Flintshire Local Development Plan (LDP)


Planning - the use of land in the public interest - is controlled through the preparation of Local Development Plans. Each local authority is required to prepare a plan, using content and methods defined in Planning Policy Wales, to define the scale of growth, location and distribution of growth and the quantity of houses and land for economic development needed over the plan period. Flintshire County Council are currently preparing their LDP for the period 2015 - 2030. It is expected to be ready in late 2019. The process requires different stages of consultation with the public and statutory bodies.

So far, Flintshire have:

Topic papers - Flintshire published a range of topic papers which set out different criteria to be considered and the broad approach
Settlement Categories - every settlement in the county has been grouped into one of five categories according to its sustainability (i.e. ability to sustain more growth). Penyffordd is in the middle category (Sustainable Settlement)
Candidate Sites - Flintshire made a call for landowners and developers to submit land that they believe should be included in the plan. These sites are all published online but they do not represent everywhere that will be developed.
Spatial Plan - Flintshire have consulted on their preferred Spatial Plan - meaning how they would like development to be distributed across the county (they have decided to base it on the sustainability of settlements, taking into account their location relative to the transport network and economic areas).
Number of Properties Needed - Flintshire have calculated that the 15 year need is for approximately 7,000 homes.