Council Minutes June 2020
Please see below two sets of minutes from the meetings held in June 2020. Ordinary meeting held on 10th June and the Extraordinary held on 24th June.
Minutes of the (Zoom) Virtual Meeting held on
Wednesday 10th June 2020
Present by Video: Councillors Mr A Wight (Chairman), Mr R Bestwick (Vice Chairman), Mr J Priddin, Mr D Walker, Mr D Williams, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs M Jones, Mrs P Ransome, Mr P Blackman, Mr M Rothero and Mr A Bakewell (Youth Representative) Present by Phone: Councillor Mr D Walker
In attendance by Video: Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council
15. Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillor Mrs E Davies, Ms C Hinds & Dr J Smith-Bellis.
16. To Receive any Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct
There were no Declarations of Interest received.
17. Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 13th May 2020.
RESOLVED: the minutes were approved as a correct record. The minutes will be formally signed by the Chairman at the first face to face meeting of the council.
18. Matters Arising
i. The Clerk provided members with an addition to the Virtual Meetings Procedure which refers to recordings of meetings.
RESOLVED: this addition was approved and will be incorporated to the Virtual Meetings Procedure.
ii. Due to the number of items on the agenda the Chair and Clerk agreed to defer Land at the Millennium Clock and Christmas Lights.
Cllr Williams suggested that a small group have an informal meeting in advance of July to prepare a proposal for the Christmas lighting.
RESOLVED: Cllr Williams will schedule an informal meeting to review Christmas lighting and prepare a proposal.
19. Public Questions
i. An email received from a resident 10.06.2020 raising concerns of the yellow lines on Hawarden Road being ignored and there being no warden support from Flintshire Council or Penyffordd Council. He asked if the Council could consider using simple concrete bollards (estimate half a dozen would be needed) to stop the incessant driving down the pavement and parking so that people could walk safely down the pavement?
6.40pm Cllr Wakelam arrived
RESOLVED: the council will write to Steve Jones and Anthony Stanford, FCC in a follow up to previous communication regarding traffic management of the whole village. As a temporary measure, the council will place traffic cones in the required area.
ii. An email received from a business owner 10.06.2020 in relation to concerns of the planning application Ref: 061240 and that the development will put their business under threat. The Chair proposed that the email be heard under the agenda item 6 Planning Applications.
20. Planning Applications
i. To review and consider Planning Applications received:
a) Ref: 061285. Extension to existing garage for storage purposes. 30 Min Y Ddol, Penyffordd. The Council has no objection, but request any concerns of local residents be forwarded to them for consideration prior to a formal decision being made. Provided the proposal does not negatively impact on neighbours or local environment, streetscene etc and complies with all relevant policy, they will be happy for a delegated decision, but reserve the right to comment further should additional information come to light.
b) Ref: 061337. First floor extension. 10 Corwen Road, Penyffordd. The Council has no objection, but request any concerns of local residents be forwarded to them for consideration. Provided the proposal does not negatively impact on neighbours or local environment, streetscene etc and complies with all relevant policy, they will be happy for a delegated decision.
c) Ref: 061240. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a petrol filling station (sui generis) and associated retail facilities (use class A1) and supporting amenities and, a drive-thru coffee shop with associated access, car parking and servicing. Dobshill Garage, Chester Road, Dobshill.
The Clerk read out the Public Question email and residents’ concerns in relation to this application
1) Loss of community Facility: Will the council consider the impact on community facilities? They have been trading here for the past 8 years, serving an average of 600 customers per week. They have a very strong loyal customer base, via reputation, product offering not available via other pet businesses and ongoing customer loyalty schemes. They have further supported the community during the Covid pandemic by offering free local delivery and click and collect.
2) Loss of existing jobs: The Kay group state they will be creating jobs, but with the loss of her business this will risk 6 jobs. In addition, the Kay group are trying to force out the owners of the existing petrol station with a further 8 or so jobs at risk. Will this be taken into consideration?
3) Road Safety: She understands the Kay Group wish to relocate the fuel station to where her unit currently stands stipulating this will improve road safety. From the experience of what they witness there on a very regular basis, she feels this is highly unlikely.
Most accidents here are by driver error and speed..
They have witnessed many accidents due to the speed in which cars travel in both directions and fails to see how the relocation of the fuel station will have any impact on that.
Minor accidents are very frequent from cars leaving her entrance when a vehicle comes around the roundabout too fast.
Other accidents have occurred in traffic queuing at the roundabout when drivers are either not concentrating and notice the slowed traffic, or generally traveling to quickly.
