by the council as and when required. A log will be retained.
b) Cllr Ibbotson is co-ordinating a meeting with Stuart Body, FCC Tree Officer to review the aforementioned tree.
145. Community Engagement – Drop In Events
a) To receive reports on the events held in November and December
b) Cllr Ransome had prepared a section of dates to be considered for future Drop In dates.
a) No feedback was received as the attendance was poor.
b) Members approved to continue the Drop In Events and Cllr Ransome will circulate dates and locations to all.
146. Alyn Drive Telephone Kiosk/Defibrillator and Book Exchange
The kiosk currently houses the defib and community book exchange, however, due to a number of failed attempts, there is regular inconsideration when the books are deposited affecting access to the defib. Members were asked to consider permanent removal of the book exchange.
It was also suggested to replace the ‘telephone’ sign with a ‘defibrillator’ sign.
RESOLVED: the council approved for the book exchange to be removed. Cllr Wakelam and the Clerk will look at appropriate defibrillator signs.
147. Noticeboard – Alyn Drive/Vounog Hill
The council has a budget of £1000, plus £250 reserved donation from Kays Group for a new noticeboard. Installation is estimated around £750, however, until the exact location is determined the clerk can not obtain a quote. The council will also need to apply for planning permission which is £230.
On liaising with Cllr Ransome who regularly updates all the boards, our current boards have one large door, which can be very tricky even in a slight breeze, so the Clerk presented designs and costings for a dual door board, which are slightly more expensive. With the costs of both style of boards, installations and planning will be over budget by approx. £600 – 1250.
Members were asked to consider the report, costs, designs and location.
RESOLVED: members approved the Tradition 30 Post Mounted Dual Door - £948.97 +vat & delivery. The location that will be submitted to planning will be between the bench and telephone kiosk on the corner of the Vounog Hill/Alyn Drive. It was acknowledged and approved that this project will be over budget.
148. Councillor Vacancy & Council Representative on the WMI Committee
a) Due to the resignation of Cllr Thompson and the vacancy, the Clerk advised that in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1972 (Section 87(2)) the council is required to advertise a Casual Vacancy for a period of 14 days. Should an election not be requested, the council would then be required to advertise for co-option.
b) Due to the resignation of Cllr Thompson, members considered a nomination to be appointment to the WMI Committee as the Council Representative.
a) the Notice of Vacancy will be displayed and Flintshire County Council informed. This will be included on the January agenda
b) As there were a number of apologies, this will be included on the January agenda for consideration.
149. Community Facilities
Changing Rooms – it was reported that the Management Committee have been reviewing the Lettings & Hiring Policy, with amendments being made. The final policy will be presented to council in January. In the meantime, a letter will be issued to the Football Club advising of hire charges.
It is anticipated that further quotes will be received for January for the spectator’s toilet and benches.
RESOLVED: the report was received and noted.
150. Temporary Closure of Penyffordd Youth Club
Members were provided with information from FCC on proposed works and the temporary closure of the Youth Club building. Cllr Wakelam reported that the heating is being repaired, which is hoped will reopen the facility.
In respect of the Community Asset Transfer Cllr Wakelam reported that FCC have advised that they are waiting for information from the Community Groups’ Solicitor.
RESOLVED: the report was received and noted. Cllr Williams will be asked to expedite the solicitor.
151. To acknowledge and note correspondence received.
OVW & Planning Aid Wales Training & Events
Woodswork CIC Monthly report
OPCC Newsletters #
Letter regarding the Appropriate Sum under Section 137(4) (A) of the Local Government Act 1972 - Section 137 Expenditure Limit for 2025-26. The appropriate sum for the purposes of section 137(4) (a) of the Local Government Act 1972 (the 1972 Act) for Community and Town Councils in Wales increases from £10.81 to £11.10 per elector for 2025-26.
Grant Thank You’s – Flintshire CAB, Wales Air Ambulance, Football Club, Trinity Chapel, WMI, 1st Rainbows, Brownies, Tennis Club, Wales Air Ambulance, Explorers.
The House of Commons’ Women and Equalities Committee has today launched a new inquiry on community cohesion
152. Members Items/Future Agenda Items
Cllr Nethercott reported that Ysgol Penyffordd are working at increasing community engagement and reminded members that they are invited and welcome to attend school activities such as concerts and school council meetings. Members just need to phone the school
Cllr Wakelam reported that FCC undertook a survey earlier this year with all schools regarding school parking issues, and it was disappointing to see that given the issues at Ysgol Penyffordd, they had not replied to the survey.
The council are still awaiting a formal response from FCC and Ysgol Penyffordd regarding the planning matters raised relating to school parking. Cllr Nethercott advised that a response from the school will be sent. The Clerk will chase.
Members reported that positive comments had been received on the Christmas lighting.
Cllr Ransome wishes to express disappointment at the responses, and lack of response from the FCC Councillors.
Cllr Sloan reported that as a thank you to Mr & Mrs Doricott for their continued spectacular Christmas light display, he will personally be providing them with a gift on behalf of the council & community.
On behalf of the council, Cllr Sloan will congratulate the Scouts on their wonderful and emotional Christmas video which has been viewed by many. Excellent work.
A Christmas message from the council will be displayed on boards, website and facebook.
The meeting commenced at 6.30pm and closed at 9.40pm