Therefore, will consideration be given to the increase in traffic flow this development will bring with potential further traffic issues on an already bad road?
4) Prior to the planning application above she had approval from the previous landlord to expand her pet business into the vacant unit next door, incorporating a dog friendly coffee shop for their many customers who bring their dogs. Her own planning application (060267) had been approved with the following provisions: The proposed coffee shop (A3), shall operate solely in conjunction with and ancillary to the pet shop (A1) hereby permitted. It shall not be brought into use until relocation of the retail use (A1) has taken place. In the event of the retail use (A1) ceasing, the coffee shop (A3 ) shall also cease operation. REASON: The coffee shop (A3) has been permitted on the basis that it is ancillary to the retail unit in order to control the level of associated vehicle movements, in compliance with Policy GEN1 of the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
In the proposed development plans this includes a drive thru coffee shop with associated access. Does this not contradict what was taken into consideration with my own planning application?
On reviewing the application and taking into consideration the above comments, members had a very in-depth discussion where pro’s and con’s were reported. Due to this potentially being a controversial application and the size of the development, it was proposed that the council should make enquiries with local residents and businesses, attend a site meeting and further review the plans.
RESOLVED: The council will write to FCC advising an extension to the closing date is required for further investigations on this application and an extraordinary meeting will be held on Wednesday 24th June. During this time the council will write to Dobshill residents requesting their comments and members of the council will meet with local businesses and attend a site visit. Cllr Walker agreed to post the letters.
d) Ref: 061043. Proposed advertisements for a new co-operative store (Amendment and/or addition). Land adjoining Millstone Inn, Hawarden Road, Penyffordd. The council expressed appreciation that their previous comments had been listened to and support the amendment.
ii. To receive Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council.
a) Ref: 061110. Application for the approval of details reserved by condition nos. 3 (arboricultural method statement), 4 (landscaping) and 7 (drainage) attached to planning permission ref. 053216 Offas Dyke, Abbotts Lane, Penyffordd. Approved
b) Ref: 061175. Application for the approval of details reserved by condition no. 7 (site investigation) attached to planning permission ref. 058310. Land West of Greenwood Grange, Chester Road, Dobshill. Part Permitted/Part Refused
c) Ref: 061070. Minor Works Planning Application at the Land Adjoining Millstone Inn, Hawarden Road, Penyffordd, for 1 No. External Condenser, 3 No. External Air Conditioning Units, 1 No. External Refrigeration Compressor Pack and 1 No. Amazon Locker. Land adjoining Millstone Inn, Hawarden Road, Penyffordd. Approved
d) Ref: 061079. Application for approval of details reserved by condition no's 3 (Plans), 4(Fences), 14(Travel Plan)attached to planning permission reference 059373. Land Adjoining Millstone Inn, Hawarden Road, Penyffordd. Approved
e) Ref: 061138. Proposed Erection of new Garage. Pheasant Fields, Lower Mountain Road, Penyffordd. Refused
f) Ref: 061127. Proposed Extension and internal remodelling of Existing Property. Pheasant Fields, Lower Mountain Road, Penyffordd. Approved
iii. To review and consider the current status of the ongoing planning appeals.
a) The Chair reported that there has been lots of communication/letters re: Rhos Road from the council, councillors and members of the public to the Planning Inspectorate, Welsh Government and the First Minister. He has also spoken to residents. He advised that when the detailed plans are submitted that the council must fully consider and scrutinise the plans. Unfortunately he feels that this would go to the High Court. Cllr Williams reported that he will still pursing this.
b) Rossett Focus Group had written to the council, copy circulated to all members, regarding North Wales - Planning Inspectorate Perverse Housing Decisions in which the Chair provided an initial response. They are considering starting a national campaign to expose the flaws in the Welsh Planning system and they wish to explore whether the council would wish to join them in this venture.
Cllr Ransome supported this and suggested contacting other T&CC’s to have one voice and share experiences and possibly training. The Chair and Cllr Williams recalled that a Group had been previously formed with other T&CC and Cllr Williams advised he would gather these contacts.
RESOLVED: Cllr Williams will obtain contact details for T&CC’s who were previously in support of working jointly in having one voice to fight against the welsh planning system.
21. COVID19
i. A review of the current situation and consider how the Community Council can assist, support the community at this time.
a) Cllr Walker reported that he has received the additional puzzle books and a few copies have been delivered.
b) Cllrs Williams & Blackman reported that the Book Exchange is still being well received and they are at the British Legion Mon, Wed & Fri. The numbers are certainly increasing. Additional donations would always be welcomed.
c) At the May meeting the council considered how further they could support the pensioners of the village, however, since this was agreed, it was highlighted that not only would it be difficult to identify the pensioner demographics of the wider community, it would also increase the estimated costs.
Cllr Ransome feels that this has been a missed opportunity as the council had agreed in principle. Cllr Wight asked whether the council should just focus on the pensioner’s bungalows or consider increasing the expenditure?
After a lengthy debate on if and how this could be undertaken without discriminating anyone, Cllr Wight proposed that the council should not pursue the matter of providing gifts for pensioners. This was seconded by Cllr Blackman and agreed by a majority vote.
RESOLVED: the council will not be providing gifts to pensioners.
d) Cllr Wakelam reported that there has been an increase in numbers of youths in the play areas. AB felt that play areas should now be opened as there is plenty of space for social distancing and this could prevent from youths gathering in homes.
The Clerk advised that the council are following both government and FCC guidance. Open spaces such as parks are starting to open, however, play areas remain closed due to the safety risk of touching the play equipment. She also advised that the police have limited resources at present and therefore would not be offering a routine patrol. Cllr Wight feels that there is a general lack of police presence within the community.
RESOLVED: the play areas will remain closed and future decisions will be made on advice from WG and FCC.
e) Cllr Priddin asked whether the council would consider having the ‘Clocktower Cobra’ permanently cemented in? Also he stated that the garden of the clocktower is looking in a very poor state.
RESOLVED: Members to consider suitable options for a location for the Cobra to be permanently sited for the July meeting.
f) Cllr Williams advised that the Red Lion and Penyffordd Covid19 are co-ordinating a Fun Run to raise funds for Chester Zoo and Welsh Mountain Zoo and any support from the council would be appreciated. Cllr Ransome said that she had been approached to ask whether the council would fund refreshments for the runners?
There were mixed responses such as the council should support this request; the council should donate directly to the charity; there are and have been many fundraising events in the community, how does the council chose which one to support; the council has a budget for grants for local community groups which are only considered once a year.
The Chairman hugely supports this idea but feels that the council should be offering practical support such as promoting the event, being present at the event etc. and members need to fully consider any request for financial donations as this money is received through public taxation. The council are due to review how expenditure can be reduced. How does the council identify one fundraising initiative from another. This was fully supported by Cllr Bestwick.
Cllr Wakelam suggested purchasing bottles of water.
RESOLVED: the council agreed to support the event by making a donation to the refreshments. The Clerk will liaise with the organisers to establish what is needed.
ii. Village Scarecrow Competition for 2020. The Chairman suggested that this should not be ran by the council. Two years ago it had been successful but unfortunately not well received last year. The village has seen some wonderful community engagement such as rainbows, teddies, snake and should anyone be willing to run the event he would be fully supportive.
AB feels that this would be a very good opportunity for community engagement from the council.
The Chair expressed concern that there was not enough interest in this particular competition last year and asked if there were any other ideas?
The Clerk suggested that the council could consider holding a poll on social media to gain an insight to what the interest may be and that if the competition was held it should be held during the ‘normal’ school holiday period. The Chair asked members to vote on 1) Run the competition 2) Initially hold a poll to gauge the interest or 3) Do not run the competition.
RESOLVED: the Council will initially hold a poll to gauge the interest in a Village Scarecrow Competition and this will be included on the July agenda.
22. Annual Return Year Ended 31st March 2020
A copy of the Annual Return was provided to all members to review which has been certified by the Clerk.
The Clerk advised that as a council this needs to be approved by either:
Obtaining an actual signature on the annual return.
Adding an electronic (scanned) copy of a signature to the annual return. If this option is taken, councils must provide the auditors with a copy of an email or letter from the chair confirming the signature is genuine.
The clerk may add the chair’s name to the annual return with a note that the chair has provided an electronic signature in the form of an email. The email should then be attached to the annual return when sent to the external audit team.
The Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Elector’s Rights will be advertised on the website. These documents will be made available from1st – 28th September 2020 (this is obviously a lot later than usual due to current covid19 regulations and social distancing).
The Clerk also advised that the council is required under regulations to publish the Annual Return and External Audit Report by 30th September, however, she has been advised that it is unlikely that the External Audit will be completed/returned before the end of September so we will therefore be required to display an appropriate notice on the website.
RESOLVED: The 2019/20 Annual Return was approved by the council and will be signed by the Chairman by way of an electronic signature and the Chairman will provide an email confirming that the signature is genuine. The Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Elector’s Rights will be advertised on the website together with a copy of the Annual Return and notice regarding the Publication of audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2020.
23. Model Financial Regulations
Following the Internal Audit, the Clerk circulated the updated and revised Financial Regulations for members to review and adopt.
RESOLVED: the Financial Regulations were approved and adopted.
24. 2020/21 Expenditure
The planned expenditure for 2020/21 is significantly higher that the precept. The expected spend for this year was £127,965 (and the precept is £98,374). The difference between the precept figure and the expenditure was due to the fact the council had over £40,000 unspent money. This does not take into account the S106 money or any reserved money.
In order to prevent a significant increase to the precept for next year the Chair and Clerk reviewed all planned expenditure to ascertain where budgets will not be spent due to Covid19 and where projects could be deferred which was presented to members in advance of the meeting.
Some members raised concern at where spending cuts had been suggested and asked for this to be deferred to allow further review. Whilst this was agreed the Chair stated that all members had received this in advance of the meeting to allow for the figures to be reviewed and comments/suggestions prepared.
The Clerk asked that in advance of the July meeting members should contact either herself or the Chair with any questions regarding specific budget items so that they have all the required knowledge/information to enable a productive discussion at the July meeting.
RESOLVED: this will be deferred to the July meeting.
25. Bank Balances and Accounts for Payment
RESOLVED: The above accounts be approved and processed for payment. The list of accounts for payment will be signed by the Chairman of Council and/or the Chairman of Finance together with it being countersigned by two bank signatories at the first face to face meeting of the council.
26. Correspondence
The following correspondence was received, acknowledged and noted.
A Planning Aid Wales – Online Training
Email - Northop Hall Council seeking advice re Speculative Planning Applications.
Supplementary Report from IRPW - The Principles relating to the Reimbursement of Costs of Care
27. Members Items (AOB)
Cllr Williams wished to refer back to Covid 19 regarding a report of a fundraising Fun Run - (please see Min21(f)).
Cllr Williams reported that he is looking to create a petition for residents to put pressure on the assembly to do a full review of the planning process of the Planning Inspectorate. Cllr Williams will circulate the information.
Cllr Williams advised that due to FCC not undertaking routine grass cutting, the entrances to the village need attention. Cllr Wight suggested that this should be deferred to initially the Environment Working Group to assess which areas and what works needs to be done as he would prefer investment into wild flower seeds. Cllr Williams agreed this would be done together with contractor estimates and asked for a delegated decision be made if under £500.
Cllr Blackman advised that the planters that were order some months ago will be delivered this week.
Cllr Ransome asked whether the council would be considering holding any event for either VJ Day or Remembrance Day? Cllr Blackman advised the British Legion are considering if anything will be possible but are awaiting on Government guidance.
RESOLVED: this will be included on the July agenda when further Government advice will have been issued.Cllr Ransome reported that the Welsh Government have undertaken a survey for youth on how Covid19 has affected their emotions/wellbeing. She advised that AB had taken part in the survey. AB commented that the results of the survey are worth reviewing.
Cllr Wakelam reported that the brook along the Millstone play area and youth club is blocked. Also the fly tipping of garden waste has not been removed on Penymynydd Road.
RESOLVED: Cllr Williams has been liaising with Ian Williams, FCC Streetscene and these will be reported.Cllr Wakelam requested that Covid19 Community Garden be included on the July agenda.
Cllr Walker advised that he has been in contact with Sarah Blake FCC Transportation regarding the reintroduction of a bus service to Chester given that some residents will require this service when shops/businesses reopen. He asked the Cty Cllrs to also follow this up with FCC.
The Chairman asked members whether they wished to have elections in July? Cllr Walker felt this process would be better undertaken at a face to face meeting if possible.
RESOLVED: the council will continue to review the updated advice from Welsh Government and review again as and when the AGM and elections will be held.The Clerk had previously informed members by email but wished it to be minuted that whilst Glyn Davies was working last week an anonymous resident had left him a little gift and card to thank him for keeping their village tidy.
The meeting commenced at 6.30pm and closed at 9.35pm
Chair…………………………………………………..8th July 2020
Minutes of the (Zoom) Extraordinary Virtual Meeting held on
Wednesday 24th June 2020
Present by Video: Councillors Mr A Wight (Chairman), Mr R Bestwick (Vice Chairman), Mr J Priddin, Mr D Williams, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs M Jones,
Mrs P Ransome, Mr M Rothero and Mr A Bakewell (Youth Representative) Present by Phone: Councillor Ms C Hinds
Absent: Councillors Dr J Smith-Bellis and Mr P Blackman
In attendance by Video: Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council
Victoria Clay – Pups and Pets , Niz Yoganathan - Dobshill Garage, Joanna Gabrilatsou. Director - Planning and Development – JLL (Planning Consultant for Client)
The Chairman and Councillors wished to pay tribute to Councillor Edwina Davies who sadly passed away on Friday 12th June. Although she had been too unwell to attend recent meetings she had remained in regular contact and kept up to date on council business. She had served on the council for over 40 years and dedicated much of her life to the community, Cllr Hinds referred to her as a very kind hearted lady with fantastic community spirit. She will be very sadly missed on a professional and personal level by many. Her funeral will be held on Friday 26th June, 12noon at Northop Crematorium.
28. Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillor Mr David Walker due to having a Declaration of Interest on the main agenda item.
29. To Receive any Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct
There were no Declarations of Interest received.
30. Public Questions
The Clerk had received and circulated 8 emails (from residents & businesses) submitting their comments to the council for consideration on planning application Ref: 061240.
31. Planning Applications
To review and consider Planning Applications received:
a) Flintshire County Council had approved an extension to the ‘Comment By Date’ .Ref: 061240. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a petrol filling station (sui generis) and associated retail facilities (use class A1) and supporting amenities and, a drive-thru coffee shop with associated access, car parking and servicing. Dobshill Garage, Chester Road, Dobshill.
The Chairman reminded attendees that the Community Council are not the planning decision makers, we are consultees and our comments get reported to the Planning Officer. They will take note of our comments but the decision is made by the Planning Officer who considers local and national policies.
Joanna Gabrilatsou – she advised that Kay Group is a national company for petrol stations and over the years incoprorated additional services such as Costa Coffee, Spar etc. This site had been identified, it is quite run down looking for redevelopment. This application would improve visability and the environment of the site and also increase employment. They have to date had very positive pre application meetings with FCC.
Niz Yoganathan – Dobshill Garage is a small family run business which is one third of their overall business. They currently are on a 10 year lease which was due to be renewed in 2 yrs. The loss of this garage will obviously have a very big impact on their businesses. They only became aware of the application via the media. They are unsure whether additional amenities are needed to break up long journeys as this is more of a community garage. Although they are obviously not fully supportive of this application/redevelopment, they have not formally objected.
Victoria Clay – her main areas of concerns/objections are the loss of a community facility which has been established for 8 yrs. They have a good customer base with averaging 600 customer per week. This is her livelihood as a sole trader and is finding it extremely difficult to find suitable alternative premises. She is also obviously very concerned for the loss of jobs for her staff.
Road safety concerns as the speed of traffic, driver error etc. These plans would certainly increase traffic. Traffic issues were raised in her own application which included a café and although approved did contain a condition which stated the coffee shop has been permitted on the basis that it is ancillary to the retail unit in order to control the level of associated vehicle movements, in compliance with Policy GEN1 of the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
Cllr Wight asked whether options had been explored to include the existing businesses and staff into the plan? JG replied saying that she felt if this was an option Kay Group would have approached the existing businesses.
Cllr Williams expressed support for the local businesses and feels that the transparency of the land owners during this process has been very poor.
Cllr Bestwick questioned the concern of additional litter that will result from these facilities/amenities. Does Kay Group have plans to target waste?
Mr Bakewell acknowledge and agreed the site needs redeveloping but unsure that this is the right application. Also unsure whether the village does actually need an additional shop.
Cllr Jones disagreed and felt that a shop would certainly be beneficial to the residents of Dobshill, especially those who currently would need transport to and from Penyffordd.
Both VC and NY commented that both businesses did have plans to renovate the buildings however this would not have been undertaken until the leases had been renewed.
Cllr Wakelam asked whether Kay Group will be putting up signage on the A55 directing traffic to the site? Concerns of staff at the Pet Shop and safety concerns for pedestrian access. JG replied that she could not give 100% certainty but was not aware of any signage for the A55. If this was the case Kay Group would have to go through the appropriate planning process. The proposed pedestrain crossing scheme does allow better/safer access with 3 crossing points. Staff from the petrol station would be TUPE’d over.
Cllr Ransome feels that signage is a very significant issue as Kay Group is a service station business wanting to bring customers in. This road has in the past seen a pedestrian fatality.
Cllr Hinds reiterated the concern of road safety and expressed her full support for local businesses. The pet shop is needed in the community and feels that Kay Group should have tried to accommodate this business.
JG advised that there is a step change in way customers buy coffee and there is a national campaign to get customer to use their own and will be offered incentives for doing so. It will be the responsibility of the Management on site to keep the areas clean. If there was an issue she would assume they would want to work closely with the community and council to address these.
A number of comments by members referring to the size and scale of this development in a semi rural area. The size and amenities are not required and have concerns of the road safety, waste and loss to existing businesses. Disappointing that Kay Group could not have worked with the existing businesses.
Cllr Wakelam concerned that there is no where locally for the Pet Shop to relocate to. VC advised that she has been looking for 4 months without any success, large corporate companies are not leasing to sole traders.
The Chair acknowledge that this is a very conflicting planning application and appreciated that FCC had allowed additional time for members to consider this. He asked members to vote: Support: 0, Objection: 6 and Abstention: 3
Cllr Williams asked if there was any scope at all for Kay Group to work with the petrol station and pet shop? NY confirmed that they are in early stages conversations with them, however, VC advised that Kay Group do not want to engage with them at all.
The Chair thanked the visitors for their time and input and hoped that it results in a positive outcome for all.
The Council will not be supporting this application and will prepare and submit their response under a separate letter summarising all the points, issues and concerns which have been raised by the council, residents and local business.
** 7.40pm Victoria Clay, Niz Yoganathan, and Joanna Gabrilatsou left the meeting.
b) Ref: 061168. Attic conversion with 2 new dormer windows. 7 Oakland Way, Penymynydd. The Council has no objection, but request any concerns of local residents be forwarded to them for consideration prior to a formal decision being made. Provided the proposal does not negatively impact on neighbours or local environment, streetscene etc and complies with all relevant policy, they will be happy for a delegated decision, but reserve the right to comment further should additional information come to light.
c) Ref: 061384. Erection of a garage. Pheasant Fields Lower Mountain Road, Penyffordd. The Council has no objection, but does have concerns regarding the size and scale of the building and the potential for future redevelopment. They request that any concerns of local residents be forwarded to them for consideration prior to a formal decision being made. Provided the proposal does not negatively impact on neighbours or local environment, streetscene etc and complies with all relevant policy, they will be happy for a delegated decision, but reserve the right to comment further should additional information come to light.
RESOLVED: the above comments will be reported to Flintshire County Council Planning and a separate letter will be prepared for ref: 061240.
32. Members Items (AOB)
The Chair reminded all members for future meetings that all documents should be read in advance of the meeting, there have been a number of occasions where items have been deferred due to information not being read and understood.
Cllr Priddin reported that he has received a large number of complaints regarding dog poo bins being full and not emptied. He, together with Cty Cllrs Hinds and Williams have been chasing FCC. Cllr Williams advised that he had received confirmation before this meeting that they will be emptied tomorrow.
Cllr Williams asked whether the Council would be able to hold future meetings in the British Legion to allow for social distancing. The Clerk advised that at this time it would still not be possible and we will follow the government guidance.
Cllr Rothero questioned members non attendance. The Clerk advised that a member would be disqualified should they be absent from meeting for six consecutive months..
Cllr Wakelam asked whether play areas are to reopen. The Clerk advised at this time play areas remain closed. Guidance on this matter will be taken from FCC and Welsh Government.
Cllr Bestwick advised that the Environment Working Group will be holding their next meeting on Monday 6th July.
Cllr Hinds advised that the police had been in contact with her regarding damage to the lock at the Millstone. She is unsure whether a new lock will be required. The Clerk will contact Ian Williams, FCC Streetscene.
Cllr Ransome reported that the Red Lion are holding a clothes collection through Red Dragons on Sunday 28th June to raise money for a local cause.
The Chair raised concern that the Red Lion changed their chosen cause for the fun run fund raising event. Initially it had been for Chester Zoo but then changed to Welsh Mountain Zoo, this is not acceptable and would not be acceptable by the Charity Commissioner. Cllr Ransome fully agreed with this and whilst it was a very successful events she suggested that as this concern had been raised it should be brought to the attention of the Red Lion to highlight the charities regulations. Cllr Ransome will speak to the Red Lion.
The meeting commenced at 6.30pm and closed at 8.25pm
Chair…………………………………………………..8th July 2020